Do non-monochromatic "waves" exist in dispersive media?

In summary, the dispersion relation for a wave in a non-magnetic medium is given by$$k=|\vec{k}|=\frac{\omega}{c} \sqrt{\epsilon(\omega)}.$$
  • #1

Is the superposition of two different monochromatic waves in a dispersive medium still a wave (i.e. a solution of a wave equation) if the phase velocity is not the same? Since the wave equation contains the phase velocity, the two individual waves are solutions of different wave equations. Is there a wave equation that is solved by the superposition?
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  • #2
greypilgrim said:
Since the wave equation contains the phase velocity, the two individual waves are solutions of different wave equations. Is there a wave equation that is solved by the superposition?
When more than one waves are present, it's more intuitive to write the wave equation in frequency domain
\nabla^2 E(\mathbf{r},\omega) + \frac{\omega^2}{c^2}\epsilon(\omega)E(\mathbf{r},\omega) = 0
where ##\epsilon(\omega)## is the medium's permittivity.
  • #3
But isn't that the same problem? In the time domain the phase velocity depends on the frequency, now the permittivity does. Still, waves of different frequency are solutions to different wave equations.
  • #4
It's still a linear PDE (the Helmholtz equation), and thus you can apply Fourier decomposition, i.e., you write
$$E(\vec{r},\omega)=\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \frac{\mathrm{d}^3 \vec{k}}{(2 \pi)^3} \tilde{E}(\vec{k},\omega) \exp(\mathrm{i} \vec{k} \cdot \vec{x}).$$
Plugging this into the equation leads to the dispersion relation
$$k=|\vec{k}|=\frac{\omega}{c} \sqrt{\epsilon(\omega)}.$$
This leads to
$$E(\vec{r},\omega)=\int_{\Omega} \mathrm{d}^2 \Omega A(\omega,\vartheta,\varphi) \exp(\mathrm{i} k \vec{n} \cdot \vec{x})|_{k=\omega \sqrt{\epsilon(\omega)}/c},$$
where ##\vec{n}=(\cos \varphi \sin \vartheta,\sin \varphi \sin \vartheta,\cos \vartheta)## and ##\mathrm{d}^2 \Omega=\mathrm{d} \vartheta \mathrm{d}\varphi \sin \vartheta##, ##\vartheta \in \{0,\pi \}##, ##\varphi \in \{0,2 \pi \}##, and ##A## is an arbitrary function. It can be evaluated from some initial condition (in the time domain).
  • #5
So does that mean that ##c## in the wave equation (in the time domain) is not to be regarded as a constant but as a function of the frequency, ##c(\omega)##?
  • #6
greypilgrim said:
So does that mean that ##c## in the wave equation (in the time domain) is not to be regarded as a constant but as a function of the frequency, ##c(\omega)##?
Yes, for a non-magnetic medium, the wave equation reads
\nabla^2 E(\mathbf{r},t) - \frac{\epsilon(\omega)}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2}E(\mathbf{r},t) = 0
  • #7
Here you mix the frequency and time domains, and the above equation is not correct for a general wave packet but only for a monochromatic mode. The correct equation is the Helmholtz equation for ##\tilde{E}(\omega,\vec{r})## in #2. In the time domain you usually have a retarded integral between ##D## and ##E##
$$D(t,\vec{x})=\int_{\mathbb{R}} G_{\text{ret}}(t,t') E(t',\vec{x}),$$
and this is only the special case, where you neglect spatial dispersion. For details, see vol. VIII of Landau&Lifshitz (Macroscopic E&M).
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  • #8
vanhees71 said:
Here you mix the frequency and time domains, and the above equation is not correct for a general wave packet but only for a monochromatic mode. The correct equation is the Helmholtz equation for ##\tilde{E}(\omega,\vec{r})## in #2. In the time domain you usually have a retarded integral between ##D## and ##E##
$$D(t,\vec{x})=\int_{\mathbb{R}} G_{\text{ret}}(t,t') E(t',\vec{x}),$$
and this is only the special case, where you neglect spatial dispersion. For details, see vol. VIII of Landau&Lifshitz (Macroscopic E&M).
My bad, you are right. The equation in time domain should have been
\nabla^2 E(\mathbf{r},t) - \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2}\int R(t-t')E(\mathbf{r},t') \, dt' = 0
where ##R(t) = FT[\epsilon(\omega)]## is the so-called medium's response function, typically required to satisfy the condition ##R(t<0)=0##. This requirement has a physical meaning that the contribution to the present's field due to the field in the future is zero - causality principle. I think this function is what you meant by ##G(t)##. Basically, the convolution ##\int R(t-t')E(\mathbf{r},t') \, dt' ## is just the FT of ##\epsilon(\omega)E(\mathbf{r},\omega)##.
The wave equation in #6 is only approximately true when the permittivity varies slowly within the frequency range of the spectrum of the field, or equivalently when the field's spectrum is sufficiently narrow.
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FAQ: Do non-monochromatic "waves" exist in dispersive media?

1. Do non-monochromatic "waves" exist in dispersive media?

Yes, non-monochromatic "waves" do exist in dispersive media. These waves are known as dispersive waves and are characterized by their varying frequency and wavelength along the propagation direction.

2. How do dispersive waves differ from monochromatic waves?

Unlike monochromatic waves, which have a single frequency and wavelength, dispersive waves have a range of frequencies and wavelengths. This is due to the different speeds at which the various frequencies of the wave travel through the dispersive medium.

3. What causes dispersive waves to occur in a medium?

Dispersive waves occur in a medium when the medium exhibits frequency-dependent behavior, such as varying refractive index or varying speed of propagation for different frequencies.

4. Can dispersive waves be observed in nature?

Yes, dispersive waves can be observed in nature. Examples include ocean waves, which have varying frequencies and wavelengths due to the depth and temperature of the water, and seismic waves, which have varying frequencies and wavelengths due to the varying composition of the Earth's layers.

5. How are dispersive waves used in scientific research?

Dispersive waves have many applications in scientific research, such as in the study of materials, optics, and acoustics. They can also be used in medical imaging techniques, such as ultrasound, to gather information about the properties of different tissues and organs.

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