Deep Sleep Ghost: Help for Unlucky Sleeper

  • Thread starter Lisa!
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In summary, the speaker is experiencing difficulties with falling and staying asleep due to external noises and stress. They also mention a possible ghost encounter, but are skeptical due to their past enjoyment of pretending to see ghosts. Others suggest that the experience could be caused by stress and dreaming about things on their mind.
  • #1
Gold Member
I really need some know that seems pretty funny but sometimes when I'm about to fall into a deep sleep or when I have a deep sleep, someone suddenly call me my name by whispering and wake me up! :rolleyes: That's pretty crazy the momment I wake up I see no one around but I feel the person is pleased about what he/she/it did! :cry: any idea about what it could be?
damn!I'm really unlucky about sleepin.every silly reason could wake me up like noise!even if I feel someone glance at me or sometimes I think time and space doesn't match in my dreams and I wake up!
Physics news on
  • #2
Lisa! said:
I really need some know that seems pretty funny but sometimes when I'm about to fall into a deep sleep or when I have a deep sleep, someone suddenly call me my name by whispering and wake me up! :rolleyes:
Sorry, that was me. :biggrin: I'll be quiet now. o:)
  • #3
Astronuc said:
Sorry, that was me. :biggrin: I'll be quiet now. o:)
:smile: believe me it's not a joke!you know it happened on Sunday again!I was about to sleep deeply and someone said "Sorry,Lisa!" and that momment I really really felt that was one of the PF's members! :zzz: anyway no need to be quiet now because I'm awake and I have some guests coming soon! :wink:
  • #4
Do you have any stress related issues right now? Stress can cause things to happen inside your head.

or maybe you have a ghost. and in case you do, you have to feed it twice a week.

that or it really was astronuc :rolleyes:
  • #5
Lisa! said:
I really need some know that seems pretty funny but sometimes when I'm about to fall into a deep sleep or when I have a deep sleep, someone suddenly call me my name by whispering and wake me up! :rolleyes: That's pretty crazy the momment I wake up I see no one around but I feel the person is pleased about what he/she/it did! :cry: any idea about what it could be?
damn!I'm really unlucky about sleepin.every silly reason could wake me up like noise!even if I feel someone glance at me or sometimes I think time and space doesn't match in my dreams and I wake up!

You could be translating external noises and incorporating them into a dream. When I was a kid, I once had this terrible nightmare in which the sky tore open [don't ask, I have no idea], and all of the air from the planet was leaking into space. In my dream it all made perfect sense. Finally I became so scared that I woke up. In the distance was heard the rushing sound of a large gas release of some kind; now, I wouild imagine that it was some kind of industrial pressure relief in progress.
  • #6
Here's the old Alabama (U.S.) "don't bother me, ghosts" trick:
Before you go to sleep, place your shoes next to your bed, one toe pointing toward the bed and one pointing away. They won't bother you anymore.
  • #7
Lisa! said:
you know it happened on Sunday again!I was about to sleep deeply and someone said "Sorry,Lisa!" and that momment I really really felt that was one of the PF's members!
I'll keep my eyes open the next time I float by. :biggrin:

Lisa! said:
anyway no need to be quiet now because I'm awake and I have some guests coming soon!
Hopefully living, breathing guests and not spirits. :wink:
  • #8
yomamma said:
Do you have any stress related issues right now? Stress can cause things to happen inside your head.

or maybe you have a ghost. and in case you do, you have to feed it twice a week.

that or it really was astronuc :rolleyes:
ah when I was achild I always liked reading stories about ghost but I never believed them.just when I was alone with some other kids I pretended I saw sth strange happpened for example sth moved on the other side of room and I really enjoyed when they almost believed me! :rolleyes: and now maybe they wanted to pay me back because of jesting with them! :devil:
  • #9
  • #10
Ivan Seeking said:
You could be translating external noises and incorporating them into a dream. <snip>

This is very common, at least for me. The other day, I was reading a book about Babylonian myths (The Epic Of Gilgamesh to be precise) on my couch. I was very tired and fell asleep on my couch. One of my %^%^ neighbors had his car outside playing the rap music with *way* too much bass. Somehow, I managed to have a dream about the characters in 'Gilgamesh' accompanied by rap music.

In the case of hearing someone calling your name, it sounds like maybe it's workplace stress. If you have a job where you're a fairly important person and people tend to call your name out during the day, it's certainly not uncommon to have dreams about it. I've had a few 'stress-mares' in my life about similar things. I find that, in general, I dream about whatever is on my mind at the time I fall asleep.
  • #11
Lisa! said:
ah when I was achild I always liked reading stories about ghost but I never believed them.just when I was alone with some other kids I pretended I saw sth strange happpened for example sth moved on the other side of room and I really enjoyed when they almost believed me! :rolleyes: and now maybe they wanted to pay me back because of jesting with them! :devil:

Well, you wouldn't be the only one. I had one 'no kidding' encounter when I was a kid (about 16.) I was up late one night, maybe 2 AM or so, on the computer, which never pleased my mother. I got up to use the bathroom and I saw the knob to my bedroom door turning as I reached for it. Sure that I would find my mother on the other side ready to scold me, I grabbed the knob and jerked the door open only to find an empty hallway beyond. I managed to tell myself that it was just fatigue playing tricks on my mind, but to this day I'm not 100% convinced that it was.
  • #12
I've never had one of these encounters, but 2 of my friends have.

