Did anyone have a good day today?

  • Thread starter Moonbear
  • Start date
In summary, today seems to have been a pretty bad day for a lot of people. Humanino wins the prize for the worst day with the smashing of his PhD project. Evo, franz and motai are sick with the flu or flu-like something. I got word that a manuscript was rejected (compared to everyone else's day, it doesn't seem so bad...it happens and isn't the end of the world). dduardo's favorite radio station was kicked off the air. Another friend I talked to at about 11:15 was still scrambling to meet a midnight deadline that just got dropped on him yesterday, and hadn't even stopped for dinner. I know of at least one other person who had
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
Today seems to have been a pretty bad day for a lot of people. Humanino wins the prize for the worst day with the smashing of his PhD project. Evo, franz and motai are sick with the flu or flu-like something. I got word that a manuscript was rejected (compared to everyone else's day, it doesn't seem so bad...it happens and isn't the end of the world). dduardo's favorite radio station was kicked off the air. Another friend I talked to at about 11:15 was still scrambling to meet a midnight deadline that just got dropped on him yesterday, and hadn't even stopped for dinner. I know of at least one other person who had a bad day.

So, if anyone out there had something good happen to them today, please share and cheer us up! A little good news to cheer about goes a long way.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Moonbear said:
So, if anyone out there had something good happen to them today, please share and cheer us up!

I got home from lab the same day I left home ! :biggrin:

This hasn't been happening very much lately, so it's a very positive end to the day.
  • #3
Gokul43201 said:
I got home from lab the same day I left home ! :biggrin:

This hasn't been happening very much lately, so it's a very positive end to the day.

Woo hoo! Some days you have to celebrate the little things. And sometimes having a completely boring, uneventful day is a good thing. :smile:
  • #4
Today was really quite the anomaly for our lab - hardly anything went wrong ! :eek: <bracing myself for the impending inevitable disaster>
  • #5
Gokul43201 said:
Today was really quite the anomaly for our lab - hardly anything went wrong ! :eek: <bracing myself for the impending inevitable disaster>

So your lab is the one to blame! You sucked all the good luck out of the rest of the universe just so nothing would go wrong for you today. I knew you physicists were up to devious things. :-p
  • #6
My date didnt show up! Boo hooo!
  • #7
chound said:
My date didnt show up! Boo hooo!

Sorry to hear that. :frown: See, now you know, blame Gokul's lab for luck sucking! :biggrin: I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, just so it won't be today anymore. Well, technically, it is a new day here already, but it doesn't count until I've slept and the sun comes up.
  • #8
chound said:
My date didnt show up! Boo hooo!

You're not the only one.
  • #9
enigma said:
You're not the only one.

:frown: :cry: Horrible, horrible day! It's pretty bad when the best news anyone has is that Gokul got home before midnight and nothing broke.
  • #10
I had a pretty decent day. We did some shopping earlier, got some bread and juice, my girlfriend bought a book. I cooked myself a pretty good dinner: roasted chicken breast, garlic mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables. Then I watched the NBA on ESPN and saw the hated Sacramento Queens get robbed at the end. There are few things on TV more fun than watching the Queens whine and cry while losing a heartbreaking game. Although nothing particularly noteworthy occured, I've been happy all day.
  • #11
loseyourname said:
I had a pretty decent day. We did some shopping earlier, got some bread and juice, my girlfriend bought a book. I cooked myself a pretty good dinner: roasted chicken breast, garlic mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables. Then I watched the NBA on ESPN and saw the hated Sacramento Queens get robbed at the end. There are few things on TV more fun than watching the Queens whine and cry while losing a heartbreaking game. Although nothing particularly noteworthy occured, I've been happy all day.

Yay! A toast to loseyourname for being happy all day! :biggrin: That dinner sounds yummy! Oh, yeah, that's something good that happened today. I made shrimp scampi for dinner and it came out just right! A side dish of asparagus dipped in the same scampi sauce too...very tasty. :approve: Lots and lots of garlic (at least the vampires should leave me alone tonight).
  • #12
Well to contribute the general "bad day" stories. My sons pickup was broken into in our driveway, His backpack with a calculator, a Alpine CD Changer and a favorite sweat shirt ran off down the street. Leaving behind a smashed window. Why would anybody break into a beat up '83 Ranger?
  • #13
well, i had a good day yesterday...i had an ultrasound and we saw the baby, the heartbeat was strong and fast (171 b/min). the tech gave me an official due date of september 20th! with my last child however, i was 9 days early, let's hope this one isn't 9 days early.
  • #14
Integral said:
Why would anybody break into a beat up '83 Ranger?
Ostensibly to steal your son's backpack (with a calculator), the Alpine CD Changer and sweat shirt. That is one reason why one does not leave stuff in a car in a metropolitan or suburban area.
  • #15
My wake-up cigarette was particularly good this morning, so I think I've had a good day..
  • #16
arildno said:
My wake-up cigarette was particularly good this morning, so I think I've had a good day..
ewwww, yuck, blech Cigarettes? :frown:
  • #17
Not everyone of us starts the day with a pint of carrot juice, Evo.
  • #18
arildno said:
Not everyone of us starts the day with a pint of carrot juice, Evo.
ewwww, yuck, blech Carrot juice? :frown:
  • #19
The perfect start to a perfect day? A big mess of grits, over easy eggs and sausage, smothered with Louisianna hot sauce. :-p Washed down with a half gallon of strong coffee. Now that's a healthy way to start your day! :smile:
  • #20
I second your half gallon of coffee, Evo (but mind: NO MILK or sugar in it..)
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  • #21
Kerrie said:
well, i had a good day yesterday...i had an ultrasound and we saw the baby, the heartbeat was strong and fast (171 b/min). the tech gave me an official due date of september 20th! with my last child however, i was 9 days early, let's hope this one isn't 9 days early.

