Can a convex reflection be corrected using a concave mirror?

In summary, using a concave mirror to obtain the original undistorted image from a photograph of a reflection on a convex reflective surface may correct some distortion, such as mis-proportion, but may not correct out-of-focus areas.
  • #1
Paul Aitken
If one took a photograph of a reflection from convex reflective surface. Could one use concave mirror to obtain the original undistorted image?
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  • #2
Paul Aitken said:
If one took a photograph of a reflection from convex reflective surface. Could one use concave mirror to obtain the original undistorted image?

You can correct part of the distortion, but not necessarily all of it.

Part of the distortion is the mis-proportion. And that could be corrected with the correct optical system. Assuming that the distortion is not too pronounced such that you get rings out of straight lines, for example.

But part of the distortion is likely to be that parts of the image are out of focus. A an out of focus photograph is not going to be corrected by putting it through an optical system.

FAQ: Can a convex reflection be corrected using a concave mirror?

What is a convex reflection?

A convex reflection is a type of reflection that occurs when light rays bounce off a curved surface and diverge, or spread out, away from each other. This type of reflection is commonly seen in convex mirrors.

What is a concave mirror?

A concave mirror is a type of mirror that curves inward, causing light rays to converge, or come together, at a focal point. This type of mirror is commonly used in telescopes and magnifying glasses.

Can a convex reflection be corrected using a concave mirror?

Yes, a convex reflection can be corrected using a concave mirror. When a convex reflection is directed towards a concave mirror, the curved surface of the mirror will cause the light rays to converge and form a real image that is smaller and upright compared to the original object.

What is the difference between a convex and concave mirror?

The main difference between a convex and concave mirror is their curvature. A convex mirror curves outward and causes light rays to diverge, while a concave mirror curves inward and causes light rays to converge.

What are some practical applications of using a concave mirror to correct a convex reflection?

One practical application of using a concave mirror to correct a convex reflection is in security mirrors. The convex surface of the security mirror creates a wide field of view, but the concave mirror placed behind it corrects the convex reflection and creates a smaller, more detailed image of the observed area.

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