Dirac brackets and gauge in special relativity.

In summary, the relativistic point particle has the following action: -S=-m\int d\tau\left(-\dot{x}^2\right)^{1/2} -the canonical momentum is p_{\mu}= \frac{m\dot{x}_{\mu}}{\left(-\dot{x}^2\right)^{1/2}}. The action is invariant under reparametrizations of \tau, and then its canonical Hamiltonian vanishes. We can free the system by imposing a second constraint, \varphi_2, such that \varphi_1 becomes second class. Finally, we can use the Dirac brackets to work
  • #1
It's well known that the action for a relativistic point particle is:
S=-m\int d\tau\left(-\dot{x}^2\right)^{1/2}
the canonical momentum is

p_{\mu}= \frac{m\dot{x}_{\mu}}{\left(-\dot{x}^2\right)^{1/2}}.

This action is invariant under reparametrizations of [tex]\tau[/tex], then its canonical Hamiltonian vanishes and we have a primary constraint of first class:
\varphi_1=p^{2}+m^{2}\approx 0.

Then, in order to eliminate all arbitrary funtions of the system we can use the gauge freedom in the action, this is done by imposing a second constraint [tex]\varphi_2[/tex] such that [tex]\varphi_1[/tex] becomes second class and now we can use the Dirac brackets to work out the problem.

My question is: Is it valid if I ask the Dirac brackets to be


and then I try to find the conditions on [tex]\varphi_2[/tex] and finally work with this brackets?
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  • #2
Hi, actually the form of the Dirac brackets is always derived, either for a first class or second class constrained system. See more on this matter in Henneaux's book. And btw, the free relativistic particle is easier to study/quantize in the einbein formulation.
  • #3
Hello again,
I know how to calculate the Dirac brackets, my question is about the gauge fixation. Normaly we choose the form of the constraint [tex]\varphi_2[/tex] and then we calculate the Dirac brackets. What I want to know, is if this is valid:
1.-Impose the Dirac brackets to be:
2.-Find restrictions over a posible second-class constraint [tex]\varphi_2[/tex] in order to obtain the above brackets. For example:
where [tex]a,b=1,2[/tex], this is true if:
3.-Maybe find who is [tex]\varphi_2[/tex] and/or simply work the theory with the brackets in 1.


FAQ: Dirac brackets and gauge in special relativity.

What are Dirac brackets?

Dirac brackets are a mathematical tool used in classical mechanics to describe the dynamics of systems with constraints. They are an extension of the Poisson bracket, which is used to describe the dynamics of unconstrained systems. Dirac brackets take into account the constraints of a system and allow for a consistent formulation of the Hamiltonian equations of motion.

What is gauge in special relativity?

Gauge in special relativity refers to the ability to choose different reference frames or coordinate systems to describe the same physical system. This is important in special relativity because different observers may perceive the same event differently due to the effects of time dilation and length contraction. Gauge invariance is a fundamental principle in special relativity, as it ensures that physical laws hold true regardless of the chosen reference frame.

How are Dirac brackets related to gauge in special relativity?

Dirac brackets are closely related to gauge in special relativity as they provide a way to incorporate constraints, such as gauge transformations, into the equations of motion. In special relativity, gauge transformations are used to change the reference frame or coordinate system. By incorporating these transformations into the Dirac brackets, the equations of motion can be written in a gauge-invariant form, ensuring that they are valid in all reference frames.

Why are Dirac brackets important in special relativity?

Dirac brackets are important in special relativity because they allow for a consistent treatment of systems with constraints, such as those involving gauge transformations. They also play a crucial role in the quantization of classical systems, which is necessary for describing them in terms of quantum mechanics. In special relativity, Dirac brackets are particularly useful in understanding the properties of gauge fields, such as the electromagnetic field, which are essential in the theory of special relativity.

What are some applications of Dirac brackets and gauge in special relativity?

Dirac brackets and gauge in special relativity have many important applications in theoretical physics. They are used extensively in the study of gauge theories, such as quantum electrodynamics and the standard model of particle physics. They are also used in the formulation of general relativity, which is the theory of gravity in special relativity. Additionally, Dirac brackets and gauge in special relativity have applications in condensed matter physics, where they are used to study systems with constraints, such as magnetic fields and lattice vibrations.
