What is the cyclic subgroup order of GL(2,p^n) generated by the given matrix?

In summary: So, in principle, you could always generate a root of a given polynomial by computing its minimal polynomial.
  • #1
Hello Kitty
I'm trying to prove that [tex]GL(2,p^n)[/tex] has a cyclic subgroup of order [tex]p^{2n} - 1[/tex]. This should be generated by

[tex]\left( \begin{array}{cc}
0 & 1 \\
-\lambda & -\mu \end{array} \right)[/tex]

where [tex]X^2 + \mu X + \lambda[/tex] is a polynomial over [tex]F_{p^n}[/tex] such that one of its roots has multiplicative order [tex]q^{2n} - 1[/tex] in its splitting field.

Now since the above matrix satisfies its own characteristic polynomial, [tex]X^2 + \mu X + \lambda[/tex], I believe this somehow implies that it has order [tex]q^{2n} - 1[/tex].

The problem is that my Galois Theory isn't up to scratch so I don't have a clue how to justify this.

Here are some of my thoughts: I think I'm right in saying that any splitting field of [tex]F_{p^n}[/tex] is of the form [tex]F_{p^{mn}}[/tex]. For a quadratic is it always [tex]F_{p^{2n}}[/tex]? A primitive element of [tex]F_{p^{2n}}[/tex] would clearly have the desired order.
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  • #2
The q's should be p's. Corrected version:

I'm trying to prove that [tex]GL(2,p^n)[/tex] has a cyclic subgroup of order [tex]p^{2n} - 1[/tex]. This should be generated by

[tex]\left( \begin{array}{cc}
0 & 1 \\
-\lambda & -\mu \end{array} \right)[/tex]

where [tex]X^2 + \mu X + \lambda[/tex] is a polynomial over [tex]F_{p^n}[/tex] such that one of its roots has multiplicative order [tex]p^{2n} - 1[/tex] in its splitting field.

Now since the above matrix satisfies its own characteristic polynomial, [tex]X^2 + \mu X + \lambda[/tex], I believe this somehow implies that it has order [tex]p^{2n} - 1[/tex].

The problem is that my Galois Theory isn't up to scratch so I don't have a clue how to justify this.

Here are some of my thoughts: I think I'm right in saying that any splitting field of [tex]F_{p^n}[/tex] is of the form [tex]F_{p^{mn}}[/tex]. For a quadratic is it always [tex]F_{p^{2n}}[/tex]? A primitive element of [tex]F_{p^{2n}}[/tex] would clearly have the desired order.
  • #3
It seems like you're going about the problem correctly except that obviously the splitting field won't be as described if the quadratic is reducible. Other than that, unless I'm forgetting something (which would hardly be surprising), what you're saying is completely true.
  • #4
Try thinking linear algebra -- if:

. F is a field
. a is algebraic over F
. the minimal polynomial of a is quadratic

Then you know that F(a) is a vector space over F, with basis {1, a}, right? So if you know the number of elements of F, then how many does F(a) have?

Another useful linear algebra viewpoint -- one common way to study an operator is by looking at its eigenvalues. What are the eigenvalues of X?

Finally, a more algebraic viewpoint: you can prove that F[X] (the subalgebra of two by two matrices generated by X) is actually isomorphic to F(a).
  • #5
OK thanks guys. So F(a) has cardinality the square of F in Hurkyl's question, hence a splitting field of an (irreducible) quadratic over [tex]F_{p^n}[/tex] is always [tex]F_{p^{2n}}[/tex]. So we just need the polynomial [tex]X^2 + \mu X + \lambda[/tex] to have a root which is a primitive element of [tex]F_{p^{2n}}[/tex].

I guess eigenvalues are the key to showing that [tex]\left( \begin{array}{cc}
0 & 1 \\
-\lambda & -\mu \end{array} \right)[/tex] then must have order [tex]p^{2n}-1[/tex].

Indeed diagonalization over [tex]F_{p^{2n}}[/tex] gives [tex]\left( \begin{array}{cc}
0 & 1 \\
-\lambda & -\mu \end{array} \right) = P^{-1}\left( \begin{array}{cc}
r_1 & 0 \\
0 & r_2 \end{array} \right)P[/tex] where [tex] r_1, r_2 [/tex] are the roots of [tex]X^2 + \mu X + \lambda[/tex] in [tex]F_{p^{2n}}[/tex]. It immediately follows that our matrix has exact order [tex]p^{2n}-1[/tex].

Is there a canonical form for such a polynomial? I.e. can we write [tex]\mu = \mu(w), \lambda = \lambda(w)[/tex] where w is a primitive element of the field. I suspect this is probably asking a bit too much though. Is there at least a method of generating examples of these polynomials?
  • #6
Every element w of an algebraic extension of F has a minimal polynomial -- the unique, monic, irreducible polynomial f that has w as a root. If you know w, it's fairly straightforward to compute -- in this case, just compare w^2 to 1 and w. If you know w's conjugates, it's even easier, since the roots of f are the conjugates of w.
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FAQ: What is the cyclic subgroup order of GL(2,p^n) generated by the given matrix?

What is a cyclic subgroup of GL(2,q)?

A cyclic subgroup of GL(2,q) is a subset of the general linear group GL(2,q) that consists of elements generated by a single element. In other words, all elements in the subgroup can be written as powers of a single element.

How do you determine the order of a cyclic subgroup of GL(2,q)?

The order of a cyclic subgroup of GL(2,q) can be determined by finding the smallest positive integer k such that the element raised to the kth power results in the identity element. This k is also known as the order of the element.

Can a cyclic subgroup of GL(2,q) contain elements other than matrices?

Yes, a cyclic subgroup of GL(2,q) can contain elements other than matrices. The group operation of GL(2,q) is matrix multiplication, but the elements of a cyclic subgroup can also be expressed as powers of a single element, which can be any type of element that is closed under multiplication.

Is a cyclic subgroup of GL(2,q) always a normal subgroup?

No, a cyclic subgroup of GL(2,q) is not always a normal subgroup. A normal subgroup is a subgroup that is invariant under conjugation by elements of the larger group. Cyclic subgroups are only normal if the element generating the subgroup commutes with all other elements in the larger group.

How is a cyclic subgroup of GL(2,q) useful in group theory?

Cyclic subgroups of GL(2,q) have many applications in group theory, including being used to prove the existence of certain subgroups, such as the Sylow p-subgroups. They also provide a way to classify and understand the structure of larger groups by studying the properties and behavior of their cyclic subgroups.

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