Did President Bush Really Crash into a Police Officer During a Bike Ride?

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary: I thought we could do with a little humor. :biggrin: In summary, President Bush fell off his bike while riding with world leaders, injuring himself in the process. John Kerry made a tasteless remark about the training wheels still being attached.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
I thought we could do with a little humor. :biggrin:

"President Bush collided with a local police officer and fell during a bike ride on the grounds of the Gleneagles golf resort while attending a meeting of world leaders Wednesday."

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What is up with this guy? How many times is he going to fall off his bike, choke on pretzels or fall off other crazy two-wheeld vehicles before he overtakes Ford as the clutziest president of the century?
  • #3
faust9 said:
What is up with this guy? How many times is he going to fall off his bike, choke on pretzels or fall off other crazy two-wheeld vehicles before he overtakes Ford as the clutziest president of the century?

Ahem, Zaphod...
  • #4
faust9 said:
What is up with this guy? How many times is he going to fall off his bike, choke on pretzels or fall off other crazy two-wheeld vehicles before he overtakes Ford as the clutziest president of the century?

At this rate, about 2 more weeks

Actually, if we threw one of my friends into the mix, no one on Earth has a chance at taking #1 away from her anytime soon.

Followup story:

President Bush has declared war on Scotland and the BMX corporation.
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  • #5
so grenades don't kill this guy, but bikes and segways do, huh.. interesting
  • #6
I guess it was too early to remove his training wheels.
  • #7
brewnog said:
Ahem, Zaphod...
I think he's in a category all his own. :wink:
  • #8
Is the police officer suing? :biggrin:
  • #9
Evo said:
I thought we could do with a little humor. :biggrin:

"President Bush collided with a local police officer and fell during a bike ride on the grounds of the Gleneagles golf resort while attending a meeting of world leaders Wednesday."


Bush keeps looking better by the day...cool picture

  • #10
I think he is just abt ready for my Mission : Tour de France.

Scene : The race starts. Bush falls off, all the bikers cannot resist looking at it. Since they are not concentrating, they will hit a wall or something. Thats when i start my bike and push it to victory!

-- AI
  • #11
i always wonder why you Americans are always whinning about Bush ? i mean, he was elected by your own peole, ok ?

  • #12
Riding a bicycle while listening to his iPod? Just another example of irresponsible risk taking by Bush. Those darn iPods are nearly as bad as cell phones.

Still doesn't top his Segway escapade. Mounting a Segway while holding a tennis racket in one hand and some other unidentified object in the other is definitely risky behavior. And he terrorized the small defenseless dog in the background, to boot. :smile:
  • #13
marlon said:
i always wonder why you Americans are always whinning about Bush ? i mean, he was elected by your own peole, ok ?


Yeah, and our 'people' also voted Reagan as the greatest American and give 'reality' TV enough ratings to justify its existence.
That doesn't mean the rest of us can't point and laugh.
  • #14
Thank god the American idol loving crowd didnt get to vote for the President
  • #15
marlon said:
i always wonder why you Americans are always whinning about Bush ? i mean, he was elected by your own peole, ok ?


I always wonder why you fer'ners are always painting all Americans with the same brush?

Democrats had precious few things to be happy about last November. We take our childish joy where we can.

Like here:




p.s. And to all you conservatives, no offense :-p . And I promise, I'll grow up when he stops playing "Global Risk."

p.p.s. What's the command to post an image driectly?
  • #16
Rabid said:
I guess it was too early to remove his training wheels.

Later, Bush fell off his bike and injured his chin, upper lip, nose, and hand. John Kerry was reported to have quipped, "Did the training wheels fall off?" This was an uncalled for remark because reports claim that Bush fell while the training wheels were still attached.
  • #17
Pengwuino said:
Thank god the American idol loving crowd didnt get to vote for the President

Don't be so sure.
  • #18
How come I don't get this much attention when I fall off a bike?

And on other sites like Xanga, I've seen people calling Bush stupid and the worst pres. ever and showing those pics of the bike incident as "proof" or whatever...omg! Falling off a bike shows nothing about Bush's intelligence, however it does show something about his coordination...
  • #19
faust9 said:
What is up with this guy? How many times is he going to fall off his bike, choke on pretzels or fall off other crazy two-wheeld vehicles before he overtakes Ford as the clutziest president of the century?
I think Evo should be president :wink: o:)
  • #20
Math Is Hard said:
I think Evo should be president :wink: o:)
Well, I guess I am qualified, now that you mention it! I'm politically clueless and a klutz! :biggrin:
  • #21
...hear tell that in Ireland he fell of the wagon as well... :biggrin:
  • #22
I'm still waiting for people to remark that Bush can't even ride a bike without civilian casualties. :smile:
  • #23
Hurkyl said:
I'm still waiting for people to remark that Bush can't even ride a bike without civilian casualties. :smile:

I don't think anyone would ever suggest such a thing. :rolleyes: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #24
Talk about news that shouldn't be newsworthy! :eek: Did he scrape his knee and get a boo-boo?
  • #25
Moonbear said:
Talk about news that shouldn't be newsworthy! :eek: Did he scrape his knee and get a boo-boo?

why yes! yes he did!

The bike will be on oprah tomorrow.
  • #26
Pengwuino said:
why yes! yes he did!
Did he get the Queen Mum to kiss it and make it better? (I'm guessing that's the closest he'll find to a mommy over there.) :biggrin:
  • #27
Moonbear said:
Did he get the Queen Mum to kiss it and make it better? (I'm guessing that's the closest he'll find to a mommy over there.) :biggrin:

Dang, i have teh funniest reply but it would be completely unacceptable for today
  • #28
i think it would have been funny to see the president's security guys run over and stuff him into the SUV and screech off to a 'secure location'

FAQ: Did President Bush Really Crash into a Police Officer During a Bike Ride?

1. What caused President Bush to fall off his bike in Scotland?

According to reports, President Bush fell off his bike after hitting some loose gravel on a steep downhill slope.

2. Was President Bush injured in the fall?

Fortunately, President Bush only suffered minor scrapes and bruises in the fall and did not require any medical attention.

3. Why was President Bush riding a bike in Scotland?

President Bush was on vacation in Scotland and often enjoys biking as a form of exercise and relaxation.

4. Did anyone witness the fall?

Yes, there were several people present when President Bush fell off his bike, including Secret Service agents and members of the press.

5. Has President Bush fallen off a bike before?

Yes, President Bush has had a few biking accidents in the past, including one in 2004 where he collided with a police officer during a ride at his Texas ranch.

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