Complex analysis -- Essential singularity

In summary, an essential singularity is a point in complex analysis where a function behaves in a highly erratic manner, failing to exhibit any limit or simple pole behavior as it approaches that point. At an essential singularity, the function can take on any complex value infinitely often in any neighborhood around the singularity, illustrating the unpredictable nature of its behavior. The Weierstrass-Casorati theorem highlights that near an essential singularity, the function's values can be dense in the complex plane. This concept is crucial for understanding the behavior of complex functions and their singularities.
  • #1
Can you give me two more examples for essential singularity except [tex]f(z)=e^{\frac{1}{z}}[/tex]? And also a book where I can find those examples?
Physics news on
  • #2
Have you google "essential singularity + pdf"?
  • #3
Yes and I did not find any other example.
  • #4
An essential singularity exists precisely when an infinite number of terms in
f(z)=\sum_{n=-\infty }^{\infty }a_n(z-z_0)^n
with negative exponents do not disappear. This gives you as many examples as you wish. However, the Great Picard and Casorati-Weierstraß are pretty restrictive.
  • #5
Yes, I know that. But I do not know how to find those examples.
  • #6
LagrangeEuler said:
Yes, I know that. But I do not know how to find those examples.
Every function with an infinite Taylor series results in a series with an infinite negative part of the Laurent series by substituting ##z\mapsto 1/z.## Sine, cosine, logarithm, etc.
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  • #7
fresh_42 said:
Every function with an infinite Taylor series results in a series with an infinite negative part of the Laurent series by substituting ##z\mapsto 1/z.## Sine, cosine, logarithm, etc.
Excellent. We have to add that the original Taylor series must have an infinite radius of convergence as your examples do.

FAQ: Complex analysis -- Essential singularity

What is an essential singularity in complex analysis?

An essential singularity is a type of singular point of a complex function where the behavior of the function is particularly chaotic. More formally, a point \( z_0 \) is classified as an essential singularity if the limit of the function does not exist as \( z \) approaches \( z_0 \), and the function does not approach any finite value or infinity. This is in contrast to removable singularities and poles, where the function behaves more predictably.

How can I identify an essential singularity?

To identify an essential singularity, you can use the behavior of the function's Laurent series expansion around the point in question. If the series has infinitely many negative powers of \( (z - z_0) \) and does not converge to a finite limit as \( z \) approaches \( z_0 \), then \( z_0 \) is an essential singularity. Additionally, the Casorati-Weierstrass theorem states that in any neighborhood of an essential singularity, the function takes on every complex value, with possibly one exception.

What is the significance of the Weierstrass-Casorati theorem in relation to essential singularities?

The Weierstrass-Casorati theorem highlights the unpredictable nature of functions near essential singularities. It states that if \( f(z) \) has an essential singularity at \( z_0 \), then in every neighborhood of \( z_0 \), the function can take on every complex value, except possibly one. This theorem illustrates the extreme variability of functions near essential singularities and emphasizes why they are considered critical points in complex analysis.

Can you provide an example of a function with an essential singularity?

A classic example of a function with an essential singularity is \( f(z) = e^{1/z} \) at \( z = 0 \). As \( z \) approaches 0, the function exhibits wildly oscillating behavior, taking on every complex value infinitely often, which demonstrates the characteristics of an essential singularity. The function does not approach a finite limit or infinity, further confirming the nature of the singularity at that point.

What is the difference between an essential singularity and a pole?

The key difference between an essential singularity and a pole lies in the behavior of the function near these points. At a pole, the function approaches infinity as \( z \) approaches the singularity, and the Laurent series around the pole has a finite number of negative powers. In contrast, at an essential singularity, the function does not approach any specific value (finite or infinite) and has infinitely many negative powers in its Laurent series, indicating a more erratic behavior.
