Crystal Structure: Primitive base vectors etc

In summary, the conversation discusses the structure of a tetragonal conventional unit cell and the vectors of its basis and bravais lattice. The speaker also seeks clarification on their understanding of these concepts.
  • #1
This is the question:
It's not a homework question, merely one from a previous years tutorial sheet.
Okay so it's tetragonal conventional unit cell, has a sort of face centered structure right?
Em.. so that would mean it has a four point basis.
My attempt at labelling the vectors of the basis was:

Mn at 0, a/2*(A+B)
Ni at c/2*C + a/2*A, c/2*C + a/2*B

A, B and C being unit vectors.. (I changed them to capitals to avoid confusion with the magnitudes a,b and c). I really have absolutely no idea if this is correct. I took the origin to be the bottom rear left Mn atom and took the 3 nearest face centre ones to it. I brought it to the lecturer, explained my confusion, he took a quick glance and told me my answer too complicated, that it was cubic. Then he realized it wasn't, stated as much and proceeded to lose attention.
Then for the primitive vectors of the bravais lattice.
Well there are three right? let's call them a1, a2 and a3.

a1 = a/2*B +c/2*C
a1 = a/2*(A + B)
a3 = a/2*A +c/2*C

So am I close or have I completely misconceived what the bravais lattice and primitive base vectors are?
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  • #2
Looks ok to me. You get the tetragonal unit cell by stretching the cubic cell along one of the lattice vectors so keeping it closely analogous to cubic FCC is the right way to go.

FAQ: Crystal Structure: Primitive base vectors etc

1. What is a crystal structure?

A crystal structure is the unique arrangement of atoms, molecules or ions in a crystal. It is responsible for the physical, chemical and optical properties of a crystal.

2. What are primitive base vectors in crystal structure?

Primitive base vectors are the shortest independent set of vectors that can define the crystal lattice. They are used to describe the unit cell of a crystal structure.

3. How are primitive base vectors determined?

Primitive base vectors are determined by finding the shortest translation vectors that can describe the symmetry of the crystal lattice. These vectors must be linearly independent to be considered primitive base vectors.

4. What is the difference between primitive base vectors and non-primitive base vectors?

The main difference between primitive and non-primitive base vectors is their length. Primitive base vectors are the shortest possible vectors that can define the crystal lattice, while non-primitive base vectors are longer and can be derived from the primitive base vectors.

5. Why are primitive base vectors important in crystal structure analysis?

Primitive base vectors are important in crystal structure analysis because they provide a simple and efficient way to describe the crystal lattice. They also help in determining the symmetry and properties of the crystal, which is crucial in understanding its behavior and potential applications.
