- #1
- 30
- 3
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
Complex number solutions
z= z0eαt
Energy equations and Q (Quality Factor)
The Attempt at a Solution
For this question, I followed my book's "general solution" for dampened harmonic motions, where z= z0eαt, and then you can solve for α and eventually getting an answer of x=Ae-(ϒ/2)tcos(ω1t+∅) where ω1=sqrt((ω02-(ϒ/2)2)). This is just for the underdampened case and there are other solutions for the critical and overdampened case. However, I don't think these are the answers and I'm not even sure how to interpret these "general solutions". For this question would the case be any different if a v(0) = v0, and the mass is hanging? Should I treat it like a driven harmonic oscillator because of the hammer? This is the first time I'm answering a question like this one.