Acceleration and uniform motion are not making any sense

In summary, the concept of uniform motion is an abstraction and not encountered perfectly in real life, similar to drawing a perfect circle. It is a useful concept when learning the laws of motion and can be approximated in ideal situations such as an object moving in empty space far from any sources of gravity. However, in our everyday world, various factors such as friction, gravity, and other forces prevent uniform motion from being observed. This concept is further complicated by the fact that acceleration can be observed without reference to any external body, making it a more absolute measure compared to speed. Ultimately, uniform motion is a useful tool for understanding physics, but it is not a perfect representation of the world we live in.
  • #1
Seminole Boy
It seems like there is no such thing as uniform motion.

Example: I just took my pup to the beach. She crashed into many waves. We're back and she's asleep (at rest). However, her position in spacetime is changing because she's attached to the earth, which is moving, and the Earth is constantly changind its direction as it rotates.

A train moving at a constant 80mph on a "straight track" is changing its direction (through spacetime) even if it doesn't realize it.

Thanks for any help on this.

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  • #2
Seminole Boy said:
It seems like there is no such thing as uniform motion.

Example: I just took my pup to the beach. She crashed into many waves. We're back and she's asleep (at rest). However, her position in spacetime is changing because she's attached to the earth, which is moving, and the Earth is constantly changind its direction as it rotates.

A train moving at a constant 80mph on a "straight track" is changing its direction (through spacetime) even if it doesn't realize it.

Thanks for any help on this.

True, but if you insist on perfect rigorousness when discussing any aspect of physics, you'll never make any progress in learning nor will you make a good teacher.
  • #3
Seminole Boy said:
It seems like there is no such thing as uniform motion.
This is not nearly as complicated as you seem to think. Attach an accelerometer, if it reads 0 then the object is in uniform motion in the only frame-invariant sense of the term.
  • #4
Seminole Boy said:
It seems like there is no such thing as uniform motion.

Example: I just took my pup to the beach. She crashed into many waves. We're back and she's asleep (at rest). However, her position in spacetime is changing because she's attached to the earth, which is moving, and the Earth is constantly changind its direction as it rotates.

A train moving at a constant 80mph on a "straight track" is changing its direction (through spacetime) even if it doesn't realize it.

Thanks for any help on this.

In this context, uniform motion means unaccelerated motion, and you are right that neither the train nor the pup is undergoing uniform motion; both are experiencing acceleration because of the rotation of the Earth about its axis. However this acceleration is small enough (it takes seriously sensitive instruments to even detect it) that we can generally ignore it and use uniform motion as a very very good approximation in both cases.

It is important to remember that acceleration (not counting gravitational acceleration here - that's a different kettle of fish, requires a more sophisticated definition of "uniform motion") is something that we can directly observe without reference to any external body so is not relative the way speed is. Thus, we can measure the acceleration, decide if it large enough to matter or if we can safely approximate it as zero and use the uniform motion math. So there's never any ambiguity about the physics.
  • #5
Seminole Boy said:
It seems like there is no such thing as uniform motion.

Example: I just took my pup to the beach. She crashed into many waves. We're back and she's asleep (at rest). However, her position in spacetime is changing because she's attached to the earth, which is moving, and the Earth is constantly changind its direction as it rotates.

A train moving at a constant 80mph on a "straight track" is changing its direction (through spacetime) even if it doesn't realize it.

Thanks for any help on this.

I think you are beyond help. Uniform motion has been explained to you by many poster and you don't seem to have grasped any of it.
  • #6
One cannot draw a "perfect circle." Magnification will show the line as jagged and discontinuous. Uniform motion is, likewise, an abstraction which is not encountered perfectly in real life.
  • #7
1977ub said:
One cannot draw a "perfect circle." Magnification will show the line as jagged and discontinuous. Uniform motion is, likewise, an abstraction which is not encountered perfectly in real life.

