An embarrassing question: what were the boundaries of the universe

  • Thread starter houhou.trad
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In summary, the universe has always been expanding from an initially-hot and dense state. The boundaries of the universe have always been infinite, even at the beginning of the Big Bang. Currently, there is still uncertainty whether the universe is infinite or finite, but regardless, it does not have boundaries. The expansion of the universe means that everything within it is constantly getting further away from each other.
  • #1
I say always that the universe has expanded, from an initially-hot and dense state, until it get its current forme...
But it will be very natural to ask the question: at the first instances of its expansion, what were the boundaries of this universe, and what were the exterior of this boundaries..?
Can someone explain me this?
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  • #2
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  • #3
We're actually not sure if it's infinite or not (according to Marcus, and the FAQ, the current data fits both infinite and finite models, pretty much equally well), but:

-If the universe is infinite, then it was already infinite at the point of the Big Bang; there was never a time that it was finite.

-If the universe is finite, it still does not (and never did) have boundaries. What happens when you reach the edge of the universe? Well, you never reach an edge; try this and you'll only end up back where you started (rather like as if you tried to sail to the edge of the earth).

-In either case, it is expanding. One may wonder: if the infinite universe is true, how would an already infinite space expand further? Well, all the things in it just keep getting further away from each other.
  • #4
Thank you narrator and cephron, I think the idea is now somewhat more clear.
  • #5

I can understand why this question may feel embarrassing to ask. The boundaries of the universe are a complex and ever-evolving topic in the field of cosmology. Our current understanding is that the universe is constantly expanding, and there is no definitive boundary or edge. This expansion began with the Big Bang, which occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago.

At the first moments of the Big Bang, the universe was in a hot and dense state, and it has been expanding and cooling ever since. However, it is important to note that the universe does not have a physical boundary or edge that we can observe or measure. Instead, the concept of boundaries in the universe is more abstract and based on our understanding of space and time.

To better understand this, imagine the universe as a balloon being inflated. As the balloon expands, there is no defined edge or boundary that we can point to. The same is true for the universe - it is constantly expanding and there is no edge or boundary that marks the end of the universe.

As for the exterior of this boundary, it is difficult to say as our current understanding of the universe is limited to what we can observe and measure. Some theories suggest that there may be other universes beyond our own, but this is still a topic of debate and research in the scientific community.

In summary, the concept of boundaries in the universe is a complex and ongoing area of study in cosmology. While it may feel embarrassing to ask, it is a valid and important question that scientists continue to explore and try to understand.

FAQ: An embarrassing question: what were the boundaries of the universe

1. What do you mean by "boundaries of the universe"?

The boundaries of the universe refer to the edge or outermost extent of the observable universe, beyond which we do not have any knowledge or evidence of what lies.

2. Is the universe infinite or does it have an end?

Currently, it is not known whether the universe is infinite or finite. The concept of infinity is difficult to comprehend and our current understanding of the universe is limited. Further research and observations are needed to determine the true nature of the universe.

3. Can we ever reach the boundaries of the universe?

According to our current understanding of physics, it is not possible to reach the boundaries of the universe. The expansion of the universe and the limitation of the speed of light make it impossible for us to ever reach the edges of the observable universe.

4. What lies beyond the boundaries of the universe?

It is currently unknown what lies beyond the boundaries of the universe. Some theories suggest the possibility of a multiverse or parallel universes, but there is no concrete evidence to support these ideas. It is also possible that there is nothing beyond the boundaries of the universe.

5. How do scientists study the boundaries of the universe?

Scientists study the boundaries of the universe through observations using powerful telescopes and other instruments. They also use mathematical models and theories to understand the behavior of the universe at its edges. Further advancements in technology and research can help us gain a better understanding of the boundaries of the universe.

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