Cosmology getting stale with discoveries?

  • Thread starter Chaos' lil bro Order
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In summary, cosmology, the study of the origins and evolution of the universe, is not getting stale with discoveries. Despite the many advances and breakthroughs in the field, there is still much to be explored and understood. From the discovery of dark matter and dark energy to the detection of gravitational waves, new findings continue to push the boundaries of our knowledge and challenge existing theories. Furthermore, with the development of new technologies and instruments, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, scientists are able to delve even deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos. Therefore, cosmology remains a dynamic and exciting field with endless possibilities for discovery and advancement.
  • #1
Chaos' lil bro Order

I was an avid amateur cosmologist for a few years, but lost interest 2 years ago. What I recall is a few basics like:

1) Univ is ~13.7 billion years old
2) Univ is accelerating in expansion
3) WMAP measured ~2.75 Kelvin vacuum temp.
4) Space is indeed flat Euclidean geom.
5) Only 4% of Univ mass is ordinary matter
6) Hubble constant ~71km/pc

From memory, those were the most basic aspects of cosmology. My question is if any of these have changed over 2 years and is there any new data that fundamentally changes any of these?

All I've read recently (very little) is that the newest WMAP survey is refining our numbers slightly, but no major revelations have come forth. Fine structure constant is still about what we thought it was, right?

So where oh where are the new discoveries and theorums in cosmology? It was so vibrant 5 years ago and now it seems, to this amateur, to be stagnating in minutia. Refining here, tighter boundaries and limits there, but no new big discoveries...

Am I wrong? Pick me apart.
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  • #2
I too think the same..most of the discoveries related to cosmology like hubble's redshift, CMBR were done half a century back and we are only refining those new big discoveries...
  • #3
spidey said:
I too think the same..most of the discoveries related to cosmology like hubble's redshift, CMBR were done half a century back and we are only refining those new big discoveries...
So dark matter and dark energy does not count as big discoveries?
  • #4
At least until (and maybe well beyond) we sort out dark energy and dark matter, there is big game afoot in cosmology.
  • #5
Chaos' lil bro Order said:
So where oh where are the new discoveries and theorums in cosmology? It was so vibrant 5 years ago and now it seems, to this amateur, to be stagnating in minutia. Refining here, tighter boundaries and limits there, but no new big discoveries...
You're basically correct that the last five years has mainly put harder limits without detecting anything "new". (Although I find that important as well.)
But I would say the realistic expectations for finding something "new" up to now has not been very high either. E.g. when it comes to dark matter searches, recent experiments have just touched upon the interesting parameter space of dark matter candidates.
Now that LHC, and a number of exciting astrophysical experiments, are on the way, the expectations are much higher. So please hold on for a few more years.
If those will not find anything "new", I think you have the right to be dissapointed, but not right now...
  • #6
EL said:
You're basically correct that the last five years has mainly put harder limits without detecting anything "new". (Although I find that important as well.)
But I would say the realistic expectations for finding something "new" up to now has not been very high either. E.g. when it comes to dark matter searches, recent experiments have just touched upon the interesting parameter space of dark matter candidates.
Now that LHC, and a number of exciting astrophysical experiments, are on the way, the expectations are much higher. So please hold on for a few more years.
If those will not find anything "new", I think you have the right to be dissapointed, but not right now...

Oh yes, I agree LISA and the LHC will likely make some exciting discoveries in the next 5-10 years. For now, there is a bit of a lull, I mean how many covers can Scientific America do of dark energy before there is new news.
  • #7
George Jones said:
At least until (and maybe well beyond) we sort out dark energy and dark matter, there is big game afoot in cosmology.

Yes the fallout in both cosmology and physics is unpredictable at this time.
  • #8
Chaos' lil bro Order said:
... For now, there is a bit of a lull, I mean how many covers can Scientific America do of dark energy before there is new news.

Heh heh, SciAm covers are maybe not the best index of vitality and activity in a field, Little Brother.

What gets publicity in Pop Sci media is often just chaff.

Quantum cosmology is at the leading edge and to properly assess you have to look at CITATIONS and PEER REVIEW publication in contrast to science journalism.

I can TELL you that revolutionary change is afoot in cosmology, or you can look for your self. Try looking. Go here
and do a search for keyword quantum cosmology and date > 2005 (just to get RECENT work)

this is the result

here I have the papers ranked by cite count (apparent importance to other researchers) and I used a "desy" keyword search where you say "DK quantum cosmology" instead of meerly "K quantum cosmology". You can see how to vary the search parameters just by going with the link.
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  • #9
when you go to spires and rank recent papers by citation count you see what the
dominant mainstream work in quantum cosmology is.

What you need to know is that essentially ALL of that work finds that the big bang was a bounce. And it runs its models back into a collapsing phase before the start of expansion.

But these people are not string theorists----they do very little self-publicity in the media.
this is a revolutionary change in cosmology and you can see who the main authors are.
Ashtekar, Bojowald, Param Singh, Tavakol... For the most part they just quietly do their work and don't spread a lot of hype around in the media. You find out where the work stands in the scientific community when they get invited to present it at major conferences. For example Ashtekar is giving an invited talk at the APS meeting in April. He was elected president of the professional organization that puts on the GR conference every three years. Bojowald was awarded the organizations top prize for his research. That is the kind of thing one looks for, in my view, not Scientific American covers.

Besides getting past the big bang singularity, quantum cosmologists are exploring possible mechanisms to explain inflation and possible dark energy alternatives. There are too many ideas of this sort being discussed for me to pick out any front runners.
At least one will be featured in a chapter of the new book coming out this July called Beyond the Big Bang. This is available for pre-order from Amazon

It is a 600 page book with about 20 authors all of whose research is concerned with modeling pre-big bang, and discovering ways to test and rate the various models. I see no reason to expect that the book's appearance will be accompanied by a media splash, since the general public is not the intended audience.

FAQ: Cosmology getting stale with discoveries?

1. Is there still more to discover in the field of cosmology?

Yes, there is still much more to discover in cosmology. While we have made significant advancements in our understanding of the universe, there are still many mysteries and unanswered questions that require further research and exploration.

2. How often do new discoveries in cosmology occur?

New discoveries in cosmology occur quite frequently, with major breakthroughs happening every few years. However, the rate of discovery may vary depending on the specific area of cosmology being studied.

3. Are there any recent discoveries in cosmology that have challenged previous theories?

Yes, there have been several recent discoveries in cosmology that have challenged our previous theories and understanding of the universe. For example, the discovery of dark energy and the accelerating expansion of the universe has forced us to rethink our understanding of the universe's composition and evolution.

4. How do new discoveries in cosmology impact our daily lives?

While the direct impact of cosmology on our daily lives may not be immediately apparent, the discoveries made in this field have led to advancements in technology and our understanding of the world around us. Additionally, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the universe is inherently valuable and can inspire curiosity and wonder.

5. Will we ever reach a point where there are no more discoveries to be made in cosmology?

It is unlikely that we will ever reach a point where there are no more discoveries to be made in cosmology. As our technology and methods for studying the universe continue to advance, we will likely uncover even more mysteries and complexities that will require further investigation and discovery.

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