Determine the # of solutions to the equation

  • Thread starter hamface
  • Start date
In summary, the number of solutions for the equation sin(ax)=b, for the domain 0 (less than or equal to) x (less than or equal to) 2pi, can be determined by considering the values of a and b. If b is less than -1 or greater than 1, there are no solutions. For other values of b, there can be 1, 2, or 3 solutions depending on the value of b. As a increases, there can be additional solutions, with each "trip around the circle" yielding more solutions. Calculus and the Maclaurin series can be used to find the value of the sine for a specific value of x.
  • #1

determine the # of solutions to the equation...


for the domain 0 (less than or equal to) x (less than or equal to) 2pi, for the values of a. a is a pos. integer and b is a real #.

Then it gives examples:

value of a ... value of b
...1 ... ... 0
... 2 ... ... 0.2
...3 ... ... -0.2
... 4 ... ... 1
...0.5 ... ... 0.5
... 1 ... ... 2

sin (ax) = b

From a = 1 and b = 0:
sin x = 0
x = {0, pi, 2(pi)}

From a = 2 and b = 0.2:
sin (2x) = 0.2
2x = approximately {0.2014, 2.9402, 6.4845, 9.2234}
x = approximately {0.1007, 1.4701, 3.2423, 4.6117}

From a = 3 and b = -0.2:
sin (3x) = -0.2
3x = approximately {3.3430, 6.0818, 9.6261, 12.3650, 15.9093, 18.6482}
x = approximately {1.1143, 2.0273, 3.2087, 4.1217, 5.3031, 6.2161}

From a = 4 and b = 1:
sin (4x) = 1
4x = {(1/2)(pi), (5/2)(pi), (9/2)(pi), (13/2)(pi)}
x = {(1/8)(pi), (5/8)(pi), (9/8)(pi), (13/8)(pi)}

...But I am not sure how to explain what I did out. And also, I didn't do the last two options, because they messed me up.

Can anyone help?

I need help.
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  • #2

Originally posted by hamface
THE for the values of a. a is a pos. integer and b is a real #.

Then it gives examples:

value of a ... value of b
...1 ... ... 0
... 2 ... ... 0.2
...3 ... ... -0.2
... 4 ... ... 1
...0.5 ... ... 0.5
... 1 ... ... 2

0.5 isn't an integer.
Besides I don't understand the question. Are a and b constant? If not, then of course there are either 1 or 2 solutions for any pair of a and b. But from the examples above, it appears that a and b are not constant. In which case, what do you mean by number of solutions? Do you mean the number of pairs of a,b such that the equality holds for some x between 0 and 2pi? Do you mean the number of x values that saitify the equation for at least one a,b pair?

From a = 4 and b = 1:
sin (4x) = 1
4x = {(1/2)(pi), (5/2)(pi), (9/2)(pi), (13/2)(pi)}
x = {(1/8)(pi), (5/8)(pi), (9/8)(pi), (13/8)(pi)}

5/2(pi) is not in the domain. Nor is 13/2(pi). You said 0<x<2pi or x=0 or x=2pi
  • #3
You need to consider a lot of different cases:

If b < -1 or b > 1, there are no solutions regardless of the value of a.

For other possible values of b, first figure out the number of solutions for sin x = b (a = 1).

There are 3 possible cases to consider:

If b = -1 or 1, then there is only one solution to this equation.

If 0 < b < 1 or -1 < b < 0, there are 2 possible solutions to this equation.

If b = 0, there are 3 solutions.

For a > 1, if x is to be between 0 and 2Pi inclusive then ax must be between 0 and 2aPi inclusive. I visualize solutions to this sort of equation as angles in standard position that intersect the unit circle. (The angles can be graphed in the x-y plane with the vertex as the origin and the initial side along the positive x-axis). For x between 0 and 2Pi this amounts to making one complete "trip around the circle" and finding all possible solutions. Thus, each time a is increased by 1, there will be additional solutions to the equation -- "for every trip around the circle" there will be angles co-terminal to the solutions already found that are also solutions to the equation. I think you are being asked to generalize this for any integer value of a. The trickiest case is that for b = 0 since 1 additional "trip around the circle" will only yield 2 new solutions -- not 3.

Hope this helps.
  • #4
for any sine,cosine of a constant number ( like 6, 7, 9, 3.7) we can use calculus...we can use the Malcaurin series follows...
example1)- what is the sin of (.4)?

ans cos(x)=1-x^2/2! + x^4/4!...and then we the the tangent can be expressed as tan=sin/cos=x-x^3/3!+x^5/5!-.../ 1-x^2!+x^4/4-...=x+1/3x^3=2/15x^5+...

hence, sin(x)=x-x^/3!+x^5/5!-x^7/7!+...(-1)^n-1 x^2n-1 /(2n-1)+...since this is a infinity series we let ... go on..
now since it goes on forever, i want to find the fifth degree of the malaurin series,...hence, P5 of x (not times x)= x-X63/3!+x^5/5!= ( since this is a limited function of the maclaurin series, we don't need a ...) f(x)=f(.4)=P5(.4)=.4-(.4)^3/3!+.4^5/5!=.378352

(note) ain(x)=x-x^3/3!+x^5/5!-x^7/7!+...=sigma ^infinity n=0 (-1)^2 x^2x+1/(2n+1)! since the interval is infinity, sigma must have an infinity...

FAQ: Determine the # of solutions to the equation

1. How do I determine the number of solutions to an equation?

The number of solutions to an equation can be determined by examining the degree of the equation and the number of variables present. The degree of an equation is the highest power of the variable in the equation. For example, the equation 2x^2 + 3x + 1 has a degree of 2. If the degree of the equation is 1, then it will have one solution. If the degree is 2, it may have two solutions, and so on. Similarly, the number of variables present in the equation also affects the number of solutions. For an equation with one variable, there can be a maximum of one solution. For two variables, there can be an infinite number of solutions.

2. Is there a formula for determining the number of solutions to an equation?

There is no specific formula for determining the number of solutions to an equation. However, there are rules and techniques that can be used depending on the type of equation. For example, for linear equations (equations with a degree of 1), the number of solutions can be determined by the number of variables present. For quadratic equations (degree of 2), the discriminant can be used to determine the number of solutions.

3. Can an equation have no solutions?

Yes, an equation can have no solutions. This happens when the equation results in a contradiction or when the solution does not exist in the given domain. For example, the equation x + 2 = x has no solutions since no value of x can satisfy this equation.

4. Can an equation have infinitely many solutions?

Yes, an equation can have infinitely many solutions. This happens when the equation results in an identity or when the solution set is the entire number line. For example, the equation x + 2 = x + 2 has infinitely many solutions since any value of x will satisfy this equation.

5. How can I check if my solution to an equation is correct?

To check if a solution is correct, you can substitute the value into the original equation and see if it satisfies the equation. If it does, then the solution is correct. However, for equations with multiple solutions, you may need to check each solution separately to ensure they all satisfy the equation.

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