- #1
- 334
- 47
Homework Statement
Find a function ##u## such that
##\int_{-\infty}^\infty u(x-y)e^{-|y|}dy=e^{-x^4}##.
Homework Equations
Not really sure how to approach this but here's a few of the formulas I tried to use.
Fourier transform of convolution
##\mathscr{F} (f*g)(x) \to \hat f(\xi ) \hat g(\xi )##.
##\mathscr{F} e^{-a|x|} \to 2a(\xi² +a^2)^{-1}##
Plancherel's Theorem
If ##f,g \in L^2## then
##\langle \hat f,\hat g \rangle = 2\pi \langle f, g \rangle##.
The Attempt at a Solution
The left side is the convolution ##u*(e^{-|x|}## Taking the Fourier transform I have
##\hat u2(\xi^2+1)^{-1}= \mathscr{F}(e^{-x^4})##.
Which I don't know the Fourier transform of nor how to calculate the inverse.
I also tried to somehow look at the integral as a scalar product and use Plancherel's formula but that didn't work at all. Any ideas on how I should approach the problem? I don't even know if I should use the Fourier transform for this, the problem was just grouped with other exercises on Fourier transforms.