Can Every Element in a Finite Cyclic Group Be a Generator?

In summary, for finite cyclic groups, if a group G has generator g, then every element h in G can be written as h=g^k for some k. However, not every element in G is a generator, as choosing a k such that g^k=1 will not hit every element of G. A good choice for k to generate G is when k and |G| are coprime. Choosing a multiple of |G| will result in the worst possible k.
  • #1
Regarding finite cyclic groups, if a group G, has generator g, then every element [itex] h \in G [/itex] can be written as [itex] h = g^k [/itex] for some k.

But surely every element in G is a generator as for any [itex] k [/itex], [itex] (g^k)^n [/itex] eventually equals all the elements of G as [itex] n [/itex] in takes each integer in turn.

Thanks for any replies!
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  • #2
blahblah8724 said:
But surely every element in G is a generator as for any [itex] k [/itex], [itex] (g^k)^n [/itex] eventually equals all the elements of G as [itex] n [/itex] in takes each integer in turn.
This is not true. What if you choose a k such that g^k=1 (e.g. k=|G|)?

The problem with your reasoning is that (g^k)^n=g^(kn) won't hit every element of G as n runs, because you need all elements of the form g^m for any m. If you're only taking powers of the form kn then you won't get every integral power unless you choose a good k. It's pretty easy to determine what makes k good. You simply need to recall two facts:
(1) ord(g^k)=ord(g)/gcd(ord(g),k)=|G|/gcd(|G|,k), and
(2) h generates G iff ord(h)=|G|.
Combining these, we conclude that g^k will generate G=<g> iff gcd(|G|,k)=1, i.e., iff k and |G| are coprime.

So my example above with k=|G| (or more generally k a multiple of |G|) is an example of the worst possible k to choose.
  • #3
Ah I see it now, thank you!
  • #4
just try adding 2 to itself repeatedly in Z/6Z. note that you only get different results for n= 1,2,3.
  • #5

You are correct in saying that every element in a finite cyclic group can be a generator. This is because every element in a finite cyclic group has a unique order, which is the smallest integer n such that g^n = e, where e is the identity element. This means that for any element h in G, there exists an integer k such that h = g^k.

However, the statement in the problem is referring to a specific generator g, which is an element that generates the entire group G. This means that every element in G can be written as g^k, where k is some integer. So while every element in G can be a generator, there is a specific element g that generates the entire group.

In other words, the statement is saying that g is a "universal" generator for the group G, in the sense that it can generate all the elements in the group. This is a useful property of cyclic groups and is often used in group theory and cryptography.

I hope this clarifies the concept for you. Keep exploring and asking questions, as that is the essence of science!

FAQ: Can Every Element in a Finite Cyclic Group Be a Generator?

1. What is the Cyclic Groups Generator Problem?

The Cyclic Groups Generator Problem is a mathematical problem in group theory that seeks to find a generator for a given cyclic group. A generator is an element of the group that, when combined with itself repeatedly, can generate all the other elements in the group.

2. Why is the Cyclic Groups Generator Problem important?

The Cyclic Groups Generator Problem has applications in many areas of mathematics, including cryptography, coding theory, and number theory. It also has practical applications in computer science and engineering, such as in the design of efficient algorithms and error-correcting codes.

3. How is the Cyclic Groups Generator Problem solved?

The Cyclic Groups Generator Problem can be solved using various methods, such as brute force search, factorization algorithms, and the Discrete Logarithm Problem. However, for large cyclic groups, it is considered a hard problem and may require specialized algorithms or computational techniques.

4. What are some real-world examples of the Cyclic Groups Generator Problem?

The Cyclic Groups Generator Problem can be found in many real-world scenarios, such as in the design of secure communication protocols, generating random numbers for cryptography, and creating error-correcting codes for data transmission. It is also used in the design of efficient algorithms for solving problems in graph theory and coding theory.

5. Are there any open problems related to the Cyclic Groups Generator Problem?

Yes, there are several open problems related to the Cyclic Groups Generator Problem, such as finding efficient algorithms for solving it in different classes of cyclic groups, improving the efficiency of existing algorithms, and finding generalizations or variations of the problem.
