Does Measuring Two Entangled Photons at the Same Time Break the Laws of Physics?

In summary: The experimental evidence is consistent with this, but it is also consistent with a different interpretation, namely that the measurement of photon A sets the value of the wave function for both photons A and B, but does not actually cause a change in photon B until it is measured, which could be at a later time. This is known as the "delayed choice" experiment, which is a variation of the classic double-slit experiment that shows the wave-particle duality of light.In summary, the conversation discusses Bell's theorem and its implications on locality and Einstein's theories in the context of quantum mechanics. The concept of entanglement and the effect of measurements on entangled particles is also discussed, with a focus on the relationship between photon A and
  • #1
I've been studying Bell's theorem out of curiosity tonight after watching a BBC documentary about quantum mechanics (The secret of quantum physics - 1. Einsteins nightmare).

The episode ended on Bell's theorem disproving locality and showing Einstein to be wrong. So I went and did a little research into the experiment.

I found this great article by Gary Felder explaining how it worked and breaking it down into bitesize chunks, I'm sure many of you will have seen this before:
I've only been studying this over the last couple of hours so let me know if my understanding is flaky in places!

Anyway, onto my question:

A photon that is entangled with another will change it's partners polarisation once it's reached the detector and measured along some orientation. I'm happy with that. So photon A is measured which instantly affects photon B.

Now, what would happen if we could measure the two photons at EXACTLY the same time. I realize this would be impossible to do in reality but I supposed we could explore it in theory.

So, photon A is measured and affects photon B, but at the same time the opposite is occurring; photon B is measured and is also affecting photon A. In my mind I have a kind of logic loop occurring, where the photons are constantly switching polarisation due to the change in it's entangled pair changing which in turn changes the photons again, plus this is all instantaneous, does physics break? If one measurement effects the other, which photon would be effecting which. Has this been scenario explored before?
Physics news on
  • #2
In the quantum formalism, it makes no difference whether A is measured before B, or B is measured before A, or A and B are simultaneously measured. When A and B are simultaneously measured, the measurement observable is the tensor product of the local observable at A and the local observable at B.
  • #3
Ok, I think I follow. But with quantum I seem to continually get a disillusion of understanding!

So, is what you're saying: despite which photon passed through the detector first or if it was at the same time, photon A always changes photon B and photon B always changes photon A? Thus in doing so, always have the same orientation relative to each other?

Also, I'm a little confused in that you talk about the measurement observable, not measurements, i.e don't we get two measurements from each of the two detectors?
  • #4
leonmate said:
So, is what you're saying: despite which photon passed through the detector first or if it was at the same time, photon A always changes photon B and photon B always changes photon A? Thus in doing so, always have the same orientation relative to each other?

No, if A passes through the detector first, then A affects B. If B passes through the detector first, then B affects A. If A and B pass through the detector at the same time, one can think that they simultaneously affect each other, or that photons A and B should be considered one inseparable entity.

In the above, I used language in which the wave function of the photons is real. However, you should be aware that quantum mechanics distinguishes between absolute reality and the quantum reality of the wave function. Absolute reality is the everyday reality you see and includes the experimental outcomes that you observe, while quantum reality is a tool to calculate the probabilities of experimental outcomes.

leonmate said:
Also, I'm a little confused in that you talk about the measurement observable, not measurements, i.e don't we get two measurements from each of the two detectors?

You can ignore the distinction for the moment, until you study the quantum formalism properly.
  • #5
leonmate said:
So photon A is measured which instantly affects photon B.
I would like to formulate it like this: "Photon A is measured which seems to instantly affect photon B." Why? Because there is no experimental evidence that clearly demonstrates that this "instant effect" actually is what happens.
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FAQ: Does Measuring Two Entangled Photons at the Same Time Break the Laws of Physics?

What is Bell's theorem and entanglement?

Bell's theorem and entanglement are concepts in quantum mechanics that describe the correlation between two or more particles, even when they are separated by large distances. This phenomenon challenges our classical understanding of causality and has important implications for our understanding of the universe.

How was Bell's theorem discovered?

Bell's theorem was first proposed by physicist John Stewart Bell in 1964. He used logical arguments and mathematical equations to prove that the predictions of quantum mechanics cannot be explained by any local hidden variables theory, leading to the concept of entanglement.

What is entanglement and how does it work?

Entanglement is a quantum phenomenon where two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle affects the state of the other, even when they are separated by large distances. This connection is not limited by the speed of light and is often described as a "spooky action at a distance."

What are the applications of Bell's theorem and entanglement?

Bell's theorem and entanglement have important implications in quantum computing, cryptography, and teleportation. They also provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and the nature of reality.

How is Bell's theorem and entanglement relevant to everyday life?

While Bell's theorem and entanglement may seem like abstract concepts, they have been experimentally proven and have the potential to revolutionize technology in the future. They also challenge our understanding of reality and the interconnectedness of the universe, providing a new perspective on our place in the world.
