Area 51 "Invasion": Over Half a Million Sign Up

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  • Thread starter jim mcnamara
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In summary: Carnoval said.In summary, it appears that a large number of people have signed up for a Facebook event to storm Area 51, also known as the Nevada Test Site, in hopes of finding proof of alien existence. However, security at the base is tight and those who attempt to enter could face serious consequences. The area has already become a tourist attraction, with the creation of the Extraterrestrial Highway and a popular geocaching trail. Some believe the event is just a joke and an excuse to party, while others question the fascination with aliens and conspiracy theories in America. A rival event has been planned to storm the Bermuda Triangle instead, with a more lighthearted approach.
  • #1
jim mcnamara
(probably) Delusional people have signed up in droves to go en masse into Area 51. As a joke I hope.
This place is also called Nevada Test Site. It is the place conspiracy theorists deem to be the hiding place of alien remains, among other artifacts. Security there is not going to let anybody in and if some idiots manage to get in further they could end up with trespass charges and jail time.

The Extraterrestrial Highway (ET trail) was named by the State Legislature in 1996 as a way to increase tourism. The highway runs along one side of Area 51.

Anybody who Geocaches probably knows about it. The "ET trail" starts there and goes one for miles and miles - a so-called Power Trail - of thousands of caches. The longest power trail in the world.

Suggestive picture and a geocacher's blog:
So the tourism part worked, sort of. And for a nerdy type like me geocaching it is good outdoor fun. BTW, I have no intention of doing the ET power trail.
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  • #2
LOL. IMO, the government should have some fun with this. They could roll a bunch of 18-wheelers in and out of the base in the next month or two, saying that they are dispersing some materiel from Area 51 to other bases for security reasons. In reality they would be bringing IN movie props to fill the hangars with alien stuff (and driving away from the base empty).

Then, when the masses descend on the base, let them "discover" what is there, and take pictures of their faces. Then walk around among them and keep flashing the "flashy things" from Men In Black at them.

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Likes Craftek_Ana, davenn, DennisN and 7 others
  • #3
The flashy thing is a nice touch...
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Likes Craftek_Ana, berkeman and pinball1970
  • #4
I worked all over Nevada Test Site mid 1970's -- and beyond. No alien technology but tons of fascinating human tech. My respect for post-WWII physicists and engineers grew every time we modified old tech to perform new roles never envisioned in the original requirements.

I hope visitors to our beautiful desert remember to remain hydrated. Symptoms of dehydration include mental instability and loss of reasoning ability; so, could be hard to tell. :wink:
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  • #5
I was in a book store today and was talking to the clerk. She mentioned that her son had informed her that he was going on this run. Being as he was still a minor, her response was "No, you're not. "
I wonder how many of those people who signed up are in the same situation; with reality interfering with their plans to attend.
  • #6
What is it about American that seems to breed all manner of strange people and beliefs and conspiracy theories. Is it the air , water or beer?. Never in my years have i seen,heard so much drivel and nonsense spouted from any other nations.
i know there are also conspiracy nutters all around the world but the Yanks seem to be a great breeding ground for this stuff. Is it cos you have Hollywood feeding this stuff into young minds?
This "invasion" of Area 51 should be interesting if as they signs suggest deadly force could be used. Might make Waco look like a picnic.
  • #7
profbuxton said:
What is it about American that seems to breed all manner of strange people and beliefs and conspiracy theories. Is it the air , water or beer?. Never in my years have i seen,heard so much drivel and nonsense spouted from any other nations.
Freedom of speech.
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  • #8
jim mcnamara said:
Security there is not going to let anybody in and if some idiots manage to get in further they could end up ...
... getting shot.
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Likes fourthindiana, Craftek_Ana, pinball1970 and 1 other person
  • #9
profbuxton said:
i know there are also conspiracy nutters all around the world but the Yanks seem to be a great breeding ground for this stuff. Is it cos you have Hollywood feeding this stuff into young minds?
We don't have an aristocracy, so our tabloids have more room for conspiracy theories.
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Likes phinds, StatGuy2000, jim mcnamara and 1 other person
  • #10
I expect that most of the people signing up for this are just cases of bluster. BS not expected to be fulfilled.
I would be surprised if 5,000 show up.
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  • #11
256bits said:
Freedom of speech.
... and boredom
... and complacency
... and parts of our brains work faster than the rational parts!:rolleyes:
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  • #12
BillTre said:
I would be surprised if 5,000 show up.
I hope it's rather less. If that many show up, how many are going to get into trouble? Quite apart from legal issues and armed guards, the Nevada desert isn't exactly forgiving to casual visitors from what I understand.
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  • #13
Ibix said:
I hope it's rather less
I know. How many willing subjects do the aliens really need to experiment upon.
"Why go to them - let them come to us!"
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  • #14
jim mcnamara said:
in droves

Apparently 1.4M people have RSVP'ed.

A long trek through the desert followed by a dash into an area guarded by men with large guns. What could possibly go wrong?
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  • #15
I never understood this fascination with aliens, it's like when people see UFO's. "I don't know what it is, therefore it must be aliens." As Neil De Grasse said in a you tube video after the "I don't know what it is," part is when your thought process should be stopping, not going on to invent stuff.

