Are Dreams a Window into the Future? Exploring the Mysteries of Dreaming

In summary: Maybe there's been studies done on animals dreaming?Sure animals can dream. Have you ever watched a dog sleep? They sort of act weird...Lol ... really? ... I have never watched a dog sleep - got to try that sometime.I wonder if they know it's only a dream or do they take it on as another 'day' in their life ... i guess we'll neva know.Happy Birthday, expscv... if you're still here. How old are you now?
  • #1
:cool: Did anyone have a dream come true - So true that it's just plain weird? ... maybe even beyond explanation? :smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
I have had several "semi-waking dreams," or what most people would call "visions," come true. These visions were very specific, very eerie. It's a very unpleasant feeling to have them. In the most recent one, I "saw" my ex the physicist get hurt at the beach, with his neck very hurt. I did not see what caused it, just the location. It upset me enough to phone him and warn him, because whenever I have these, they come true. He knew I had these visions, but he just blew it off. Later on that week, he was in the hospital, with a broken neck, from getting hit from behind with a rogue wave while scuba diving. He no longer ignores my visions, but it makes him mad that I have them.

P.S. His neck is better but he can never pilot a plane again and has to be very careful with his neck.

I have an explanation for these visions, one that I'll borrow from Corrie Ten Boom, the WWII Dutch underground worker: These visions show us that Jesus is aware, and that all is in His hands. This is not an offer to defend or debate my explanation, just my opinion.
  • #3
Lol. Don't mind me laughing ... Very strange
  • #4
I dreamt i was a turtle trying to get an egg. But there was a kid who stopped me from getting that egg. So i swam at the oppistie side of the beach and tricked the kid into following me and them swam to the egg quickly and grabbed it and swam away.

Later that day i needed to take my time even when i felt i hadn't got much time. Then made myself a few extra bucks for taking that time and a weekend job to make more money. heh.
  • #5
Don't quiet get it ... what can i say? I'm slow
  • #6
umm i don't know, i think dream is more like reflect wat u r wat u feel during the day and combine with ur imagination forms a movie clip in ur head. hoho
  • #7
I've thought of science concepts and simple computer programs in my dreams. The programs actually worked when I wrote them in real life. How crazy :biggrin:
  • #8
quddusaliquddus said:
Don't quiet get it ... what can i say? I'm slow

Slow and steady win the race. :biggrin: :smile:

Anywho,this is how I understood the special theory of relativity:
I had a dream about an object in 3D space flying, approaching c, and when it did, I recalled what I had read about what may occur at this speed. Then, as it approached c, it expanded, turned blue, and then it passed c. It disappeared into thin air (which had sparkles in it, to represent energy). And then, it occurred to me...E=mc^2! ahaha! And I woke up, and smiled.

Fabulous dream, eh?
  • #9
... Yeah :D .....
  • #10
ShawnD said:
I've thought of science concepts and simple computer programs in my dreams. The programs actually worked when I wrote them in real life. How crazy :biggrin:

That's like ... wow ...
  • #11
Imparcticle said:
Slow and steady win the race. :biggrin: :smile:

Anywho,this is how I understood the special theory of relativity:
I had a dream about an object in 3D space flying, approaching c, and when it did, I recalled what I had read about what may occur at this speed. Then, as it approached c, it expanded, turned blue, and then it passed c. It disappeared into thin air (which had sparkles in it, to represent energy). And then, it occurred to me...E=mc^2! ahaha! And I woke up, and smiled.

Fabulous dream, eh?

wow Fabulous good way of learning

but i did heard the scientist are trying do something with our dream, a tutoring program? i m not sure.
  • #12
I was 11 when this happened too. How cool is that!
  • #13
wow inheritance from ur parents?

hey u should concentrate on the physics field, maybe u will achieve something incrediable

good luck =)
  • #14
Do you guys reckon animals have dreams then? Or is it something to do with our extra intellectual awareness (or whataver you call the distiguishing quality between man and animal) that makes us dream?

