Do Wormholes Require Antimatter Singularities to Function?

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In summary, Einstein suggests that when a star collapses into a black hole, a singularity forms punching a hole in the fabric of spacetime creating a wormhole to a parallel universe. Matter from the star or any stray matter entering the event horizon is teleported through the wormhole to the other universe. What my question is, is that would'nt it be necessary that on the other side there be a anti matter singularity to hold open the wormhole to keep matter flowing through it, because logic dictates that the only way for the matter leaving our universe to stay in the other one and not come back is that the
  • #1
Einstein says that when a star collapses into a black hole,a singularity forms punching a hole in the fabric of spacetime creating a wormhole to a parallel universe.on this side of the wormhole matter from the star or any stray matter entering the event horizon is teleported through the wormhole to the other universe.what my question is,is that would'nt it be necessary that on the other side there be a anti matter singularity to hold open the wormhole to keep matter flowing through it,because logic dictates that the only way for the matter leaving our universe to stay in the other one and not come back is that the matter repels itself against the anti singularity as it hits the other side to be able to leave the other end of the wormhole.and if this is true how does the matter leave our end of the wormhole if the gravity of the singularity is to strong to let matter pass by it to enter at all?
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  • #2
I don't think tha Einstein ever said what you are attributing to him. At most he suggested the possibility of Einstein-Rosen bridges caused by black holes, that might connect different parts of the universe. At each end would be a Black hole. Meaning you could enter from either end, but never exit the other.
  • #3
ok maybe that was hawkins.but anyway if what your saying is true,then that when the first black hole came into being in this universe,there was no wormhole,until the next one formed,then when that happened the two black hole through subspace or something became connected,but would it be like anti matter matter pairs only two do this and there are paired black holes or all of them at once will be connected?
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  • #4
Also in order for the wormhole to form by the singularity by the thinking of the last post,when two black holes connect together when the two singularities form,then what you think would be happening is that the strong gravitational fields of the black holes on a sub space level pulls spacetime closer together by streching in closing the distance bewteen the two black holes,but ever though you can travel faster that light between the two point of gravitationally stretched spacetime what do you think the time it would take to get there would be when you enter one,most people think instantaniously,but it would be the true distance by the shortning by gravity versus the velocity though the wormhole.if matter can't go faster than light,you could only travel at light speed through the wormhole,and cover as much distance as you can ,hoping that spacetime is stretched so you are traveling at light years per second,do you think that's possible?
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  • #5
Edit: the question should ask "Can you measure moving through a wormhole by light years?"

I doubt it, since traveling through a wormhole is superluminal travel; FASTER than light. So, either you square the light years or come up with a different way to measure it.
  • #6
what do you mean?If a wormhole is the connection between two points by the gravity shretching spacetime to to make the two points closer,the matter can travel faster than light still,the object traveling though it can only travel at light speed,the distance between the two points by gravity shrinking spacetime,is the factor that not to the traveller moving at light speed sees,but the outside observer seeing the traveller go through,sees him going at light years per second!
  • #7
You're traveling at c+ when you travel through a wormhole! not c. therefore, you needn't use light years. Light years is defined as the time it takes light to travel one year from one point to another. Not c+, but c.
  • #8
Wormhole travel does not imply traveling faster than light, I'm sorry. In the local spacetime through which the craft is moving, nothing is going faster than light.

By analogy, let's say you live about 30 minutes from your home if you take the windy surface streets, but only 10 minutes away if you take the freeway -- even if you travel at 60 mph on both roadways.

You're never breaking the speed limit, but you get there faster on the freeway -- why? Because you're taking a more efficient path through spacetime.

