Proving g2 = u in Dihedral Group of Order 8

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about the dihedral group D8 and proving that g2 = u for a given element g. The conversation also explores the properties of groups and finding inverses in the group D8. The expert summarizes the key points and provides helpful explanations for understanding the concepts.
  • #1

I am having trouble understanding groups in my group theory class. I am not confident on how to approach the following question:

Let D = D8 be dihedral of order 8 so

D = {u,y,y2,y3,x,xy,xy2,xy3}

where x2 = u, y4 = u, and yx = xy-1.

Let g = xyi for some integer i. Prove that g2 = u.

I know that y4 = u. So then,

g = xy4 = xu = x. Then

g2 = x2 = u

which is what I am trying to prove.

Now if i = 1 then,

g = xy. Then

g2 = xy xy = x yx y = x xy-1 y. Then

xx y-1y = x2 y-1y = u y-1y since

x2 = 2. Then

u y-1y = u u = u since

y-1y = u.

First question: Is the work I have completed so far correct?

Second question: Do I need to prove this in a case by case basis? That is, I would think that I would have to prove this for i = 1,2,3,4. Since I have already completed 1 and 4, I would have to do cases in which i = 2,3. Correct?

This may seem elementry, but like I stated above, my confidence in answering such questions is not great. And my understanding of the material is very weak.

Any comments, input, help is appreciated.

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  • #2
Yes, you do have to prove it for i = 1..4. (actually, you could do it for (i = 0..3).

The reason is because you can use y4 = u to reduce the general case to one of these 4 selected cases.

Your work looks correct, except for the typo that you wrote x2 = 2 instead of x2 = u.
  • #3
Thanks Hurkyl. I still have some questions regarding this dihedral group.

Part of the question states:

Let g = xyi for some integer i.

Now, why would I just assume that i = 1 to 4? Why not -4 <= i <= 4 since i can be any integer?

Also isn't one of the properties of a group that:

For each a which is an element of G there exists a-1 which is an element of G such that

a o a-1 = a-1 o a = u

If so, where are the inverses of the elements y, y2, y3, xy, xyy2, xy3 in the group D8?
  • #4
Why not -4 <= i <= 4 since i can be any integer?

The same reason you don't need to worry about i > 4.

Because you know y4 = u, we know that:

y-1 = y-1 * u = y-1 * y4 = y3

In general, if m = n mod 4, we can use induction to prove that ym = yn.

If so, where are the inverses of the elements y, y2, y3, xy, xyy2, xy3 in the group D8?

There are only 64 different ways to multiply 2 elements in D8. Exhaust! :smile:

More pragmatically, you can use the fact I mentioned above, coupled with the fact that (xy)-1 = y-1x-1 to compute inverses.
  • #5
Thanks a lot Hurkyl. That was very helpful to me. I really appreciate it.


FAQ: Proving g2 = u in Dihedral Group of Order 8

1. What is the Dihedral Group of Order 8?

The Dihedral Group of Order 8, denoted by D8, is a mathematical group consisting of all the symmetries of a regular octagon. It has 16 elements, including rotations and reflections.

2. How is the Dihedral Group of Order 8 represented?

The Dihedral Group of Order 8 can be represented using a Cayley table, which shows the results of combining each element with every other element in the group. It can also be represented using a group presentation, which lists the generators and relations of the group.

3. What are the properties of the Dihedral Group of Order 8?

The Dihedral Group of Order 8 is non-abelian, meaning that the order in which the group elements are combined affects the result. It is also non-cyclic, meaning that it does not have a single element that generates the entire group. Additionally, D8 has a subgroup isomorphic to the cyclic group of order 4.

4. What are the applications of the Dihedral Group of Order 8?

The Dihedral Group of Order 8 has applications in crystallography, as it represents the symmetries of a square crystal lattice. It is also used in mathematical physics to represent the symmetries of a square potential well.

5. How is the Dihedral Group of Order 8 related to other groups?

The Dihedral Group of Order 8 is a subgroup of the symmetry group of the square, which has 8 elements. It is also isomorphic to the direct product of the cyclic group of order 2 and the Klein four-group. Additionally, D8 is a dihedral group of order 2n for any positive integer n.

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