Academic Binge & Purge: Senior Year Struggles

  • Thread starter cdotter
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In summary, I believe that if you want to retain what you've learned in applied mathematics you need to use it. You should try to understand the concepts behind the procedures and not just memorize them. If you can do this, you'll be able to use what you've learned in the future.
  • #1
I'm beginning my senior year as an applied mathematics major. So far I have earned good grades, albeit at a very easy school, but apparently this means nothing because I remember so little of what I "learned." Even paging through lecture notes from the previous semester is hopeless. In some cases I can remember barely anything to nothing (calculus 3, for example.) Am I exceptionally stupid and forgetful or is this common? For what it's worth I have always intended to use my math degree as a stepping stone to medicine (or in failing to gain an acceptance, going back to school for a second bachelors in engineering) but it still feels like a waste of my life to have forgotten so much.
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  • #2
Hi cdotter,

I am only finishing up my sophomore year, but I find that applied mathematics can be forgotten quickly if I do not do exercises regularly. I think you can remember if you do a few exercises from the subjects you have forgotten--I find that math is not the sort of thing that you can forget altogether because it is a process of thinking and logic. Do you have any of your old textbooks, or old notebooks with exercises? Skim through them and I think you may surprise yourself at how quickly you catch on :) I feel I need to have another look through on trig--so it happens, but as long as you review I think you will be fine :)
  • #3
Hi cdotter! :smile:

Somehow I get the feeling you're studying the wrong way. It's very natural to forget a lot of the material, but the general ideas and methods should stick with you. HeLiXe has put in a nice example: trig. I can't for the life of me remember all the formula's with trigonometric formula's, but the general ideas should stick with you. That is, it's normal that you don't know the formula for sin(2x), but you should know what the sine represents and how to use it in triangles.
Studying mathematics shouldn't be about memorizing formula's or plug/chug exercises, but it should be about recognizing ideas.I guess that your problem is that you didn't study the ideas and the interconnections enough (correct me if I'm wrong).

Anyway, you say that you want to do medicine. I don't think that you can really afford to forget an entire course there. So I really advice you to rethink your study methods and change them if necessary.

Hmm, rereading my post, I might have sounded harsh. This didn't mean to. I just want to present some constructive criticism.
  • #4
My retention problems are much worse in mathematics than physics/chemistry/biology. In a science class if I see something that seems like it has to be memorized I can look into formulas/derivations/concepts/experiments to get a glimpse of the underlying motivations. If I try "going deeper" in mathematics I just get more confused because each level is necessarily more complex and abstract. An example is my introductory ODE professor taught us about the Fredholm alternative by presenting it as a way to solve a specific ODE in a specific form (or at least I think it was a way of solving an ODE, I honestly cannot remember.) Rather than simply memorizing the procedure I tried to understand it. But I quickly found myself completely lost as the theory behind is far beyond my level and I had to resort to memorizing and regurgitating. I had similar problems in statistics, linear algebra, and vector calculus.
  • #5
I'm a bit of an academic bulimic too.

This is mostly on stuff that I don't bother to understand conceptually (like programming syntax or anything to do with electronic circuits). I think the problem is that maths is a language, not a science, so can't be treated the same way. You have to use it to maintain fluency or it gets lost.

FAQ: Academic Binge & Purge: Senior Year Struggles

1. What is "Academic Binge & Purge: Senior Year Struggles"?

"Academic Binge & Purge: Senior Year Struggles" is a phrase used to describe the intense cycle of cramming and then purging knowledge during the final year of a college or university program.

2. Why is senior year considered a struggle for many students?

Senior year is often a struggle for students because it is the culmination of years of hard work and the pressure to perform well and graduate can be overwhelming. Additionally, senior year often involves a heavy course load, thesis or capstone projects, and the pressure to make important decisions about post-graduation plans.

3. How does academic binge and purge affect students' mental health?

The constant cycle of cramming and purging information can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact students' mental health. It can also contribute to burnout and feelings of inadequacy if students feel like they are not able to keep up with the demands of their coursework.

4. What are some strategies for managing academic binge and purge during senior year?

Some strategies for managing academic binge and purge during senior year include creating a study schedule, seeking help from professors or tutors, practicing good time management, and taking breaks to prevent burnout. It is also important for students to prioritize their mental and physical health and seek support from friends and family.

5. How can universities and colleges support students during their senior year?

Universities and colleges can support students during their senior year by providing resources for time management and study skills, offering mental health support services, and creating a positive and supportive learning environment. They can also work to reduce the workload and pressure on students during their final year, allowing them to focus on their academic and personal growth without feeling overwhelmed.

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