Understanding Bounded Operators in Quantum Mechanics

In summary, a set in a normed space is considered bounded if there exists a constant that can be multiplied by the norm of any element in the set to yield a value that is less than or equal to a predetermined bound. A transformation is considered bounded if it maps bounded sets to bounded sets. For linear operators, this definition is equivalent to the existence of a constant that satisfies a similar inequality. The proof for this equivalence is not provided, but it can be shown that the existence of such a constant implies that bounded sets are mapped to bounded sets. Additionally, it is worth noting that bounded linear operators are also continuous.
  • #1

i'm reading "quantum mechanics in hilbert space" and a don't get a basic point for bounded operators.

def. 1 a set S in a normed space [tex]N[/tex] is bounded if there is a constant C such that [tex]\left\| f \right\| \leq C ~~~~~ \forall f \in S[/tex]

def. 2 a transformation is called bounded if it maps each bounded set into a bounded set.

and now comes the part i don't understand.

for linear operators [tex]T: N_1 \rightarrow N_2[/tex] def. 2 is equivalent to:
there exists a constant C such that [tex]\left\| T f \right\| \leq C \left\| f \right\| ~~~~~ \forall f \in N_1[/tex]

this is stated without a proof. i don't think it's obvious or at least not to me.

i'm thinking of a map, for example from the real numbers (normed space) to the real numbers, where the bounded set [tex]N_1=(0,1][/tex] is transformed in a way to another interval say [tex]N_2=(a,b][/tex] now the norm of elements from [tex]N_1[/tex] can get arbitrary small. So there can't exist a constant fulfilling [tex]\left\| T f \right\| \leq C \left\| f \right\| ~~~~~ \forall f \in N_1[/tex] when the norm of all elements of [tex]N_2[/tex] has a lower bound say [tex]m>0[/tex].

Or is such a map forbidden because of the continuity (zero has to be mapped on zero) and bounded linerar operators are continuous and vice verca?

i would be glad if someone can show me a proof or a source where a can get one.

thanks and greetings.
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  • #2
Clearly, the '<=' implication is true. For suppose that ||Tf|| <= C ||f||. Take N1 to be a bounded set. That means that for all f, ||f|| <= C' for some constant C'. So clearly, ||Tf|| <= C C' where the right hand side is again a constant.

As for the direct implication '=>' ... I didn't quite see it right away. How to connect the statement about bounded sets to a statement about any subset of S eludes me right now. If I think of something I will let you know :)
  • #3
Suppose that T takes bounded sets to bounded sets. The set of all vectors of the form [tex]\frac{f}{\|f\|}[/tex] is bounded, so there must exist a C such that

[tex]\|T\frac{f}{\|f\|}\|\leq C[/tex]

This implies [itex]\|Tf\|\leq C\|f\|[/itex].

To prove the converse, suppose instead that there exists a C such that [itex]\|Tf\|\leq C\|f\|[/itex] for all f, and let B be a bounded set with bound M (i.e. [itex]\|g\|\leq M[/itex] for all g in B). We need to show that there exists an upper bound for the set of all [itex]\|Tg\|[/itex] with g in B.

[tex]\|Tg\|\leq C\|g\|\leq CM[/tex]

If you're also wondering why an operator is continuous if and only if it's bounded, the Wikipedia page titled "bounded operator" has a very nice proof of that.
  • #4

Many thanks to both of you.
  • #5


Thank you for your question. Understanding bounded operators in quantum mechanics is an important concept in the field. Let me try to explain it to you in a way that may be easier to understand.

In quantum mechanics, operators are used to describe physical observables, such as position, momentum, and energy. These operators act on a function or state in a Hilbert space, which is a mathematical space used to describe quantum systems. Bounded operators are a special type of operator that has a finite limit and does not grow to infinity.

In the definitions you mentioned, a set S is considered bounded if all of its elements have a finite norm, which is a measure of the size of the elements. Similarly, a transformation is considered bounded if it maps a bounded set to another bounded set. This means that the size of the elements in the original set will not grow infinitely large after the transformation.

Now, for linear operators T: N_1 \rightarrow N_2, the second definition you mentioned is equivalent to the first one. This means that if a linear operator maps a bounded set to another bounded set, it must also satisfy the condition that the norm of the transformed elements is less than or equal to a constant times the norm of the original elements. This can be proven using the definition of a linear operator and the properties of norms.

In your example, the transformation from the real numbers (N_1) to the real numbers (N_2) may not be a bounded linear operator, as the norm of the elements in N_2 can become arbitrarily small. However, in quantum mechanics, operators are considered to be continuous and bounded, meaning they do not have sudden jumps or infinite values.

I hope this helps to clarify the concept of bounded operators in quantum mechanics. If you would like to learn more, I suggest consulting a textbook on quantum mechanics or speaking with a professor or fellow researcher in the field. Good luck with your studies!

FAQ: Understanding Bounded Operators in Quantum Mechanics

1. What are bounded operators in quantum mechanics?

Bounded operators in quantum mechanics are mathematical objects that represent physical observables in a quantum system. They are defined as linear transformations on a Hilbert space, and they have the property that they cannot produce unbounded or infinite values when operating on any element of that space.

2. How do bounded operators differ from unbounded operators in quantum mechanics?

The main difference between bounded and unbounded operators is that bounded operators have a finite range and cannot produce infinite values, while unbounded operators have an infinite range and can produce infinite values. Bounded operators are also easier to work with mathematically, and they have well-defined eigenstates and eigenvalues.

3. What is the significance of bounded operators in quantum mechanics?

Bounded operators play a crucial role in quantum mechanics as they represent physical observables, such as position, momentum, and energy. They allow us to make predictions about the behavior of quantum systems and to calculate the probabilities of different outcomes of measurements.

4. Can bounded operators be used to describe all physical observables in quantum mechanics?

No, bounded operators can only describe a subset of physical observables in quantum mechanics. Some observables, such as position and momentum, can be described by bounded operators, while others, like energy, require the use of unbounded operators. However, all physical observables can be expressed as linear combinations of bounded operators.

5. How do bounded operators relate to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics?

The uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics states that certain pairs of physical observables, such as position and momentum, cannot be precisely measured at the same time. Bounded operators play a role in this principle as they represent these observables and their corresponding uncertainties. The commutator of two bounded operators is related to the uncertainty in their measurements, with a smaller commutator indicating a more precise measurement.

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