What is the true meaning of respect?

  • Thread starter Skhandelwal
  • Start date
In summary: We are creatures of habit, language, and communication." In summary, the author is discussing the difficulty of communication and the need for words to accurately describe an idea. Respect is a word that is inadequate for accurately communicating an idea.
  • #1
EMERGENCY - What is...

Plz try to prioritize this...Thx a lot

I have realized that my whole life, I have been answering one question w/ another question. That is why we never completely understand anything.

I want to know, what is respect. But the dictionary always give the answer by putting other terms, more like synonyms. Ex. attitude of admiration. I have seen same thing in biology, they answer one thing w/ another question.

What I have came to understand is that we always guess at the meaning of words as all of us interpret in our own ways. When we were kids, we had to figure words out by their repitition and usage of it. We guessed it, and then when we learn another language, we use the same closed minded principle by using translative dictionary.

So the reason to all of us, each word means a little different is b/c we don't really know what any word fundamentally means. So I am here to understand only one word today...just to see if I can understand it. What is respect?
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  • #2
I think the two main definitions used are these:

1. When person A respects person B, person A believes that person B has qualities that others should have, including what person A should have. This typically leads to a desire by person A to be more like, or continue to be like, person B.

2. Performing actions or speaking words as if there is respect, whether there is or not.
  • #3
*Punches you in the face*

"The opposite of that"

Seriously, I don't know how else to explain it without using other words...?!?
  • #4
Skhandelwal said:
What is respect?

Respect... I've pondered the same question. Here's what I got.

RE (regarding) or ("re" as in "re-visiting) SPECT (to see as in "spectacle")

So what I got out of it was... you re-visit your opinion of something you've been privy to or something you have seen... and this is probably the original use of the word...


For instance one can use the word in a sentence that refers to an event or thing "in this respect"... meaning "in this category" or... "with respect to this sort of thing which you may have experienced." When I want you to pay your respects to something or someone I want you to re-visit the pros and cons of your experience with them or it.

Since its original inception, the word "respect" has been used more as a tool by authority and heirarchy seekers.
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  • #5
Skhandelwal said:
Plz try to prioritize this...Thx a lot

I have realized that my whole life, I have been answering one question w/ another question. That is why we never completely understand anything.
Well, no the fact that you answer one equation with another is no reason why we never undstand anything! It may well be the reason why the people you talk to never understand you.

I want to know, what is respect. But the dictionary always give the answer by putting other terms, more like synonyms. Ex. attitude of admiration. I have seen same thing in biology, they answer one thing w/ another question.
?? I didn't see any question there. I assume you mean that the words in the answer cause you to question their meaning. That is again a statement about you not about the dictionary.

What I have came to understand is that we always guess at the meaning of words as all of us interpret in our own ways. When we were kids, we had to figure words out by their repitition and usage of it. We guessed it, and then when we learn another language, we use the same closed minded principle by using translative dictionary.

So the reason to all of us, each word means a little different is b/c we don't really know what any word fundamentally means. So I am here to understand only one word today...just to see if I can understand it. What is respect?
?? Yes, in order to understand the definition of a word in a dictionary, you have to understand the meaning of the words in the dictionary. The whole point of the dictionary is to use simpler words. If you do not understand those simpler words, then you should learn the language before you try to use the dictionary.
  • #6
You must calculate in the fact that the word respect is just an inadiquate word that the English Langauge Has created to attempt to converse the idea of _____________. There are really no words to perfectly describe another word, hence the need for that word. Conversation through unspoken Ideas is another matter all together...

"Speaking through thoughts rather than words would be a much more compllete way of speaking, seeing as we frequently think that way (I hope). Then again, we do tend to think in languages, as well as words, so perhaps Pictures Are the better way of conversing.

(Notice how good I am at arguing with myself.)
  • #7
The very first, simplest form of "definition" is just pointing at something.
  • #8
HallsofIvy said:
The very first, simplest form of "definition" is just pointing at something.

The root of "respect" appears to be "spect" which is why I'm saying that when one re-spects something one "looks" (spectates) again (re)

spectator noun the stands are brimming with eager spectators watcher, viewer, observer, onlooker, looker-on, bystander, witness; commentator, reporter, monitor; literary beholder. antonym participant.

Oxford Dictionary
  • #9
What is the original question?1. Something concerning you answering questions with questions

2. Definition of respect.
  • #10
HallsofIvy said:
The very first, simplest form of "showing an example" is just pointing at something.


See Socrates and his ideas on what a definition is in respect to what an example of a definition is.

"What is respect?"
"See that man bowing? That's respect."
"No that's not. Thats an example of respect. But what is respect?"
  • #11

Skhandelwal said:
Plz try to prioritize this...Thx a lot
I have realized that my whole life, I have been answering one question w/ another question. That is why we never completely understand anything.
MY OBSERVATION: At this point, you want to illustrate the principle of "relative knowledge." An object has many aspects that we can look at, there for in order to understand any object (physical matter), one should look at all the aspects that revolving around that object. And obviously, human physical perception is destined of limitation. You can not see the world the way the bees see it, you can not smell the world the way the dogs do. The meaning of knowledge is the fact that it can help its users to understand more around the world. The knowledge of radiation would help the nuclear physicists to create nuclear power plant or it also could help the military men to create radioactive weapon such as H-bombs. Therefore, before one want to be able to acknowledge of something he should identify what is his main use of that knowledge. We do research on the Internet everyday, and why don't we come to other knowledge beside our targeted information. Knowledge is tremendously large, Internet is just a part of it, one can not use acquire all the knowledge that is around him. He should try to understand what is the knowledge that he would use to do some task in his or her life.

