Damper Oscillator dropping amplitude to half the original value

  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a damped oscillator
Assume that the mass is 318g, the spring constant is 104 N/m, and b = 0.106 kg/s. How long does it take for the amplitude to drop to half its initial value?

M = 318 g Or 0.318 kg
K = 104 N/m
b = 0.106 kg/s

Homework Equations

n / a

The Attempt at a Solution

I have no sweet clue how to even start something like this! Help would be greatly appreciated!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
Do you know the equations of (damped) oscillatory motion?
Have you tried solving:
[itex] a\ddot{x}(t)+b\dot{x}(t)=-cx(t) [/itex]?
I'd refer you hither, and you can simply plug in if you like, but I recommend actually solving for the general case, it's fairly trivial, and very instructive...
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