How can a diesel engine be protected from extreme cold air conditions?

In summary, the engine will perform as expected, but be mindful of issues that may occur due to the cold weather.
  • #1
We are looking at placing a normally asspirated diesel engine in a few cold climate. The engineroom will normally be heated. When the engine runs there is a ventilation system that will start up and draw outside air and also expel air from the engine room to outside, this is necessary otherwise the engine will get too hot without air flow about the block. A thermostatic control is not allowed on the ventilation.

Note: The fuel is good for this temp.
No doubt with such cold and hence dense air the engine will produce every hp it is rated for.

My concern is wether or not there is any thing special to do for a diesel engine that maybe drawing -30C intake air.
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  • #2
I can't see any reason why you would have any other issues with cold weather than anyone else. Even though it is in a heated room, I would still make sure you have the ability to plug in a block heater.

Is your fuel tank inside or outside? If it is outside, be cautious with letting the level stay low for too long of periods.
  • #3
Being as diesel engines require heat of compression for proper operation, it would be good to bring the air from outside, thru an enclosure of some type and take advantage of the heat of the exhaust system. Would that be possible?
  • #4
RonL said:
Being as diesel engines require heat of compression for proper operation, it would be good to bring the air from outside, thru an enclosure of some type and take advantage of the heat of the exhaust system. Would that be possible?

Are you suggesting if the intake air is too cold then the compression temp maybe inadquate?

Fred: We have a block heater also. Fuel tank is to normally be at least 2/3 full.

Should have said: The engine is being located in Antarctica
  • #5
engineroom said:
Are you suggesting if the intake air is too cold

Should have said: The engine is being located in Antarctica

I had kind of figured that based on your temp, and yes the air coming in will affect the performance. If you have ever noticed big trucks that run in cold weather will have canvas covers that cover the radiator almost 100%, this helps keep engine heat up to offset the cold air that comes through the intake, and also prevent radiator freeze up.
The break down of lubricating oil at high temp, is one reason that these engines are not allowed to run at a much hotter temperature.

A good set of books to refer to is "The Internal-Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice" Volume 1&2 by Charles Fayette Taylor
  • #6
A few issues I've seen in cold climate Diesel installations:

- Fuel freezing/gelling, either in storage or in lines
- Freezing of crankcase breather systems
- Freezing of condensation in exhaust system
- Over-ventilation of enclosure causing excessive cooling of engine
- Starter battery failure
- Starter motor failure
- Freezing of jacket water system
- Overcooling of jacket water radiator preventing engine from reaching operating temperature

Not saying you'll suffer with all of these, but they should be considered.

FAQ: How can a diesel engine be protected from extreme cold air conditions?

1. How does extreme cold weather affect a diesel engine?

Extreme cold weather can cause several issues for a diesel engine. The cold air makes it harder for the engine to warm up and reach its optimal operating temperature, which can lead to decreased fuel efficiency and increased wear and tear on engine components. Additionally, the cold air can cause the diesel fuel to thicken and become more viscous, making it harder to flow through the fuel system and potentially clogging fuel filters.

2. Can a diesel engine start in very cold temperatures?

Yes, a diesel engine can still start in very cold temperatures, but it may require some extra precautions. A block heater can be used to warm the engine block and make it easier to start. Additionally, using a winter blend of diesel fuel or adding a fuel additive can help prevent the fuel from thickening and make it easier to start the engine.

3. What steps can be taken to protect a diesel engine in very cold weather?

To protect a diesel engine in very cold weather, it is important to use a winter blend of diesel fuel or add a fuel additive to prevent the fuel from thickening. It is also recommended to use a block heater to warm the engine block before starting the engine. Additionally, allowing the engine to warm up before driving and using a lower gear while driving can help prevent excessive wear on the engine.

4. How does a diesel engine's performance change in very cold temperatures?

In very cold temperatures, a diesel engine's performance can be affected in several ways. The cold air makes it harder for the engine to reach its optimal operating temperature, which can lead to decreased fuel efficiency and increased wear and tear on engine components. Additionally, the cold air can cause the engine to produce less power and torque, making it feel sluggish and less responsive.

5. Can a diesel engine freeze in very cold weather?

Yes, if proper precautions are not taken, a diesel engine can freeze in very cold weather. The fuel and coolant in the engine can freeze, causing damage to the fuel system and engine components. This is why it is important to use a winter blend of diesel fuel, use a block heater, and allow the engine to warm up before driving in extreme cold temperatures.
