Do Girls Like Bearded Men?

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of whether or not women like men with beards. Some individuals have personal preferences and opinions, while others believe it may depend on factors such as grooming and style. The conversation also touches on the convenience and dislike of shaving, as well as alternative facial hair styles. Overall, it is concluded that personal taste and fashion may play a role in whether or not women are attracted to men with beards.
  • #106

Astronuc said:
Hair is 'natural', and hair on womens' arms and legs actually feels soft like fur. Shaved skin is weird and stubble feels like sand paper - much like stubble on a man's chin.

Google on "stubble" and see what pops up. :smile: :rolleyes:

Hmmmmmmm..., i have to say shaving really makes my chin rough a good point you brought up here but i can't say how unshaven hairy skin feels like on women never had a "experience":biggrin:

by the way what so funny about stubble?
Physics news on
  • #107

Astronuc said:
I also find hair on women acceptable, so it's not necessary for women to shave.


I guess this is why I never dated anyone from the Sierra Club back when I did a lot of backpacking. I saw those hairy legs and immediately thought "she looks like a man".
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  • #108

Astronuc said:
I never liked the results of shaving, I never liked wearing colognes, and I generally don't like perfumes. I don't have the serious physio-chemical reaction that turbo has to perfumes or synthetic chemicals, but I find most perfumes irritating to my nose and eyes.

That's a damned good reason to avoid them! If I ever have the privilege of meeting you in person, I'll be sure to go sans fragrance. :wink:

Astronuc said:
I think cosmetics and makeup are such a waste.

I agree, and given the ingredients and metals in many of them are... holy crud. It has a place, mostly in performance, but women look pretty great au natural.

Astronuc said:
I also find hair on women acceptable, so it's not necessary for women to shave.

I find it depends on the woman; for me it's no deal-breaker, it just depends on the woman. In my profoundly limited experience, one falls in love with the person, not the looks... the latter may be an initial lure, but not the end-point. A little hair isn't going to break that, but if I'm casually dating... I'm not a fan of hairy women. I realize it's a culture-bound issue and subject to change, but it seems Madison Ave. won a few rounds.

I must say, you sound uncomfortably like my mother, who is of a similar view; clean is what counts... not fragrance, not shaving, and not paints or powders. You degenerate hippies you... :biggrin:
  • #109

Ivan Seeking said:

I guess this is why I never dated anyone from the Sierra Club back when I did a lot of backpacking. I saw those hairy legs and immediately thought "she looks like man".

I really find that varies by the lady...

Without getting clinical, a fair, blonde isn't going to be hairy in that way, but a Greek woman (I speak from culural experience) is not a pretty sight without some... work.

On the other hand, you have a range of asian women who simply don't need to wax, shave, etc.

If you fell heaf over heels for a face and a mind, and the legs were revealed later... deal-breaker? I doubt that with you Ivan...
  • #110

nismaratwork said:
If you fell heaf over heels for a face and a mind, and the legs were revealed later... deal-breaker? I doubt that with you Ivan...

Who could fall head-over-heals in love without first checking the legs? That's like buying a car without a test drive!

I was [am] always a sucker for a nice pair of legs - cleanly shaven. Chalk it up to growing up on California beaches, I guess.
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  • #111

Ivan Seeking said:
Who could fall head-over-heals in love without first checking the legs? That's like buying a car with a test drive!

:smile: Chauvinist pig!
Oink oink!


You could though Ivan, all kidding aside, and you strike me as one to follow your heart.
  • #112

I looked up the word "hairy women" on Google and all i found was pornography what the hell is wrong with internet these days (but i didn't watched it...,really i didn'to:))

Doesn't anybody find it ironic that this thread was started to talk about facial hair on men and now.....,well:smile:
  • #113

nismaratwork said:
:smile: Chauvinist pig!
Oink oink!


Pure animal!

You could though Ivan, all kidding aside, and you strike me as one to follow your heart.

Perhaps. But it would be a real putoff. I always found it to be extremely unattractive.
  • #114

Ivan Seeking said:
Pure animal!

Perhaps. But it would be a real putoff. I always found it to be extremely unattractive.

"De gustibus non disputandem est" (Of taste there is no debate... or more usually translated: "There can be no debate in maters of taste/preference") and it's very true.