Maybe there's been studies done on animals dreaming?
  • #15
Sure animals can dream. Have you ever watched a dog sleep? They sort of act weird...
  • #16
Lol ... really? ... I have never watched a dog sleep - got to try that sometime.

I wonder if they know it's only a dream or do they take it on as another 'day' in their life ... i guess we'll neva know
  • #17
haha a brain reader?
  • #18
Happy BIrthday expscv ... if you're still here. How old r now then? l... lol (f you don't mnd the question)
  • #19
ShawnD said:
Sure animals can dream. Have you ever watched a dog sleep? They sort of act weird...

ah, then you have a lot of spare time. If I could get over my fear of dogs, then I would do the same when I am bored (which is rare).
  • #20
quddusaliquddus said:
Happy BIrthday expscv ... if you're still here. How old r now then? l... lol (f you don't mnd the question)

lol i m 18 but my birth day is on january

the one in my profile is a joke hehe :biggrin:
  • #21
Ive been meditating for a fair few years, and one night when i went to bed i decided to go into a state of lucid dreaming, which id been experimenting with around that time. About 10 minutes in i was dreaming away while consciously monitoring what i was seeing. At one point i saw the face of jesus, not just any old jesus but a kind of cartoon representation with an odd square beard. I thought the image was pretty absurd and wondered why this image had come into my head esspecially seeing as I am not religious in anyway.
After that i went to the bathroom and then properly fell asleep, when i woke up the next morning and turned on my tv (which is my useall routine) there was the same face of jesus i had seen the night before staring out at me, strange square beard and all. I turned up the volume on the tv and from what i could gather the program was about depictions of jesus in art throughout the ages.
Normally id have thought, coincidence, but the fact that it was the exact representation of jesus i saw the night before leads me to believe that i saw part of the future. I had another premontion after this, although i can't say these freaked me out, if anything they just confirmed what I've thought for a long time. Which is that time can be perceived as being non-sequential.
  • #22
yeah it's very odd , and wierd, it seems to be illisusion and never showed a clear picture, in a dream u only get an outlines of it, once u wake up and see something simmilar u brain will matches the picture in ur dream (that is just an outline)

and thinks u see that already. and auto fill the outline, makes people even beilieve wat they saw in the dream was extraclt the same.
  • #23
That was my theory for years ans years. I thought the brain back-tracked and made up the Whole dream to account for something happening @ that moment. But - dreams have now and again come Completely true. I no longer believe in that theory because I have woken up and told people about the dream - and it came true only afterwards. The double-checked the poeple - it wasn't made up.

Overdose: Can you really conciously induce a lucid dream? Do you do sum kind of special meditation to make it work?
  • #24
wow then there is something to concern of.

hows it work?

although it's hard to beileve something haven't been proved

= fancy

but it does happen to me, some of the times. where i could see something like 5 sec of action, and maybe 2 days later, that 5 sec of action was become real. but could it be a illusion and a coincidence ?
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  • #25
I made this thread to get other people's opinions. I have NO idea how it works or if it is true even...I'm not 100% about it - so I don't expect any1 else to be :D

In my mind, it could be an illusion or a coincidence. But because some people say things have happened 100% like dream and I have experience like 75% coming true (of a single dream) then I wonder if there's something I'm missing here.
  • #26
quddusaliquddus said:
That was my theory for years ans years. I thought the brain back-tracked and made up the Whole dream to account for something happening @ that moment. But - dreams have now and again come Completely true. I no longer believe in that theory because I have woken up and told people about the dream - and it came true only afterwards. The double-checked the poeple - it wasn't made up.

Overdose: Can you really conciously induce a lucid dream? Do you do sum kind of special meditation to make it work?

yep I am of the same opinon qudd, sometimes you can backtrack and fill in the blanks, but that can't explain every case.

