Is the Geometry of the Universe Determined by Its Density?

In summary, the geometry of the universe is determined by the density of the universe, with the curvature parameter k being a constant value at the birth of the universe. The global curvature of the universe is dependent on whether the density is greater than, less than, or equal to the critical density. The curvature parameter is not determined by dynamics, but is given at the start of the universe. Different models of the universe can help us understand how each component (matter, radiation, vacuum energy) influences the universe and how the density remains within a certain range depending on the value of k.
  • #1
Just for clarity, the geometry of the universe is completely determined by the stuff that the universe contains. The parameter k in the R-W metric and in the Friedmann equation *is determined* by the density.

The curvature/ geometry of the universe is not independent of the density.

Correct or not?

Thank you!
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  • #3

But how is the sign of the curvature parameter k determined? As I understand, only the scale factor is dynamical in the Friedmann equation. So if our universe is sphere or a saddle, the curvature of the universe in our observable part could have been flatten out if the scale factor accelerated fast enough.

Also, there seems to be model universes in the textbooks (like in Ryden or in Carroll), where they assume a curvature of a universe (open/flat/closed) and then add energy components (matter/radiation/vaccum constant) to the model. Unfortunately, they nowhere say clearly if the curvature is a parameter outside of the model (the Friedmann equation) or not.So again my question: what physics determine if the universe is open, flat or closed?

Addendum: I just read in some notes that k never changes and that density, though it depends on time, always remains in whichever regime it starts with ( larger than one, equal to one, smaller than one).

So can we say then that k is given and can only be determined by measurement?
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  • #4
The global curvature of the universe (whether k is positive, negative, or zero) depends on whether the density of the universe is greater than, less than, or equal to the critical density, [tex]\rho_c = \frac{3H^2}{8\pi G}[/tex].
  • #5
Ryden's Introduction in cosmology book has a variety of models. Single and multi-component
universes. She adds components to arrive at her benchmark model. If you work through each model it becomes clear how each component influences the universe. Bapowell has already answered how K is determined. That is also shown in Ryden's book.
  • #6
Thanks again!

After reading some more I came to understand that the universe is "born" with a certain amount of matter, radiation, vacuum energy and with or without a certain curvature.

The density changes, but depending on the value of k, which is given when the universe comes into existence, the density remains larger than one, one or smaller than one.

So k is indeed not determined by any dynamics, but a given constant given at the start of a universe.

FAQ: Is the Geometry of the Universe Determined by Its Density?

1. What is the relationship between density and geometry?

Density and geometry are closely related because the density of a substance determines its physical properties, such as its shape and form. This is because density is a measure of how much mass is contained within a certain volume, which directly affects the arrangement of particles and the overall shape of the substance.

2. How does density determine the shape of an object?

Density determines the shape of an object by influencing how closely packed its particles are. If a substance has a high density, its particles are tightly packed together and the overall shape of the object will be more compact. On the other hand, a substance with a low density will have particles that are more spread out, resulting in a less compact shape.

3. Can density be used to predict the geometry of a substance?

Yes, density can be used to predict the geometry of a substance. This is because, as mentioned earlier, density is a measure of how closely packed the particles are in a substance. By knowing the density, we can determine the arrangement of particles and predict the overall geometry of the substance.

4. How does density affect the physical properties of a substance?

Density affects the physical properties of a substance in several ways. It determines the substance's buoyancy, melting and boiling points, and even its ability to dissolve in other substances. This is because the density of a substance is a reflection of its molecular structure and how tightly packed its particles are.

5. How is density measured and how does it relate to geometry?

Density is typically measured by dividing the mass of a substance by its volume. This gives us a value in units of mass per unit volume, such as grams per cubic centimeter. This value is then compared to the density of a known substance to determine the identity of the substance. As for its relation to geometry, as discussed earlier, density determines the arrangement of particles in a substance, which in turn affects its overall geometry.

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