Applying Load on an area - ANSYS APDL

  • #1

Have been using ANSYS Mechanical to conduct some analyses, but am now moving to ANSYS APDL to investigate the effectiveness of Solid-Shell elements.

However, I've run into a problem. I can't figure out how to apply a load to an area!

I have been playing around with the SURF154 element (as i have a 3D model) but can't see where to apply the 250,000N force required.

Have tried seaching the web for tutorials, but no luck :( Does anyone know how to do this?

Any help is much appreciated
Many Thanks
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  • #2
Did you look through the ANSYS help?

Specifically under "Mechanical APDL" / "Basic Analysis Guide" / "2. Loading" / "2.5 Applying Loads" / "2.5.7 Surface Loads", Table 2.6: Commands for Applying Surface Loads.

Commands for applying surface loads to areas include SFA, SFALIST, SFADELE, SFGRAD
  • #3
Ahh right, no didnt see that. I got around the problem by applying a negative pressure (as I knew the area the force was being applied over) on the surface.

Thanks for the comment though!

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