Conditional Convergence in a Power Series

In summary, the conversation discusses the existence of a power series with a radius of convergence R such that for all z with |z-a| = R, the series converges conditionally but not absolutely. One example proposed is -\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(-1)^{n+1}}{n}(1-z)^n, which is a modification of a conditionally convergent series. However, it is shown that this series still diverges for z = 2. Another example is f(z) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{(-|z|)^n}{n}, which converges conditionally for all |z| < 1 and
  • #1
I was wondering if there's an example of a power series [tex]\sum_n^\infty c_n (z-a)^n[/tex] with radius of convergence R so that all z for which |z-a| = R there is purely conditional convergence? (no divergence but also no absolute convergence) Or perhaps a reason why that's impossible?
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  • #2
I'm not sure, but I might try taking a conditionally convergent series and put a (z-a)^n in the summand. For example, try

[tex]f(z) \equiv -\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(-1)^{n+1}}{n}(1-z)^n[/tex]

Without the -(1-z)^n this is a conditionally convergent series. I picked -(1-z)^n to tack on because without the (-1)^(n+1) this series gives the logarithm when |1-z| < 1. For the logarithm, the series diverges beyond this radius. I would guess that the modified series I proposed might conditionally converge beyond that radius, instead of diverging, but I haven't checked for sure.
  • #3
Hm, take z = 2, then you get the harmonic series and it diverges. Thanks for the try though.

Apparently one can proof that [tex]\sum \frac{z^n}{n}[/tex] converges conditionally FOR ALL |z| = 1 except for z = 1. That's awfully close, but sadly not enough :(
  • #4
What about...
f(z) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{(-|z|)^n}{n}

Looks to me like it converges for all |z| < 1. Consider the consider you care about: |z| = 1 = R.

Of course, since |z| = |-z| the sign change won't affect convergence. And of course, if plugging |z|= 1, you get conditional convergence automatically!

Does that work for you?

Edit: Oops, misread. You wanted a power series. My bad. : (
  • #5
Yeah a power series, sorry :( thanks for the effort though :)

FAQ: Conditional Convergence in a Power Series

1. What is conditional convergence in a power series?

Conditional convergence in a power series is a mathematical concept that refers to a series that converges, but only under certain conditions. This means that the series may not converge if those conditions are not met.

2. How is conditional convergence different from absolute convergence?

Absolute convergence means that a series converges regardless of the conditions, while conditional convergence only occurs under specific conditions. In other words, absolute convergence guarantees convergence, while conditional convergence may or may not converge.

3. What is an example of a power series that exhibits conditional convergence?

An example of a power series that exhibits conditional convergence is the alternating harmonic series, 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + ... + (-1)^n * 1/n. This series only converges when the terms alternate in sign.

4. Why is conditional convergence important in mathematics?

Conditional convergence is important in mathematics because it shows that not all series converge in the same way. It also allows for more flexibility in terms of conditions and can lead to more accurate approximations.

5. How can one test for conditional convergence in a power series?

One way to test for conditional convergence in a power series is to use the Alternating Series Test. This test states that if the terms of a series alternate in sign and decrease in magnitude, the series will converge. Other tests, such as the Ratio Test and the Root Test, can also be used to determine conditional convergence.

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