America's relationship with the EU

In summary, after the Iraq invasion, the EU - American relationships reached an all time low. However, there were signs of recovery until the recent allegations of secret CIA prisons in Europe surfaced, causing further damage to the relationship. The EU Parliament has launched an investigation into these allegations and will work closely with the Council of Europe. The investigation may have economic and political ramifications for both entities if relations continue to deteriorate. While there have been attempts to mend bridges at the government level, there is ongoing criticism and backlash against leaders like Blair for their close ties with the US.
  • #1
Immediately after the Iraq invasion, EU - American relationships hit an all time low. Since then they appeared to be recovering however the latest allegations of secret CIA prisons in europe seems to be once more damaging the relationship.
EU Parliament to investigate CIA allegations
By Darren EnnisThu Jan 12, 12:14 PM ET
The European Parliament launched an investigation on Thursday into allegations that the CIA used EU countries for the illegal transport and detention of prisoners.
At a meeting in Brussels, leaders of the Parliament's seven political groups and assembly president Josep Borrell voted in favor of setting up a temporary committee consisting of 46 members to investigate the allegations.
The inquiry will have no legal powers, but the committee will recommend what political action should be taken against any countries found guilty of involvement, including the U.S.
The inquiry is to work in tandem with a probe by the Council of Europe, the 46-nation human rights watchdog, and has been given four months to carry out the investigation.
The report will cover the 25 EU member states and candidate countries Romania and Bulgaria. If either of these is found to be involved, it may hinder their chances of joining the EU.

What are the likely short and long term economic and political ramifications for both entities if relations continue to deteriorate.
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  • #2
:-p Testing, testing, 123...
I think everybody knows the answer but just find it too unpalatable to utter.
Okay, nobody sees me here.:biggrin:
  • #3
The sooner the CIA/NSA/US Military stops doing stuff, whatever they may be, the better off the world is.
  • #4
Art - I had your viewpoint for quite a while and to some extent still do, yet I was forced after some serious thought to consider if the American response had not actually augmented relations between the countries; for it drew out a statement from Rice condemning torture and saying it would not be used inside or outisde the US. The German Chancellor has visited the White House and the EU and America have jointly condemned Iranian proliferation. Perhaps things are on the up.
  • #5
NewScientist said:
Art - I had your viewpoint for quite a while and to some extent still do, yet I was forced after some serious thought to consider if the American response had not actually augmented relations between the countries; for it drew out a statement from Rice condemning torture and saying it would not be used inside or outisde the US. The German Chancellor has visited the White House and the EU and America have jointly condemned Iranian proliferation. Perhaps things are on the up.
It didn't go unnoticed that Rice chose her words very carefully and so interpreting her meaning depends on one's definition of torture. What the US admin views as acceptable is way past the boundaries of what most europeans find acceptable.

There was also the little matter of the disagreement between Angela Merkel and Rice where Merkel claimed Rice admitted to making an error re the abduction of a German citizen, Khaled Masri, whereas Rice's aides basically accused her of lying saying no such admission was made.

At the government level there appears to be superficially at least an attempt to mend bridges as governments are concerned for their nation's economy but if you take Britain as an example which is cited as America's closest ally in europe the truth is that Blair is an exception to the norm and whereas anti americanism was usually confined to the left wing parties and their supporters, Blair is now regularly attacked from every point of the political compass (including his own party) for his close ties with Bush.
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  • #6
I have to say that I was not aware of this continued attack on Blair - perhaps because he is being attacked on so many national issues!
  • #7
but if you take Britain as an example which is cited as America's closest ally in europe the truth is that Blair is an exception to the norm and whereas anti americanism was usually confined to the left wing parties and their supporters, Blair is now regularly attacked from every point of the political compass (including his own party) for his close ties with Bush.

This is very true.. Read some of Britains politcal satires for examples of this. After Bush won his second term.. Blair looked VERY unhappy, I think he was wanting to wash his hands of his friendship with Bush, but when he won again he understood he couldnt.. Bush is Blairs Albatros right now.. But hey, you make your bed then you lie in it... ;)

FAQ: America's relationship with the EU

1. What is the history of America's relationship with the EU?

The United States and the European Union have a long-standing relationship that dates back to the aftermath of World War II. The US provided significant aid to help rebuild Europe through the Marshall Plan, which helped to establish strong economic ties between the two. The relationship has evolved over time, with the US and EU collaborating on various issues such as trade, security, and climate change.

2. How does trade play a role in America's relationship with the EU?

The US and EU have one of the largest trading relationships in the world. The two economies are highly interconnected, with billions of dollars in goods and services exchanged each year. However, there have been tensions in the past, particularly regarding trade imbalances and tariffs. Negotiations and agreements such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have aimed to strengthen trade ties between the two entities.

3. What are some current political issues affecting America's relationship with the EU?

There are several ongoing political issues that have an impact on the relationship between the US and EU. These include disagreements on trade policies, the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, and the US's stance on the Iran nuclear deal. Additionally, tensions have risen in recent years over issues such as data privacy, defense spending, and the treatment of refugees.

4. How do cultural differences affect America's relationship with the EU?

The US and EU may have many shared values and beliefs, but there are also significant cultural differences that can affect their relationship. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and disagreements, particularly in areas such as social policies and human rights. However, efforts are continually being made to bridge these cultural gaps and promote understanding between the two entities.

5. How does the US-EU relationship impact global issues?

The US and EU are major players on the global stage, and their relationship has a significant impact on global issues. Together, they account for a significant portion of global GDP and are key actors in areas such as climate change, security, and human rights. When the US and EU work together, they can have a more significant impact on these issues and set an example for other countries to follow.

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