Combinatorics problem regarding number of possible paths

In summary, the conversation discusses a variation of a problem involving determining the number of paths on a discrete grid. The variation allows for a specified number of reverse movements in addition to the proper movements. The number of paths is calculated using a rearrangement of a word made up of x's, y's, w's, and z's. The problem then becomes preventing paths where there are adjacent x's and w's or adjacent y's and z's. The conversation ends with the speaker seeking help to solve the simpler case and potentially generalizing it to the more complex case. The problem is for an independent project and not related to a homework assignment.
  • #1

I'm trying to figure out a variation of the problem where you determine the number of paths on a discrete grid. For example, for the paths from (0,0) to (a,b), you can consider it to be a rearrangement of a word with a x's and b y's, so the number of paths is (a+b)! / a!b!.

The variation I would like to figure out would allow a specified number of reverse movements in addition to the movements in the proper direction. I am representing a movement to the right by "x", a movement to the left by "w", a movement upward by "y", and a movement downward by "z". If I am finding a path from (0,0) to (a,b) with c reverse horizontal movements and d reverse vertical movements, then the number of paths I have so far would be:

(a + b + 2c + 2d)! / (a+c)!(b+d)!c!d!

since the paths could be considered as a rearrangement of a word made of a+c x's, b+d y's, c w's and d z's. (a+c x's since there must be an additional movement to the right for every allowed movement to the left.

I believe this is correct so far, but now I want to prevent paths where for example it goes right, then left, then right with a net result of just going right. To do this I want to find rearrangements of the word where there are no adjacent x's and w's and no adjacent y's and z's. I began by simplifying the problem to one where only reverse horizontal movements were allowed and I would then attempt to generalize to the case with reverse movements in both dimensions. However, I got stuck even in the simpler case.

Would someone be able to help me through the simpler case (where there would be x's for going right, y's for going up, and w's for going left)? Then I will try to generalize to the other case.

Thanks for your help.
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  • #2
I'd still like to figure out this problem. It's not for an assignment or anything, rather for an independent project I'm working on, somewhat of an A.I. for a certain strategy game. Would it belong better in the homework section anyway?

I'd really appreciate any help someone could offer. I'm terrible at combinatorics.

FAQ: Combinatorics problem regarding number of possible paths

What is combinatorics?

Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that deals with counting and arranging objects or elements in a specific way.

What is a combinatorics problem regarding the number of possible paths?

A combinatorics problem regarding the number of possible paths is a problem that involves finding the number of ways to reach a certain destination by following a specific set of steps or rules.

How do you approach a combinatorics problem regarding the number of possible paths?

The first step is to clearly define the problem and understand the given constraints. Then, use mathematical formulas such as permutations and combinations to calculate the number of possible paths. Finally, check for any patterns or common factors that can help simplify the problem.

What are the key concepts in combinatorics that are useful for solving problems regarding the number of possible paths?

Some key concepts in combinatorics that are useful for solving problems regarding the number of possible paths include permutations, combinations, factorials, and the multiplication and addition principles.

How can combinatorics be applied in real-life situations?

Combinatorics can be applied in various fields such as computer science, engineering, finance, and statistics. It can be used to solve problems related to optimization, probability, and decision-making, among others.

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