Car going up a hill. Find the Angle of the hill.

  • #36
Right. How do you now bring in the 44 hp?
Physics news on
  • #37
Set the equations equal to each other and add 44 to the "up hill" side
  • #38
Do you want to add it to the "up hill" side or the "down hill" side? Also, is hp the SI unit for power?
  • #39
o right becasue going uphill is 44 more hp you would add it to the downhill side. and no 1hp=745watt
  • #40
Right. (1 hp = 746 W the last I checked, but who's counting?) [OK, just checked, it's 745.699872 W for 1 "mechanical hp" and exactly 746 W for "electrical hp". Trivia for the day.]
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  • #41
So just checking my equation:

v(f+mgSinθ)=v(f-mgSinθ) + 32810.8w

Now I can just plug and chug.
  • #42
Yep. Good work!
  • #43
I got a domain error... [never mind calculator error]
  • #44
  • #45
I just put my nunmbers in my calculator wrong. No big deal thanks again.
  • #46
ok. No problem.