Deriving the Schwarzschild Metric

In summary, the Schwarzschild metric is a time-time metric which has the following time-space components: g_{tt} = \left (\frac{\partial \tau}{\partial r} \right )^2\approx 1-\frac{2 G M}{r c^2} g_{rr} = -1/g_{00} The connection coefficients are found from Christoffel's connection theorem. The nonvanishing components of the Reimann tensor are found from the contraction of the Reimann tensor. The Ricci tensor is set to zero. The g00 and g11 are found to be functions of r, only.
  • #1
Gold Member
I've worked through a common-sense argument" showing the time-time component of the Schwarzschild metric

[tex]g_{tt} = \left (\frac{\partial \tau}{\partial r} \right )^2\approx 1-\frac{2 G M}{r c^2} [/tex]

On the other hand, I've not worked through any common-sense argument for the grr component of the Schwarzschild metric:
[tex]\left (\frac{\partial s}{\partial r} \right )^2\approx \frac{1}{1-\frac{2 G M}{r c^2}}[/tex]

I can see there is a derivation in the" on pages 168-172. That remains a goal for me, to work through that derivation as well, but I'm not comfortable with most of the concepts involved here.

I am interested in the reasons behind these steps.

  • assuming [tex]g_{11}=-1/g_{00}[/tex]
  • finding the connection coefficients
  • finding the nonvanishing components of the Reimann tensor
  • taking the contraction (as usual?) to find the Ricci tensor
  • setting all the components of the Ricci tensor to zero
  • discovering that the g00 and g11 had to be functions of r, only,
  • Setting R00=R11=0
  • Doing some differential equations with boundary conditions, and deriving the metric

My trouble is that I don't have a common-sense understanding of the Reimann tensor or the Ricci tensor. I'm also having trouble distinguishing the relevant equations, like definitions of these tensors, as I find myself, as I read through the Carroll Lectures, filling up page after page of undefined components, but never really getting to the heart of the matter.

I'm only beginning to have some common-sense understanding of the connection (Christoffel) coefficient, based on the Cartesian to polar connection coefficients, diagrammed on page 6,".

Where should I begin? Perhaps with step 1. Why do we start with the assumption that gtt is the negative reciprocal of grr?
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  • #2
JDoolin, My advice is to forget about the common-sense approach and learn the mathematics. Common sense will quickly lead you astray.
  • #3
Once you make use of spherical symmetry, it's a diff eq with two variables. (Three at the most, if you don't make assumptions about r-t cross term). It might not be obvious from equations themselves, but once you know the form you're looking for, it should be easy enough to work out.
  • #4
Common sense, or mathematics, either way, why does Carroll start with the assumption that gtt is the negative reciprocal of grr?
  • #5
JDoolin said:
I've worked through a common-sense argument" showing the time-time component of the Schwarzschild metric...On the other hand, I've not worked through any common-sense argument for the grr component of the Schwarzschild metric... Why do we start with the assumption that gtt is the negative reciprocal of grr?

It isn't an assumption. See, for example, the explanation following equation (4) of this link:
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  • #6
It isn't an assumption. The metric you start with (after the spherical symmetry conditions and orthogonality conditions) is [itex]ds^{2} = -e^{2\alpha (r)}dt^{2} + e^{2\beta (r)}dr^{2} + r^{2}d\Omega ^{2}[/itex]. You know that [itex]R_{tt} = 0 [/itex] and [itex]R_{rr} = 0 [/itex] because you are solving the vacuum field equations and if you calculate the components for each and add the two components together you find that [itex]\partial _{r}\alpha = - \partial _{r}\beta [/itex] so, after using the freedom to rescale constants, [itex]\alpha = -\beta [/itex] which explains the reciprocal. This is also explained pretty clearly in Caroll's text.
  • #7
Samshorn said:
It isn't an assumption.
Actually that's not what I meant, anyway. When I ask "Why do you assume?" I mean "How do you derive?" I meant no disrespect to Carroll.

See, for example, the explanation following equation (4) of this link:

Thank you. That looks very promising.
  • #8
As far as I know, g_00 is determined to low order (second order, I think), by requiring that GR match up with Newtonian physics in the Newtonian limit. Which is (I hope) what your common sense argument boils down to.

The spatial components of the metric require you to actually use Einstein's field equations to find. And the full metric makes new non-Newtonian predictions, such as spatial curvature (spatial, using the Schwarzschild time-slice) and the extra bending of light. So I think you'll need to actually understand the heart of the theory, where Einstein's field equations, came from to get this part, and not just look for correspondence with Newton's theory.

Given the field equations, though, it's not terribly hard to show what the metric must be.

FAQ: Deriving the Schwarzschild Metric

1. What is the Schwarzschild metric?

The Schwarzschild metric is a solution to Einstein's field equations in general relativity that describes the geometry of spacetime in the vicinity of a non-rotating, spherically symmetric mass. It is named after German physicist Karl Schwarzschild, who first derived it in 1916.

2. How is the Schwarzschild metric derived?

The Schwarzschild metric is derived by solving Einstein's field equations, which are a set of ten non-linear partial differential equations that describe the relationship between matter and the curvature of spacetime. The derivation involves making certain assumptions, such as a non-rotating, spherically symmetric mass, and using mathematical techniques such as tensor calculus and differential geometry.

3. What is the significance of the Schwarzschild metric in physics?

The Schwarzschild metric is significant because it was the first exact solution to Einstein's field equations and played a crucial role in the development of the theory of general relativity. It is also used to model the gravitational field around non-rotating astronomical objects such as stars and black holes.

4. What are the key features of the Schwarzschild metric?

The Schwarzschild metric has several key features, including a singularity at the center, a time dilation effect, and a curvature of spacetime that causes the path of light to be bent. It also has a critical radius known as the Schwarzschild radius, which defines the event horizon of a black hole.

5. How does the Schwarzschild metric relate to the phenomenon of gravitational time dilation?

The Schwarzschild metric predicts that time will run slower in regions of strong gravitational fields, known as gravitational time dilation. This is due to the curvature of spacetime caused by the mass of an object. The effect is most pronounced near the event horizon of a black hole, where time appears to stand still for an outside observer.