The best approximation to uniform motion I can think of would be something moving in empty space far from any source of gravity. The pioneer probe would be a good example.
  • #8
Wait, so in the minds of some there is a distinction between uniform and inertial motion or do I misunderstand something here?
  • #9
Are you guys basically saying that I shouldn't read into this too much? I think the one guy said it perfectly--there is no perfect circle, and magnification would prove this. I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm just trying to understand this better.
  • #10
What exactly do you think you misunderstand still? Do you understand the relationship between accelerometers and uniform motion? Do you understand the idea of ideal approximations and errors? What is left?
  • #11
Seminole Boy said:
Are you guys basically saying that I shouldn't read into this too much?
Yes, I think so. Uniform motion is a very useful concept when learning the laws of motion (example). I'd probably make a similar example of uniform motion as pervect did above.
  • #12
Here is a very simple way of thinking about this.
I am sitting and I roll a ball away from me...

I have no acceleration (because I am sat still)... but the ball does... relative to me.

Now consider things from the point of view of the ball... which might decide that it is not it which is moving but everything around it...

Uniform motion is possible if the only two things that exist are you and the ball... and you remove awkwardness like friction, gravity, coefficients of restitution and compression of the ball, the fact the ball spins... if you make your model simple enough then the equations will give you the answers in the mechanics textbooks.

If the question is "does uniform motion apply absolutely to the world I live in" then I would say it doesnt.

Have I understood the sense of your question correctly?
  • #13
AugustCrawl said:
I have no acceleration (because I am sat still)... but the ball does... relative to me.
One of the most important findings of Einstein's theory is that you do accelerate by sitting still. Before Einstein nobody seem to have realized that.
  • #14
August Crawl:

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Thank you for explaining it in more efficient language. You understand what I'm trying to say (which may be pointless and useless). I've just been struggling with this working definition of uniform motion, and how it's different from acceleration.
  • #15

No, apparently I do not understand the idea of ideal approximations and errors? Please explain this a little more.
  • #16
Seminole Boy said:
No, apparently I do not understand the idea of ideal approximations and errors? Please explain this a little more.
Whenever you are doing any physics problem of any kind you always make some simplifying assumptions that you can neglect a whole mountain of factors. Instead of completely representing all possible minute complexities of the system you ignore unimportant details and analyze a simplified and idealized model of the system.

For instance, if you are analyzing the acceleration of a car you might use the manufacturer's data for the mass of the car and ignore the fact that there is a spot of dirt on the rear bumper that adds some mass not accounted for by the manufacturer. So, you are not analyzing THAT car, but an idealized model of that car.

Those approximations and idealizations can produce errors, but there are techniques for estimating them. Then, you can determine how exact you need your analysis to be, and from that you can decide if your approximations are OK, or if you need to make your model more complicated.
  • #17
Dale Spam: that is a very good way of explaining what I wasn't understanding. Thank you for making it so simple. However, I still think the system is a bit contrived. That spec of dirt on the car is there for a reason and it must be accounted for. I know that sounds trivial, but I believe it. Either way, thank you for taking the time to make sense out of what I was missing.
  • #18

Ignore my last post. I just re-read this: "Whenever you are doing any physics problem of any kind you always make some simplifying assumptions that you can neglect a whole mountain of factors. Instead of completely representing all possible minute complexities of the system you ignore unimportant details and analyze a simplified and idealized model of the system." and it made perfect sense.

FAQ: Acceleration and uniform motion are not making any sense

1. What is acceleration and how is it different from uniform motion?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time. It is different from uniform motion because uniform motion means the object is moving at a constant speed in a straight line and acceleration means the object is changing its speed or direction.

2. Why is acceleration important in physics?

Acceleration is important in physics because it helps us understand how objects move and how forces affect their motion. It also plays a crucial role in many laws and equations, such as Newton's second law and the equations of motion.

3. Can an object have both acceleration and uniform motion at the same time?

No, an object cannot have both acceleration and uniform motion at the same time. This is because uniform motion means the object is moving at a constant speed, while acceleration means the object is changing its speed. Therefore, if an object is accelerating, it cannot be moving at a constant speed.

4. How is acceleration measured?

Acceleration is measured in meters per second squared (m/s^2) in the metric system. It can be calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the time it took for that change to occur. It can also be measured using instruments such as accelerometers.

5. What are some real-life examples of acceleration and uniform motion?

Examples of acceleration include a car speeding up or slowing down, a ball being thrown in the air, or a person riding a rollercoaster. Examples of uniform motion include a car driving at a constant speed on a straight road, a bicycle moving in a straight line on a flat surface, or a satellite orbiting the Earth at a constant speed.

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