I want to know, what is respect. But the dictionary always gives the answer by putting other terms, more like synonyms. Ex. attitude of admiration. I have seen same thing in biology, they answer one thing w/ another question.

MY OBSERVATION: You are confusing about what the word respect means to you and others. The dictionary is a good tool to find the meaning of a word, in this case "respect." However, you should also acknowledge that dictionary is written by other people just like you are, maybe they are older that you a little bit. "Respect" is also not a physical matter but an attitude or action which results from an attitude. And attitude is from human mentality. The word "respect" belongs to the metaphysical world that many have wondered about. To experience something that belong to a meta-world, my suggestion is what is that metaphysical matter, "respect," means to YOU and your regarding of respect. There is thousand of culture on this small planet, and they all have had different regarding of "respect". Please acknowledge that I do not say that they have had different definition of "respect." No one can define, or at least up to this time, something that belong to the metaphysical world such as time, love, hate, justice,etc. So be happy with what you think is "respect", and when you meet some one, your own mind would help you to show your "respect." Remember one thing, even though human beings for now are not being able to comprehend the "meta-world object," our mind is the connection of the two worlds, and it has done this thousands and thousands of time since we are borne. When you are not wondering what is the object of the meta-world are, you know them; otherwise, you do not know what they are. There are plenty of statements like this is spoken by many that have surrendered to this "meta-world." You want to tap into it, you should acquire all your power and courage. I am only an observer, and an idea-giver, and I give you what I believe. Dear friend.

What I have came to understand is that we always guess at the meaning of words as all of us interpret in our own ways. When we were kids, we had to figure words out by their repetition and usage of it. We guessed it, and then when we learn another language, we use the same closed minded principle by using translate dictionary.
MY OBSERVATION: the thinking of getting out of the cage is a good starting point for everyone whom has realized that there is the purpose of life. That is GOOD! The purpose of language is to communicate, and again the dictionary is a good tool to get to the most accepted meaning of the message. Your mind is never "closed," as long as you are still living and have some of your "dark brain cells" working, you have a liberal mentality. Maybe your father tells you that you the car are using gasoline, and gasoline is from the earth. You over the course of time would recall that definition. By interaction with the world around you, you are constantly testing the definitions that have been provided to you. You need to live long enough to justify all of your definition. However, your "bio-clock" is set so that you can complete that task!. Do not be desperate yet. You also are equipped with your mind and your ability of communication. Therefore, as long as you live you should pass your "justified definition" to the next generation. Maybe someday, your posterity would find out the fact! All of this is my opinion only, but opinion is also good consultant information to get into something "impossible."

So the reason to all of us, each word means a little different is b/c we don't really know what any word fundamentally means. So I am here to understand only one word today...just to see if I can understand it. What is respect?

Respect is what it means to you, and how your action shows it. Good luck with your quest.
  • #12
Aretha Franklin alreasdy asked that years ago. "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me" :-p
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  • #13
I believe (and all posts here should surely begin with that)...

that respect is act of giving more weight to what that person/object can teach you.

If a person, that person's opinion or advice (say, because they are wise, or because they kept you alive for the first 18 years of your life) will be given a greater than average proportion of "vote" in your mind than someone else (such as your criminal cousin).

If an object, the properties of that object (such as pointy and red hot) will be given a greater than average proportion of vote as to your actions around it than other objects (such as gerbils).

It is not an eloquent or pithy definition, but I think it hits the mark.
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  • #14
Skhandelwal said:
What is respect?

Its when you treat something as an end, not as a means to an end.
  • #15
If the title of this thread is a scream for help then its a false alarm and the perpetrator has never returned. This is, respectfully and in retrospect... a waste of pixels.
  • #16
baywax said:
If the title of this thread is a scream for help then its a false alarm and the perpetrator has never returned. This is, respectfully and in retrospect... a waste of pixels.

Skhandelwal is one of the most prolific question-askers that's been here in the last few weeks.

Like I said before, he has the kind of inquisitiveness teachers dream about in their students.
  • #17
Inquisitiveness is good. It is better when accompanied by some sign of follow through. That would show if the input of participants has had some effect or was indeed just wasted pixels...

I was also wondering what the emergency was.
  • #18
Well, Dave's right... the inquisitiveness is catching... and so we bring some ideas to the table... and so... sometimes there are new ways of seeing things even though the original questioner has since been satisfied.

For instance, a child might ask a question, then forget about the whole motivation, while you are busy looking up answers that eventually satisfy yourself...

Again, for instance... I realize now that "retrospect" is quite related to "respect" in many ways because I answered the question...

My whining does not do justice to the fact that I have advanced further with this question about the origin's of the word and concept... respect.
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FAQ: What is the true meaning of respect?

What is an emergency?

An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate threat to a person's health, safety, or property. It requires prompt action to prevent harm or further damage.

What types of emergencies are there?

There are several types of emergencies, including natural disasters (such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or wildfires), medical emergencies, accidents, and man-made emergencies (such as terrorist attacks or industrial accidents).

What should I do in an emergency?

In an emergency, the most important thing to do is to stay calm and assess the situation. If possible, call for help (such as 911 or the local emergency number) and follow any instructions given. If you are in immediate danger, try to find a safe place or evacuate the area.

How can I prepare for an emergency?

It is important to have an emergency plan in place for yourself and your family. This may include having emergency supplies (such as food, water, and first aid kits) and knowing evacuation routes. Stay informed about potential emergencies in your area and know how to receive emergency alerts.

What can I do to help in an emergency?

If you are trained in first aid or have medical knowledge, you may be able to provide assistance in an emergency. Otherwise, the best way to help is to follow any instructions given by emergency responders and to stay out of their way.

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