once, they were sitting in one of their houses, and they were talking about ghosts. then, the lights started flashing violently. then, they stopped, leaving the room dark. one of them got up to turn on the light when the light turned itself on... ooooo! oooooOO! 0000000! ghosts!
  • #13
Ivan Seeking said:
You could be translating external noises and incorporating them into a dream.
Yes,it happens sometimes and it's really funny how all external noises comes to my dream and my dream is really funny and interesting.and I am always surprised by wonderful abilities of humans' brains.when it happens I talk to people around me and say "were you watching a movie which was about..."or in other cases I say to them the subject they were talking about and it really make them surprised because they say "you'd slept so deeply that you looked like a dead person!"
but this experience is quite external noise around me and even no stress about know just once I had to wake up earlier than I used to and I was sure I put alarm clock on time,so I went to bed very relax.then someone called me after afew hours and when I realized I got up exactly on time and I had forgotten to put my alarm clock on time!this experience wasn't strange to me at all but I've not found a reason for my new experience yet.

When I was a kid, I once had this terrible nightmare in which the sky tore open [don't ask, I have no idea], and all of the air from the planet was leaking into space. In my dream it all made perfect sense. Finally I became so scared that I woke up. In the distance was heard the rushing sound of a large gas release of some kind; now, I wouild imagine that it was some kind of industrial pressure relief in progress.
Yeah,I remeber my childhood nightmare's very well and mostly I had nightmares because of strange books and movies which weren't suitable for my age.
  • #14
Lisa! said:
is the exclamation point because of your username, or is that what your "ghost" really said? she's insane

and, is the comma meant to start right before the 'L' or should there be a comma at all?

she doesn't even know where to put commas!
  • #15
Hearing your name being called is actually pretty normal, it happens to a lot of people.
Auditory hallucinations which happen while falling asleep or while in a deep sleep are normal.
To some degree, auditory hallucinations while awake are also normal. Its when it effects your everyday life, that mental issues arise.
If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think your being haunted..but if you "accidently" tossed your shoes in different directions..I wouldn't mock you either.. :smile:
  • #16
These are the endtimes. The spirit world rubs closer against ours, preparing for the merging.
  • #17
Ok it happened again.I woke up from a deep sleep and automatically stared at on the other side of the room where I saw someone stood :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: after afew minutes I was able to open my eyes completely and I saw there were no one! :smile: I'm sure I wasn't dreaming about sth like that before I woke up suddenly!

yomamma said:
is the exclamation point because of your username, or is that what your "ghost" really said? she's insane

and, is the comma meant to start right before the 'L' or should there be a comma at all?

she doesn't even know where to put commas!'re insane not me because how the ghost is able to call me Lisa! :bugeye:
  • #18
I have a ghost, it nicks all my stuf, only silly things like envelopes and my credit
card, the one i only use to buy stuff with over the net, and never goes outside.
and my polo mints, its all ways pinching them, and my documents, they just
  • #19
Have you seen it recently?
  • #20
Lisa! said:
Have you seen it recently?

No i have never seen it, and i am serious my stuff just vanishes, and i am not nuts, like my car MOT, i all ways keep it in one place and that vanished.
  • #21
I thought you sent it to my home!
  • #22
Lisa! said:
I thought you sent it to my home!

NO i wouldn't do that, but you can come and get him, her, it, then your
other one will have company :biggrin:
  • #23
Lisa, is your home built over an old monestry or burial ground, because realy
strange things happen at places like that mostly not bad things
But if i were you i would put one side of my bed against the wall, by the way how far can you turn your head :devil:
  • #24
I'd rather not to do that because they would leave me then.and I can't stand it because I love ghosts!
  • #25
I see, Hmmm, but, i am trying to think of a way to tell you :confused:
that may be you are a teensy weensy bit, or may be that you are not
quite err mmm err, but i won't beat about the bush, have you ever been
to one of those nice institutions :biggrin: what i am trying to say is that
you may be stark raving bonkers :biggrin:
but don't worry.

FAQ: Deep Sleep Ghost: Help for Unlucky Sleeper

1. What is Deep Sleep Ghost?

Deep Sleep Ghost is a phenomenon that occurs during sleep, characterized by experiencing haunting or paranormal events while in a state of deep sleep. It is also known as "sleep paralysis" or "night terrors".

2. What are the symptoms of Deep Sleep Ghost?

The symptoms of Deep Sleep Ghost include feeling a presence in the room, difficulty breathing or moving, and intense fear or anxiety. Some people also report seeing or hearing strange and frightening figures or voices.

3. What causes Deep Sleep Ghost?

The exact cause of Deep Sleep Ghost is not fully understood, but it is believed to be linked to disruptions in the sleep cycle. It can also be triggered by stress, sleep deprivation, and certain medications.

4. Is Deep Sleep Ghost dangerous?

While experiencing Deep Sleep Ghost can be extremely frightening, it is not considered dangerous. It is a temporary condition that usually resolves on its own and does not cause any physical harm.

5. How can I prevent Deep Sleep Ghost?

To prevent Deep Sleep Ghost, it is important to practice good sleep hygiene, such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and reducing stress before bedtime. Avoiding caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime can also help prevent sleep disruptions.

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