Generating Teams to Equally Distribute Papers for Evaluating

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of forming teams to evaluate a certain number of papers. It is mentioned that there are more teams than papers and that the constraint in forming teams is that each member evaluates at most one more paper than the others. The approach of using determinants to form triplets is mentioned and it is stated that the equal distribution of load can be achieved if the number of papers is a multiple of 6. However, if it is not, the remainder can be assigned manually. The question of how to generate these determinants uniquely is also posed. The suggestion of making three teams and assigning 1/3 of the papers to each team is also mentioned as a potential solution.
  • #1
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I have ##N## papers to be evaluated, ##40 \le N \le 56##. I have 9 people named A - I that need to be put in teams of 3 to evaluate the papers individually, i.e. 3 evaluations per paper. There are ##\begin{pmatrix}9 \\3\end{pmatrix} =84## triplets that can be formed. Thus there are more teams than papers. The constraint in forming the teams is that any member will evaluate at most one more paper than any other member. My approach so far has been to use determinants to form triplets. For example, ##\begin{vmatrix} A & B & C \\ D & E & F \\ G & H &I \end{vmatrix} ## gives 6 triplets with each letter appearing twice. Thus, the equal distribution of load can be achieved if ##N## is a multiple of 6. If it isn't, the remainder can be assigned by hand. There should be 14 such determinants. My question is how do I generate them uniquely?
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  • #2
Do the teams need to be different for every paper? If not then the trivial approach is to make three teams, ABC, DEF, GHI, assign 1/3 to each team. Then you get exactly equal load for every multiple of 3, and differences of 1 for every other number, something you cannot avoid in these cases.

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FAQ: Generating Teams to Equally Distribute Papers for Evaluating

1. How do you determine the number of teams needed for equally distributing papers?

The number of teams needed depends on the number of papers to be evaluated and the desired team size. For example, if there are 100 papers to be evaluated and the desired team size is 4, then 25 teams would be needed.

2. What factors should be considered when generating teams for paper evaluation?

Some factors to consider include the number of papers to be evaluated, the desired team size, the expertise of team members, and any potential conflicts of interest between team members and the papers being evaluated.

3. How do you ensure an equal distribution of papers among teams?

One way to ensure an equal distribution is by using a random assignment method. This can be done through a computer program or by drawing names out of a hat. Another option is to have team members rank their preferred papers and then assign papers based on those rankings.

4. How can you prevent bias when assigning papers to teams?

To prevent bias, it is important to have a diverse group of team members with different backgrounds and perspectives. Additionally, using a random assignment method can help to eliminate any potential bias in the paper distribution process.

5. What should be done if a team member is unable to evaluate their assigned paper?

If a team member is unable to evaluate their assigned paper, they should inform the team leader or project coordinator as soon as possible. The paper can then be reassigned to another team member to ensure that all papers are evaluated by the designated deadline.

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