ADM field Lagrangian for a source-free electromagnetic field

In summary, the conversation revolves around the attempt to reproduce MTW's ADM version of the field Lagrangian for a source-free electromagnetic field. The starting point is given as equation 21.99, which is then recast into a new form. This new form is then worked on to produce a set of elements (A) to (E), which are almost the same as the elements in equation 21.100, except for some annoying factors of 'N'. However, by using the definition for ##\mathcal{E}^i## given in equation 21.103, all the extra terms introduced in the recasting are canceled out, leaving only the terms needed for equation 21.100 without any unwanted '
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

I am trying to reproduce MTW's ADM version of the field Lagrangian for a source free electromagnetic field:

##4π\mathcal {L} = -\mathcal {E}^i∂A_i/∂t - ∅\mathcal {E}^i{}_{,i} - \frac{1}{2}Nγ^{-\frac{1}{2}}g_{ij}(\mathcal {E}^i\mathcal {E}^i + \mathcal {B}^i\mathcal {B}^i) + N^i[ijk]\mathcal {E}^j\mathcal {B}^k## ...(21.100)

(I'm using γ instead of ##^{(3)}g## so ##(-^{4}g)^{\frac{1}{2}} = Nγ^{\frac{1}{2}}##)

Homework Equations

I have used as my start point "by what in flat spacetime would be"

##\quad\quad \frac{1}{4π}\big{[}A_{μ,ν}F^{μν} + \frac{1}{4} F_{μν}{}^{μν}\big{]} ...(21.99)##

The Attempt at a Solution

To begin, I recast (21.99) as:

##4π\mathcal {L} =\big{[}A_{μ,ν}g^{αμ}g^{βν}F^{αβ} + \frac{1}{4} F_{μν}g^{αμ}g^{βν}F_{αβ}\big{]}##

I then worked on this to produce:

##4π\mathcal {L} =\frac{1}{N}\big{[}(-(γ^{\frac{1}{2}}γ^{ij}F_{i0}A_{j,0}) - A_0\frac{∂}{∂x^j}(γ^{\frac{1}{2}}γ^{ij}F_{i0})\big{]}\hspace{23mm}(A)##

##\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad+γ^{\frac{1}{2}}(A_{j,0} - A_{0,j})(\frac{γ^{ji}}{N})N^k(A_{k,i} - A_{i,k}) \hspace{21mm}(B)##

##\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad-\frac{1}{2}γ^{\frac{1}{2}}\big{[}(A_{i,0} - A_{0,i})(\frac{γ^{ij}}{N})(A_{j,0} - A_{0,j})\hspace{23mm}(C)##

##\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad-\frac{1}{4}γ^{\frac{1}{2}}(A_{j,i} - A_{i,j})Nγ^{ik}γ^{jl}(A_{l,k}-A_{k,l})\hspace{20mm}(D)##

##\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad+\frac{1}{2}γ^{\frac{1}{2}}(A_{j,i} - A_{i,j})γ^{jl}\frac{N^kN^i}{N}(A_{l,k}-A_{k,l})\hspace{20mm}(E)##

From here on, I am working on assumptions which may not be entirely correct:

If ##F_{i0} = E_i, γ^{\frac{1}{2}}γ^{ij}F_{i0} = \mathcal{E}^j##

(A) becomes

##\frac{1}{N}(-\mathcal{E}^j\frac{∂A_j}{∂t} +φ\mathcal{E}^i{}_i)##

If ##(A_{k,i}- A_{i,k}) = \frac{1}{2}[jki](A_{k,i}- A_{i,k})##

(B) becomes

Where ##[ijk] ## is needed because the i in ##\mathcal{E}^i ## and the k in ## N^k## are tied to the i,k in ##A_{i,k}##

(C ) becomes


(D) becomes


which then becomes


(E) is a big problem because it is surplus to requirements and I can't see any way of making it disappear.

So basically, I have produced a set of elements (A) to (D) which are almost the same as the elements in MTW (21.100) except for some annoying factors of 'N'.

As I noted at the start, MTW make the point that

##\quad\quad \frac{1}{4π}\big{[}A_{μ,ν}F^{μν} + \frac{1}{4} F_{μν}{}^{μν}\big{]} ...(21.99)##

is "what would in flat space-time be" and we are not in a flat spacetime, but I can't see a way of making a transformation which would be in any way useful. It would be really nice if ##E^i## in flat spacetime could become ##NE^i## as this would solve all the issues with (A) to (D), but that still leaves me with (E).Any ideas anyone??RegardsTerryW
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi anyone who is following my ramblings.

I've sorted this now! I should have looked further down the page and spotted that MTW give a definition for
##\mathcal{E}^i## in 21.103.

Using this in my recast of 21.99 introduces a whole lot of extra terms but they all cancel out, including my problematical (E) term and leaving me with just the terms I need for 21.100 with no bits left over and no problems with unwanted 'N's.



FAQ: ADM field Lagrangian for a source-free electromagnetic field

1. What is the ADM field Lagrangian for a source-free electromagnetic field?

The ADM field Lagrangian is a mathematical expression used to describe the dynamics of a source-free electromagnetic field. It takes into account the space-time curvature and the electromagnetic field strength to determine the behavior of the field.

2. How is the ADM field Lagrangian derived?

The ADM field Lagrangian is derived from the Einstein-Hilbert action, which is a fundamental principle in general relativity. It involves using the metric tensor and the electromagnetic field tensor to construct a Lagrangian density, which is then integrated over space and time to obtain the ADM field Lagrangian.

3. What is the significance of the ADM field Lagrangian?

The ADM field Lagrangian is significant because it allows us to understand the dynamics of a source-free electromagnetic field in the context of general relativity. It also provides a mathematical framework for studying the behavior of the field and making predictions about its behavior in different situations.

4. How does the ADM field Lagrangian relate to Maxwell's equations?

The ADM field Lagrangian is a covariant formulation of Maxwell's equations, which are a set of fundamental equations that describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields. By using the ADM field Lagrangian, we can derive Maxwell's equations and also extend them to include the effects of gravity.

5. Are there any applications of the ADM field Lagrangian?

Yes, the ADM field Lagrangian has several applications in theoretical physics and astrophysics. It is used to study the behavior of electromagnetic fields in the presence of strong gravitational fields, such as those found near black holes. It is also used in the study of cosmology, where it helps us understand the evolution of the universe and the behavior of the cosmic microwave background radiation.
