Can metal be placed in Microwave? Why or why not?

In summary, there is conflicting information online about whether or not it is safe to place metal in a microwave oven. Some sources say it is safe as long as the microwave is large enough, while others warn against it due to the potential for metal to reflect microwaves. However, it appears that as long as the metal is placed in something that can absorb the microwaves, such as a spoon in water, it is safe to use in a microwave.
  • #1
I'm doing a physics project on microwave ovens. I've been researching online and some sites say that you can place metal in microwave ovens because nothing will happen, and some say that you can't because metal reflects microwaves. I'm curious as to what the correct answer is and why. Thanks!
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  • #2
If the microwave is large enough to accommodate the piece of metal; yes- the piece of metal can be placed in a microwave.

That was easy.
  • #3
That was a very clever answer. However, I would still like to know more about this concept. I've always been told not to put metal into the microwave oven, but the more I read about it, the more it seems that there is no harm in doing so. I've also read about the concept that if the metal is placed in something that can absorb the microwaves (such as a spoon in water) than there is no harm. Why is this any different than if the metal is by itself?

FAQ: Can metal be placed in Microwave? Why or why not?

1. Can metal be placed in a microwave?

Yes, metal can be placed in a microwave, but it is not recommended.

2. Why is it not recommended to put metal in a microwave?

Metal reflects the microwaves instead of absorbing them, which can cause sparks and potentially damage the microwave or start a fire.

3. What happens if I accidentally put metal in the microwave?

If the metal is small and does not have sharp edges, it may not cause any problems. However, if the metal is large or has sharp edges, it can cause sparks and potentially damage the microwave or start a fire.

4. Are there any types of metal that are safe to put in the microwave?

No, all types of metal, including aluminum foil and metal utensils, should not be placed in the microwave.

5. Can metal containers be used in the microwave?

It is not recommended to use metal containers in the microwave. Instead, use microwave-safe containers made of glass, ceramic, or plastic.