In my case i wasnt dreaming as you'd normally describe it, i was also conscious at the same time, so i was effectively able to take note of what i saw as it happened. Which is quite different from remembering what happened at a latter time. Also its worth pointing out that the state i was is probably made me more adpet at remembering slightly more than you would in your normal waking state of mind. i.e. using lucid dreaming you can mentally go back through your day and remember instances and details you'd forgotton pervious.
With that I am mind I am pretty confident that i didnt 'fill in any blanks' to accomadate what i saw.

As for how i lucid dream, I am mostly self taught, one of my techniques is to mentally split myself in two and watch my other sleeping half. Very hard to explain as i already feel ridiculus trying to get across how its done :-p
  • #28
Can u have a dream of the way you will die? PLease help?

Hello everybody I was hoping someone can tell me if a preson can dream of the way they die?
My father in law who was only 51 healthy strong man Had passed away in january 28, 2003 in a car accident in Mexico, He went for a vacation, and 3 days before he was supposed to come back he died instantly in a car accident. 2 months before he died he said he had a dream that he was driving a truck and got into a car accident and died in his dream. After he died the way he told us in his dream, 2 months later made us always wonder if a person can dream of Ourself of how are we going to die.
Just wondering please anybody knows, or heard of please respond.
  • #29
yolandablongs2lu said:
Hello everybody I was hoping someone can tell me if a preson can dream of the way they die?
My father in law who was only 51 healthy strong man Had passed away in january 28, 2003 in a car accident in Mexico, He went for a vacation, and 3 days before he was supposed to come back he died instantly in a car accident. 2 months before he died he said he had a dream that he was driving a truck and got into a car accident and died in his dream. After he died the way he told us in his dream, 2 months later made us always wonder if a person can dream of Ourself of how are we going to die.
Just wondering please anybody knows, or heard of please respond.

I think what your asking is can one know the future in the present. If the fundamental nature (whatever that is) of our reality, is interconnected, and for half a century, it has not been disproved, then this type of phenomenom and many others like it, could be explained. Not the explanation of, if it happens, but the when and why it happens and to whom it happens. My answer is, yes it is possible.
  • #30
I do not mean by everything that happen's in the future... I mean only the way you will die?... I just find it weird how he told us how he had the dream... he said that he did know that on his dream the truck that he was driving was not his. At least he said he did not recongnize the truck he was driving... And when he died in the car accident it was his own truck... But the events in his dream of the way he died in the car accident was exactly the way he died in his dream...
My question was can A person dream about the way you will die?... and if so how can this happen?
  • #31
yolandablongs2lu said:
I do not mean by everything that happen's in the future... I mean only the way you will die?... I just find it weird how he told us how he had the dream... he said that he did know that on his dream the truck that he was driving was not his. At least he said he did not recongnize the truck he was driving... And when he died in the car accident it was his own truck... But the events in his dream of the way he died in the car accident was exactly the way he died in his dream...
My question was can A person dream about the way you will die?... and if so how can this happen?

I did not say everything, you took my answer to mean that. I meant only specific events. This is not an individual case event, this has happened to other people. No one can give you a nuts and bolts answer to your question. I made an assumption to where there might be a probable cause. Space-time was once a singularity, therefore interconnectivety of all matter is a logical assumption, why these events might occur. Why this does not happen to everyone is the greater mystery. Many people dream a diverse amount of things, that do happen, besides death.
  • #32
Thei interesting thing is that most people who are believe (or inclined-to) that dreams can predict future don't say that as an assumption - then confirm it through 'experience'. most people just experience it - the predictive powers of dreams. So it's not like superstitious people who like to believe in these things. It comes from personal expereince of people who have no interest in such things!
  • #33
I believe dreams and premonitions have developed via evolution as a means of survival...
  • #34
Overdose said:
I believe dreams and premonitions have developed via evolution as a means of survival...

y doesn't it happen 2 every1? y isn't it inherited?
  • #35
quddusaliquddus said:
y doesn't it happen 2 every1? y isn't it inherited?
well i think its probably a newly evolved trait, and as such people probably have this ability to different degrees and in some cases its probably barely preasent. Youve also got to take into account that some people just ignore premonitions/dont tell anyone about them.