We are what we are, and much of that begins and ends in our formative years.
  • #115

FizixFreak said:
I looked up the word "hairy women" on Google and all i found was pornography what the hell is wrong with internet these days (but i didn't watched it...,really i didn'to:))

There are times when I am surprised by the hits when doing an internet search, but in the case of "hairy women", jeez, you should have seen that one coming! :biggrin:

I once did a search for Part 15 of the FCC code and got tons of porno sites. At first I couldn't figure out why but then saw that some FCC code is cited on the mainpage of many porno websites.
  • #116

nismaratwork said:
"De gustibus non disputandem est" (Of taste there is no debate... or more usually translated: "There can be no debate in maters of taste/preference") and it's very true.

We are what we are, and much of that begins and ends in our formative years.

Yes, and I wasn't kidding about virtually growing up on the beach. No doubt my definition of beauty formed during those years.
  • #117

Ivan Seeking said:
There are times when I am surprised by the hits when doing an internet search, but in the case of "hairy women", jeez, you should have seen that one coming! :biggrin:

I once did a search for Part 15 of the FCC code and got tons of porno sites. At first I couldn't figure out why but then saw that some FCC code is cited on the mainpage of many porno websites.

Well after reading your experience i think i should really watch out those women didnt looked that bad...,oops:shy:(just kidding)
  • #118

Astronuc said:
Hair is 'natural', and hair on womens' arms and legs actually feels soft like fur.


I don't care how soft it feels its just horrible:eek: i mean armpit hair look terrible even on men but on women ahhhhh...,
  • #119

I could have lived a long and happy life without seeing that picture.
  • #120

nismaratwork said:
I could have lived a long and happy life without seeing that picture.

Why should i let other live happily when i would have nightmares about it all my life:smile:
  • #121

Is there any way i can remove this picture its really disturbing i regret that i even posted it
  • #123

Kill... me...


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  • #124
  • #125

I see a lot of people talking about how much they hate shaving i was just wondering doesn't anybody here hates taking bath i mean shaving is OK but taking a bath is so irritating.
  • #126

Hmmm, I love baths... an excuse to read... :smile:
  • #127

FizixFreak said:
I see a lot of people talking about how much they hate shaving i was just wondering doesn't anybody here hates taking bath i mean shaving is OK but taking a bath is so irritating.
There is a modern convenience called a 'shower'.

It's a great place to think.

Some of my best thinking is done in the shower.

I've heard it's a good place to sing too.
  • #128

Ivan Seeking said:
Who could fall head-over-heals in love without first checking the legs? That's like buying a car without a test drive!

I was [am] always a sucker for a nice pair of legs - cleanly shaven. Chalk it up to growing up on California beaches, I guess.

I agree, love a nice pair of toned cleanly shaven legs on a woman :!), and put that with a pretty face, and I'm smitten! hehehe

In terms of shaving, Women have told me directly to my face that they hate my facial hair. In college, I had this pretty brunette complain every time I was not shaved. Personally, I don't like shaving, but I do it 2-3 times a week. Body Hair? I guess varies. I have shaved my chest in the past, and let it grow. I have not noticed much difference among girls. So far, only one girl has ever complained about my chest hair. She said she preferred hairless chests. Personally, I'd rather let it grow.
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  • #129

Astronuc said:
There is a modern convenience called a 'shower'.

It's a great place to think.

Some of my best thinking is done in the shower.

I've heard it's a good place to sing too.

Thinking is a great shower activity... if I ever become absurdly rich I'm going to get a souped-up version of those 'dozen shower head' jobs, and a large Japanese soaking tub.

Oh, the singing bit?... lies man, all lies... :wink:
  • #130

There is a modern convenience called a 'shower'.

I am not from the past you know

It's a great place to think.

For that i personally prefer toilets but that cannot be very helpful for some one whose waiting to use the toilet:biggrin:

Some of my best thinking is done in the shower.

Oh that reminds me some thing that the guy who discovered the principle on which an object can float on water(cant remember the name) was in the bath tub when he made that discovery he was so excited that he ran out of the bath tub without his clothes and started yelling and screaming with joy:smile:

I've heard it's a good place to sing too.

Now i can't disagree with that:approve:
  • #131

an object can float on water(cant remember the name) was in the bath tub

Say Archimedes.
  • #132

I'm resurrecting this thread for Astronuc and other bearded members.

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