That's really great news! Hmm, if the last one was 9 days early, this one has to come 9 days late to keep average due dates on average, right? :biggrin: Well, now you can change your avatar to the current ultrasound photos. (Yeah, I know there's not much to see yet). But aren't ultrasounds just the coolest thing to look at? :cool:
  • #22
Evo said:
The perfect start to a perfect day? A big mess of grits, over easy eggs and sausage, smothered with Louisianna hot sauce. :-p Washed down with a half gallon of strong coffee. Now that's a healthy way to start your day! :smile:

Hmm...breakfast...it's 1 in the afternoon here and I haven't even gotten myself out of bed yet. :biggrin: Now THAT is a good Saturday! (Though I can't believe I managed to sleep so late! I flipped the mattress on the bed last night and I think the bed was way more comfortable than it's been in a long time...well, since the last time I flipped the mattress anyway).

No grits for me, but I do have coffee mugs that my sister finally shipped to me (bought them over the holidays while visiting her but couldn't fit them with my luggage) that will fit the equivalent of about 2 normal sized mugs of coffee in them! Definitely coffee coming up soon! Maybe an egg and English muffin to go with it.
  • #23
Moonbear said:
Hmm...breakfast...it's 1 in the afternoon here and I haven't even gotten myself out of bed yet. :biggrin: Now THAT is a good Saturday!
1 in the afternoon? I've had my diner already! :wink: This morning I was brutely awoken by a phone call at 9.30 in the morning.. after which I went back to sleep.. then we were brutely awoken again at 11.30 by a visitor at the door we had to let in in our PJs :rolleyes:
  • #24
Monique said:
1 in the afternoon? I've had my diner already! :wink: This morning I was brutely awoken by a phone call at 9.30 in the morning.. after which I went back to sleep.. then we were brutely awoken again at 11.30 by a visitor at the door we had to let in in our PJs :rolleyes:

Glad I'm not the only one who likes to skip mornings. :-p Yeah, if anyone ever showed up here before noon, and I actually woke up to hear the doorbell ringing, they'd get me in PJs and bed hair! :eek:
  • #25
Moonbear said:
they'd get me in PJs and bed hair! :eek:
:bugeye: :eek: :eek: :bugeye:

And that's all i have to say about that.
  • #26
arildno said:
Not everyone of us starts the day with a pint of carrot juice, Evo.

That's funny. I generally start every day with a well-balanced breakfast, vitamin supplements, and a protein shake. Today it was toast, oatmeal with liquefied bananas and cinnamon, and an orange.
  • #27
An omelet with onion, leek, celery and some mushrooms for me today on warm toast :biggrin:
  • #28
Mmm...yum...add a little cheese instead of celery and that's the sort of omelet I like. I opted for two eggs, sunny-side-up, an English muffin (which the English have no clue such a thing exists...LOL...have to love how food in the US is named after other countries that have nothing to do with it), and a BIG mug of coffee. I guess that counts as brunch.
  • #29
today was super!

--woke up early, and sat in bed doing nothing for two hours
--went to golf practice
--found out that my coach hadn't shown up for practice due to weather conditions, so i went to the ball machine to hit some DINGERS!
--forgot to put the bucket under the ball machine, causing about 30 golf balls to fall all over the ground. the wet ground.
--hit some DINGERS!
--listened to queen
--got home, wrote an scholarship essay that sucks big time, but i love it anyhow
--made plans to head off to NEW YORK CITY!
--practiced writing random words in ALL CAPS
--am about to call up NYU to see if they care about me
--will sleep after that
--read jane eyre
--play some friggin' halo
--go to bed.

i might do some laundry too.

there is no way that today could suck. unless this thread was made yesterday, which it was.

yesterday was pretty awesome too. i took pictures of myself, found out my friend (who just got his license) was in a car accident, ate the biggest chipotle burrito of my life, and walked around in public in my victoria secrets PAJAMAS! and ordered some fish tacos.

good times.

the golf balls were the highlight of my week.
  • #30
LOL! I think today is turning out to be far better than yesterday. Hmm...I wonder if you can walk around in public in pajamas in Virginia? You can't show your underwear, but are pajamas still okay? :biggrin:

So, relskid, you're a golfer, huh? Maybe you should be planning to go to med school. :smile:
  • #31

i probably would be the type to go through the numerous years of schooling to become a doctor just for the benefit of being able to play golf. :biggrin:

...or just become a professional golfer.

california is the lord of the pj wardrobe, so feel free to come here and do it.
  • #32
relskid said:
walked around in public in my victoria secrets PAJAMAS! and ordered some fish tacos.

good times.

the golf balls were the highlight of my week.

you aren't lying when you claim your location is in california.
  • #33
Moonbear said:
So, if anyone out there had something good happen to them today, please share and cheer us up! A little good news to cheer about goes a long way.
Sorry, nothing good happened to me today. Still, in considering nothing bad happened to me I must consider the day a success. :redface:
  • #34
BoulderHead said:
Sorry, nothing good happened to me today. Still, in considering nothing bad happened to me I must consider the day a success. :redface:

That's good enough for me! After yesterday, nothing bad happening is indeed a good day! :approve:
  • #35
I spent the day fixing the son's pickup window (see above) He had some form of Red Cross training from 8-5 today, and of course it finally started to rain. We needed to get the window installed. I went to the local junk yard and rescued a window, then found where his pickup was parked. Kind'a did a reverse break in and installed the new (to us) glass. He doesn't know it is fixed, should be finding out RSN. :biggrin: I hope it improves his day!

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