The human mind is a curious thing, it seems to have "to have an answer" to some questions...when there is no suitable or logical explanation it seems quite happy to make something up just so that it can consider the question answered.
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  • #16
I think for the most part the people who signed that petition don’t believe area 51 hosts aliens but rather they are doing it for the memes.
  • #17
newguy220 said:
doing it for the memes.
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  • #19
nsaspook said:
This seems to be a much better party than the one planned in the hot desert.
From the link:

However, the event isn’t simply a joke, as Carnoval explained that he is “trying to assemble live music, food and entertainment."

"Attendees must dress as Spongebob characters or pirates. I'll provide the boats and scuba gear. Just bring weed and a lot of beer and whiskey," he added.
  • #20
MikeeMiracle said:
As Neil De Grasse said

I can't find it right now, but I remember Carl Sagan talking about Von Daniken, something like this:

"He attributes anything he doesn't understand to aliens. Since he understands nothing, he sees evidence of aliens everywhere."
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  • #21
russ_watters said:
We don't have an aristocracy, so our tabloids have more room for conspiracy theories.

Maybe. But then again, the US does have established families that are sort of like an aristocracy (think of the Boston Brahmins, the Southern planter elites, the Roosevelt's, the Kennedy's, etc.).

And the US does have Hollywood celebrities that substitute for aristocracy in the tabloids.
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  • #22
gmax137 said:
I can't find it right now, but I remember Carl Sagan talking about Von Daniken, something like this:

"He attributes anything he doesn't understand to aliens. Since he understands nothing, he sees evidence of aliens everywhere."
Google finds: Playboy: Well, we asked Sagan about it. He called it a common misconception. He added , as an opinion of your work: "The kindest thing I can say about Von Daniken is that he ignores the science of archeology. Every time he sees something he can't understand, he attributes it to extraterrestrial intelligence, and since he understands almost nothing, he sees evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence all over the planet."
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  • #23
I told you, I liked the magazine for the articles :woot:
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Likes CalcNerd, nsaspook, Ibix and 3 others
  • #24
berkeman said:
From the link:
trying to assemble live music, food and entertainment. ... Just bring weed and a lot of beer and whiskey,
Where do I sign up? :devil:
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  • #25
Vanadium 50 said:
A long trek through the desert followed by a dash into an area guarded by men with large guns. What could possibly go wrong?
Good question. Anybody want to go halves on the rental of a Hummer and costs of all the sunblock and bottled water it can carry? And a credit card machine.

(Feeling a tad cynical this evening).
  • #26
Now its getting serious:
Bud Lite is offering FREE BEER to any aliens that escape from area 51.
The company even went as far as to make a label for its Area 51 Special Edition Bud Light.
"Greetings Earthlings. This is the famous Area 51," it says at the top of the can. "We know of no space beer by any other life form which is brewed and aged to be more refreshing. Our cryogenic aging produces a light bodied space lager with a fresh taste, a crisp, clean finish, and a smooth drinkability. Take us to your leader...for drinks."
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Likes pinball1970, dlgoff and nsaspook
  • #27
I signed up just for the memes. Am from UK and broke so couldn’t even go if i wanted lol
  • #28
Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 8.12.23 AM.png
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Likes strangerep, pinball1970, Vanadium 50 and 6 others
  • #29
The storm on the German Democratic Republic's "Staatssicherheit's" headquarter in 1989 was one of the few historically positive actions of the German people; Putin, who worked in Germany at that time, is still traumatized. I think a raid of secret complexes every now and then would be a sign of a healthy democracy. However, I have little illusions about the number of people who will finally make the way to area 51.
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  • #30
Ibix said:
Good question. Anybody want to go halves on the rental of a Hummer and costs of all the sunblock and bottled water it can carry? And a credit card machine.

(Feeling a tad cynical this evening).
Oh, yeah! Maybe Gregg can set up a crowdfunding platform for a PF "Let's see 'em aliens" expedition?
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  • #31
Any photos of new life forms yet? 😀
  • #33
Its interesting to me that the day before this area 51 event is scheduled for was Talk Like A Pirate Day". TLAPD is another completely made up thing, a parodic (parody) holiday created in 1995, by two guys in Oregon.

Maybe its something about the time of year being good for the Appreciation of Stupid Humor (ASH).
  • #34
The Independent's "live Feed" from the event makes it sound pretty boring.
"They were described as being compliant and peaceful."
However, those might be the only people you might expect to see at a live feed.
Not the sneaky ones with their GoPro's.
  • #35
Here is Michio Kaku video interview connected with it. Could he be indirectly encouraging such raids in future?

Sep. 20, 2019 - 3:49 - The Navy admits that several UFO videos are real and show aerial phenomena that they can't currently explain; analysis from Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics and author of the bestselling book 'The Future of Humanity.'Michio mentioned "We are now reaching the tipping point... ".. he talked about it being game changer. My God. This could just encourage the nutters.

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