Cooking Tomato Juice: Investigating Vitamin C Concentration

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In summary, it seems as though the heat increased the concentration of Vitamin C in the juice, but I don't know why.
  • #1

If you haven't guessed from the title this is kind of a weird question.

I'm a science student at UBC and for a lab today we had to analyze vitamin C contents in a substance of our choice. Long story short, I decided to look at how temperature effects Vitamin C concentration in tomato juice.

Anyway, I'm posting this because something weird happened when the juice got up to 85 degrees Celsius, it started to cool down despite the fact that heat was still being added to the system. It was in a glass beaker with a tinfoil top (to prevent evaporation) and a small hole just big enough to fit a thermometer through. The tomato juice continued to cool down to ~80 degrees Celsius before heating up again.

Can anybody explain why this might happen? My thoughts are that at around 85 degrees molecules begin to decompose and that makes the heat constant shoot up dramatically but I have no idea.
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  • #2
What was the heating method? Have you seen it once, or have you repeated the experiment?
  • #3
Borek said:
What was the heating method? Have you seen it once, or have you repeated the experiment?

I only did it once. It was ~250 mL heated over a hot plate.
  • #4
You must repeat the experiment and get reproducible results to be sure it is a real effect.
Was the mixture stirred?
  • #5
technician said:
You must repeat the experiment and get reproducible results to be sure it is a real effect.
Was the mixture stirred?

It was not.
  • #6
You don't mention from where you obtained your tomato juice - ie from a can or freshly prepared by yourself from the tomato fruit. Canned juice is homogenized where the solid particles are processed mechanically to be smaller and remain thus in suspension. I am not sure if this beginning characteristic would have an affect upon your experiment, but the canned juice would have broken cells whereas the fresh would not.

At the end of your experiment, when the 'juice cooled' was it still appear as a colloidal suspension or did the liquid and solid separate after a length of time? Was the viscosity higher or lower after the heating?

Tomato juice contains pectin and pectin methyl esterase, both of which may have had an affect upon the heated tomato juice. Pectin methyl esterase is deactivated with heat so if you used fresh that could be a factor. Canned juice should have had the enzyme already de-activated.

These are not answers for your experiment - rather the chemistry of cooking plays an valuable part in how your final "dish" will turn out, and what you were doing is cooking tomato juice.
  • #7
256bits said:
You don't mention from where you obtained your tomato juice - ie from a can or freshly prepared by yourself from the tomato fruit. Canned juice is homogenized where the solid particles are processed mechanically to be smaller and remain thus in suspension. I am not sure if this beginning characteristic would have an affect upon your experiment, but the canned juice would have broken cells whereas the fresh would not.

At the end of your experiment, when the 'juice cooled' was it still appear as a colloidal suspension or did the liquid and solid separate after a length of time? Was the viscosity higher or lower after the heating?

Tomato juice contains pectin and pectin methyl esterase, both of which may have had an affect upon the heated tomato juice. Pectin methyl esterase is deactivated with heat so if you used fresh that could be a factor. Canned juice should have had the enzyme already de-activated.

These are not answers for your experiment - rather the chemistry of cooking plays an valuable part in how your final "dish" will turn out, and what you were doing is cooking tomato juice.


The juice was canned. The viscosity reduced significantly but the juice still seemed homogeneous with no real suspension even after cooling down to 20 degrees Celsius.

I should also point out that seeing tomato juice cool after reaching a certain point while cooking wasn't the experiment. It was just something weird that happened while I was cooking tomato juice to analyze the effects heat had on Vitamin C concentration.

FAQ: Cooking Tomato Juice: Investigating Vitamin C Concentration

1. What is the purpose of investigating vitamin C concentration in cooking tomato juice?

The purpose of this investigation is to determine the effect of cooking on the vitamin C concentration in tomato juice. This will help us understand if cooking affects the nutritional value of tomato juice and if so, to what extent.

2. How is the vitamin C concentration measured in tomato juice?

The vitamin C concentration in tomato juice can be measured using a method called titration. This involves adding a known amount of a solution containing vitamin C to a measured amount of tomato juice and then using a chemical indicator to determine the amount of vitamin C present.

3. What factors can affect the vitamin C concentration in tomato juice during cooking?

Several factors can affect the vitamin C concentration in tomato juice during cooking, including temperature, cooking time, and cooking method. Other factors that may play a role include the type and ripeness of the tomatoes, as well as the acidity of the cooking environment.

4. Does cooking tomato juice reduce the vitamin C concentration?

Yes, cooking tomato juice can reduce the vitamin C concentration. Vitamin C is a heat-sensitive nutrient, and prolonged exposure to high temperatures can cause it to break down and decrease in concentration. However, the exact amount of reduction may vary depending on the factors mentioned above.

5. Are there any other ways to preserve vitamin C in tomato juice?

Yes, there are other ways to preserve vitamin C in tomato juice. For example, consuming freshly squeezed tomato juice or using a low-heat cooking method, such as steaming or microwaving, can help retain more of the vitamin C. Adding a source of vitamin C, such as lemon juice, to the tomato juice after cooking can also help increase the overall vitamin C content.
