Are Monochromatic Plane Wave Solutions Viable in Conductive Dielectrics?

In summary, in an isotropic material with conductivity \sigma \neq 0 and charge density \rho=0, the 4th Maxwell equation has a non-null current term \vec{J}=\sigma \vec{E} which results in wave equations for \vec{E} and \vec{H} that take the form of a complex dispersion relation. This means that pure plane wave solutions do not exist due to the attenuation caused by the imaginary component of the refractive index. However, if the attenuation is small, a plane wave solution can be a good approximation. The real and imaginary parts of the solution can be separated using Euler's formula and the Taylor series, with the real and imaginary terms representing the attenuation and
  • #1
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Let's see if I understand this correctly... In an isotropic material of conductivity [itex]\sigma \neq 0[/itex] (and charge density [itex]\rho=0[/itex], the 4th Maxwell equation has a non-null current term [itex]\vec{J}=\sigma \vec{E}[/itex] so the resulting wave equations for [itex]\vec{E}[/itex] and [itex]\vec{H}[/itex] take the form

[tex]\nabla ^2\vec{E}=\frac{\epsilon \mu}{c^2}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2}\vec{E}+\frac{4\pi \mu \sigma}{c^2}\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\vec{E}[/tex]

and the same thing for [itex]\vec{H}[/itex]. (I am using the same unit convention as in Greiner's 'Classical Electrodynamics' book)

If we try a solution of the form

[tex]\vec{E}=\vec{E}_0e^{i(\vec{k}\cdot \vec{r}-\omega t + \phi)}[/tex]

(the monochromatic plane wave solution), we find that it is a solution provided that the wave number vector satisfies the following complex dispersion relation:

[tex]|\vec{k}|^2=k^2=\epsilon \mu\frac{\omega^2}{c^2}\left( 1+\frac{4\pi i\sigma}{\epsilon \omega}\right)[/tex]

We know that if a complex function satisfies a linear diff. equ. such as the above "wave equation", its real and imaginary part taken separately are also solutions. In vacuum, separating the real and imaginary part of the sine wave solution was easy because [itex]\vec{k}[/itex] was real. Now, [itex]\vec{k}[/itex] is non-real as soon as the conductivity is non-zero, and to get the real part of [itex]\vec{E}_0e^{i(\vec{k}\cdot \vec{r}-\omega t + \phi)}[/itex], we must decompose the exponential according to Euler's formula and then expand the sine and cosine in their Taylor series, and finally group together the real parts and the imaginary parts.

At this point I don't know what to think. This seems rather impractical. Does it turn out in the end that a monochromatic plane wave solutions (with real wave vector [itex]\mathcal{K}[/itex]) exists? Please comment!
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  • #2
Pure plane wave solutions do not exist because of the attenuation that inevitably occurs as a wave propagates through a dielectric. The degree of attenuation is determined by the imaginary component of the refractive index.

If the attenuation is small, then a plane wave solution can be an excellent approximation to the full solution. More often though when modelling, theorists neglect the attenuation terms altogether, preferring instead to tack it on later, as loss is a figure that is typically measured rather than worked out using first principles, in the optical region of the EM spectrum at least.

(On a side note with regard to your second last paragraph - Typically the real terms are brought out into a second exponential so you get two exponentials multiplied by one another, one representing the attenuation and one representing the oscillation.)

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  • #3
Claude Bile said:
(On a side note with regard to your second last paragraph - Typically the real terms are brought out into a second exponential so you get two exponentials multiplied by one another, one representing the attenuation and one representing the oscillation.)
Ah, of course!
  • #4
The wave propagates like exp(ikz). You calculate k as
k=k_r+k_i=[k^2]^1/2. This is a bilt complicated, but is done in EM textbooks. Then the proagation is exp[ik_r] exp[-k_i],
showing the attenuation.

FAQ: Are Monochromatic Plane Wave Solutions Viable in Conductive Dielectrics?

1. What are E-M waves in dielectrics?

E-M waves in dielectrics are electromagnetic waves that travel through a medium, such as a dielectric material. These waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that are perpendicular to each other and the direction of wave propagation.

2. What is the role of dielectrics in E-M waves?

Dielectrics act as insulators and allow E-M waves to pass through them. They also affect the speed and amplitude of the wave, as well as the amount of energy that is transferred through the medium.

3. How do E-M waves behave in dielectrics?

E-M waves in dielectrics behave differently than in vacuum or air. They can be reflected, refracted, and absorbed by the dielectric material, and their speed is slower due to interactions with the medium's atoms and molecules.

4. What factors affect the behavior of E-M waves in dielectrics?

The behavior of E-M waves in dielectrics can be influenced by factors such as the type of dielectric material, its density, and its temperature. The frequency and wavelength of the wave also play a role in how it interacts with the dielectric.

5. How are E-M waves in dielectrics used in technology?

E-M waves in dielectrics are used in various technologies, such as radio and television broadcasting, cell phones, and radar systems. They are also important in medical imaging techniques, such as MRI scans, and in communication systems such as fiber optics.

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