- Warren
  • #9
I see. Um, okay, you're right (I just read a bit of an essay). It slows time down, right? By using negative energy?
  • #10
Well what I'm saying is that traveling throught the wormhole means you the traveller must be in motion as you travel though shretched spacetime.all I am saying is,is that you can travel faster than light youself,so the time it takes to safely travel though,at the distance you travelled,is directly related to what speed you are at though you can only travel at light speed,to achieve maximun time though the wormhole.
  • #11
Of course you'd like to do away with wormholes,and call it inner spatial dimensional travel,not wormholes.if all parallel universes coexist in the same space at the same time,when the singularity forms,the gravity tears spacetime,and opens a portal to cross spatial coexisting dimensions,you would just walk from one universe into another,with out traveling through a wormhole! wormholes imply,that paralle universe exists on the outside of our universe,and you need to go out of ours into there's via one!
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  • #12
The way I see it, wormholes are just apart of the "pretzel" universe.
  • #13
To think of the wormhole travel thing, think of it this way. You have one big square. All a wormhole does is folds oveer the two hole areas, the corners of the square, warping you through space time. Fiction allows this, but not reality to the people who have their bags packed for inter-stellar travel. The gravity will tear you to shreds!
  • #14
Wormhole travel does not imply traveling faster than light, I'm sorry. In the local spacetime through which the craft is moving, nothing is going faster than light.

As being consistent with Einstein's Theory of Relativity

The gravity will tear you to shreds!

If the radiation hasn't turned you into goo by that time :smile:
  • #15
So negative energy exists, right?

Would you travel to the past in an open time loop?
  • #16
if you want to get rid of a singularity and prove all the matter of a black hole that gives it,its gravitational field,will disappear.what if when the gravity at the center of a star collasping tears the fabric of spacetime,and opens the wormhole,why would the singularity stay in this universe when the opening to the wormhole is when spacetime ripped open,all matter from the star should fall into it until its all gone,then the gravity field holding the wormhole disappears and the wormhole closes,and the black hole is gone,but that's not what's happening is it.or if the matter not what falls in and the singularity is all the energy of the star concentrated in one spot,how do it keep itsel;f from falling into the wormhole when its what opened it,it should be swallowed instantly,then the wormhole closes!
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  • #17
not negative energy.two properties of the same energy.matter and anti matter are the same energy,just radiate different magnetism.matter would be positive fields,or the north pole.and anti matter would be negatively charged or the south pole.gravity and anti gravity is like magnetic fields,its just a force energy gives off by being energy.
  • #18
When you enter a white hole in a NASA craft with fusion rockets traveling faster then the speed of light you can with stand the push and the pull and travel through. According to einstein you can travel back and forth through time. A white hole would be a way to go back in time since it travels counterclockwise right.
  • #19
also is there not a way for us to create are own black hole?
Can we create our one star in an antigravity chamber so small thet the exsplosion won't but the chamber and umplode our star we created
  • #20
mindfog said:
also is there not a way for us to create are own black hole?
Can we create our one star in an antigravity chamber so small thet the exsplosion won't but the chamber and umplode our star we created

I seem to remember scientists creating extreamly delicate micro-electron black holes, they only suck up electrons. :smile: Though they evaporate in fractions of a second, because of cosmic rays, (delicate, remember?) It was probably theoretical. If they did how would they know? Quantum tunneling could explain that the electrons seem to be dissapearing. Or Quantum Entanglement? :confused: :biggrin: :bugeye: :eek: :frown:

FAQ: Do Wormholes Require Antimatter Singularities to Function?

1. What are black and white wormholes?

Black and white wormholes are theoretical objects in space-time that connect two different regions of the universe. They are often referred to as "bridges" or "tunnels" and are theorized to be formed by the collapse of a star into a singularity.

2. How are black and white wormholes different from black holes?

Black holes are objects with such strong gravitational pull that nothing, not even light, can escape from them. On the other hand, black and white wormholes are thought to have two distinct regions, with one side having a strong gravitational pull (the black hole side) and the other side having a repulsive force (the white hole side).

3. Can we observe black and white wormholes?

Currently, there is no direct evidence of the existence of black and white wormholes. However, scientists have observed some phenomena in the universe that could potentially be explained by the presence of these objects. Further research and advancements in technology may someday allow us to observe them.

4. What is the theory behind black and white wormholes?

The theory of black and white wormholes is based on the mathematical equations of general relativity, which describe the relationship between space, time, and gravity. According to this theory, black and white wormholes are possible solutions to these equations and could exist in the universe.

5. Are black and white wormholes dangerous?

Since black and white wormholes have not been observed or confirmed to exist, it is difficult to determine their potential dangers. However, some scientists believe that traversing through a wormhole could have unpredictable effects on space-time and could potentially be dangerous for any object passing through it.

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