Engineering Interview(Preferrably Mechanical engineers)

In summary, the pay is not great, the respect for engineers is waning, and I see engineering becoming more outsourced over the next few decades.
  • #1
-What kind of engineer are you and what does this entail?
-Why did you decide to go into this kind of engineering?
-How long have you been an engineer?
-Do you enjoy your job?
-What do you think could be better about it?
-How many hours per week do you work for?
-How do you balance your social life and work?
-How do you balance the social implications of your job with the technical requirements?
-How has the engineering scene changed over the years and why do you think these changes occured?
-How do you see social, ethical and environmental roles changing?
-Gender roles?
-What personal traits do you think the ideal engineer should have and why do you think these traits would make him/her ideal?
-Are these traits gender specific, If yes please explain
-What are the prominent engineering societies and what do they generally promote?
-Where do you see the engineering field in the next 20-40 years
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  • #2
Tiwa said:
-What kind of engineer are you and what does this entail?
I was a mechanical design engineer (now a program manager). I used to be responsible for all design/analysis/prototype-testing of various designs including, but not limited to, machine design, enclosure design, motion control design.
-Why did you decide to go into this kind of engineering?
It sounds cliche, but I always loved cars and anything mechanical. My father jokes that, as a child, I used to spend more time watching the cars go up the rollercoaster (and figuring how they did) than getting in line to ride it.
-How long have you been an engineer?
I graduated in 2001 and have been working since then.
-Do you enjoy your job?
Yes, the technical challenges coupled with the creative outlet have really allowed me to maintain my enthusiasm for my work.
-What do you think could be better about it?
Again, a typical response, but the pay could be better. That, and the title of Engineer being respected more. It seems as though anyone who designs can be an engineer in a lot of companies. I would rather see the profession monitored more like a CPA, lawyer, or doctor where you have to test to have the title behind your name.
-How many hours per week do you work for?
50 hours or so per week.
-How do you balance your social life and work?
Home/first comes first. You have to make it a priority and let your employer know that from the get-go. Most appreciate your honesty and are willing to cooperate, assuming you are a valued asset when you are working.
-How do you balance the social implications of your job with the technical requirements?
Not quite sure I understand this question - are you inquiring about how I handle designing/doing something I don't believe to be ethically correct?
-How has the engineering scene changed over the years and why do you think these changes occurred?
I don't believe I have a big enough sample size to answer this question
-How do you see social, ethical and environmental roles changing?
I see more 'green' engineering occurring in the future which kind of reaches into all three realms.
-Gender roles?
The cream will always rise to the top and, with a lot of the old guard who may be prone to sexism nearing retirement age, I think you'll see gender roles relegated to a non-issue in the next 5-15 years.
-What personal traits do you think the ideal engineer should have and why do you think these traits would make him/her ideal?
A natural curiosity regarding your surroundings is ALWAYS a good trait for any engineer. To be inquisitive and not accept the status quo. You need to have a strong basis in the basics of engineering, but be willing to explore subject tangents here and there to learn more and build your entire body of work value up.
-Are these traits gender specific, If yes please explain
-What are the prominent engineering societies and what do they generally promote?
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers

They build standards and best practices - as well as providing a means of networking in your specialty
-Where do you see the engineering field in the next 20-40 years
As much as I hate to say it, I see it being outsourced more and more over the next few decades. I hope I'm wrong on that...
  • #3
Thanks for your answers but could you expantiate more on the following:
-How do you balance the social implications of your job with the technical requirements? Your job affects the safety of the public. The most feasible way might not be the safest way to do something.
-Why do you see engineering becoming more outsourced?
-What is your name?

Thank you so much!
  • #4
Tiwa said:
-How do you balance the social implications of your job with the technical requirements? Your job affects the safety of the public. The most feasible way might not be the safest way to do something.
As long as your designs meet the state/federal/international/society requirements that your work is regulated by, you're usually OK.
-Why do you see engineering becoming more outsourced?
Simple economics - we're seeing this with manufacturing and IT already. It's very hard to have a product completely manufactured within the US and still maintain a competitive price structure in your marketplace. Likewise, a lot of IT work/support is being outsourced as well. Couple that with the fact that the cost of employing an engineer is going up. Once a company cuts costs in manufacturing and IT, where will it turn next. I can assure you that it will not turn to executive salaries. Engineering is the next logical step...

FAQ: Engineering Interview(Preferrably Mechanical engineers)

1. What does a mechanical engineer do?

A mechanical engineer designs and develops mechanical systems, such as tools, engines, and machines. They use their knowledge of science, mathematics, and technology to create new products and improve existing ones.

2. What skills are necessary for a successful career in mechanical engineering?

Some key skills for a successful career in mechanical engineering include strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, creativity, and critical thinking. It is also important to have strong communication and teamwork skills, as well as proficiency in computer-aided design (CAD) software.

3. What industries do mechanical engineers typically work in?

Mechanical engineers can work in a variety of industries, including automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, construction, and energy. They may also work in research and development, consulting, or government agencies.

4. What type of education is required to become a mechanical engineer?

To become a mechanical engineer, one typically needs a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering or a related field. Some employers may also require a master's degree for certain positions. It is important to also have a strong understanding of math, physics, and computer science.

5. What are some common interview questions for mechanical engineering positions?

Some common interview questions for mechanical engineering positions include asking about your experience with specific software or design tools, your problem-solving approach, your understanding of the company and industry, and how you handle challenges or conflicts. It is also common to be asked about your past projects and how you have applied your skills and knowledge to solve real-world problems.

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