Equations of Motion for SU2 Field (Weinberg -Salam?)

In summary, the lagrangian density L = -1/2 W^{\mu \nu}_i W_{\mu \nu}^i is used to find the equations of motion using the EL equations. The resulting equation involves the W tensor, which is non-abelian and does not commute. However, the W_i's commute, and the W^{\mu \nu} is antisymmetric. The commutation relations for the W tensor are used to manipulate the equation and show its antisymmetry.
  • #1
So I have the lagrangian density ## L = -\frac{1}{2} W^{\mu \nu}_i W_{\mu \nu}^i## where ##W^{\mu \nu}_i = \partial ^\mu W^\nu_i - \partial ^\nu W^\mu_i + \epsilon_i^{jk}W^\mu_j W^\nu_k## and I want to find the equations of motion.

I have gotten to the stage using the EL equations ##\partial_\sigma \left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial(\partial_\sigma W_\lambda ^r)}\right)-\frac{\partial L}{\partial W_\lambda ^r}=0## that

##\partial_\sigma\left(W^{\sigma \lambda}_r-W^{\lambda \sigma}_r\right) - \frac{1}{2}\epsilon^i_{rk}\left(W_\nu^k W^{\lambda \nu}_i+W^{\lambda \nu}_i W_{\nu}^k-W_\nu^k W^{\nu \lambda}_i - W^{\nu \lambda}_iW_{\nu}^k\right)##

So I am pretty sure I need to use commutation relations to get this stuff to cancel but I don't really know what those relations even are, I know W are non abelian and hence don't commute but I don't know what their commutation relations are or anything so any help would be appreciated. I also don't know if the W tensor is anti symmetric or not but I don't know what's the relation when you swap indices.
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  • #2
Since you have the [itex]W_i[/itex]'s, they are supposed to commute, they are just components. What doesn't commute is the [itex]W^{\mu} \equiv T_i W^\mu_i[/itex]. For that reason you may see the antisymmetric tensor written:
[itex]W_{\mu \nu} =\partial_\mu W_\nu - \partial_\nu W_\mu - [ W_\mu , W_\nu] [/itex]
all these here have been contracted with the SU(2) generator [itex]T^i[/itex]. The antisymmetry under [itex]\mu \leftrightarrow \nu[/itex] is straightforward from this form.

The [itex]W^{\mu \nu}[/itex] is antisymmetric; you can test it by changing [itex]\mu \nu[/itex]... you'll get that [itex]W^{\mu \nu} = - W^{\nu \mu}[/itex]. In components you write:
[itex]W^{\nu \mu }_i = \partial^\nu W^\mu_i - \partial^\mu W^\nu_i + \epsilon_{ijk} W_j^\nu W_k^\mu[/itex]
[itex]=- ( \partial^\mu W^\nu_i -\partial^\nu W^\mu_i ) + \epsilon_{ikj} W_j^\nu W_k^\mu[/itex]
[itex] =- ( \partial^\mu W^\nu_i -\partial^\nu W^\mu_i ) - \epsilon_{ijk} W_k^\nu W_j^\mu[/itex]
[itex]=- ( \partial^\mu W^\nu_i -\partial^\nu W^\mu_i + \epsilon_{ijk} W^\mu_j W^\nu_k )= - W^{\mu \nu}_i[/itex]

1st line just wrote what you gave for ##W^{\mu \nu}_i## with just changing the notation of the indices.
2nd line take a - out of the partial derivatives and writting it to a more obvious way, while also renaming the sum indices of k to j and j to k...
3rd line swap those indices using antisymmetry of the epsilon
4th line just put everything in the common overall -, and identifying what's in the parenthesis as the Wmunu.
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FAQ: Equations of Motion for SU2 Field (Weinberg -Salam?)

1. What is the SU2 field in the Weinberg-Salam model?

The SU2 field in the Weinberg-Salam model is a mathematical representation of the weak nuclear force, one of the four fundamental forces in nature. It is a type of gauge field that describes the interactions between particles that have a weak charge, such as quarks and leptons.

2. What are the equations of motion for the SU2 field?

The equations of motion for the SU2 field are based on the principles of quantum field theory and are given by the Yang-Mills equations. These equations describe how the SU2 field changes and evolves over time, and they are essential for understanding the behavior of particles that interact through the weak force.

3. How is the SU2 field related to the Weinberg-Salam model?

The SU2 field is a crucial component of the Weinberg-Salam model, which unifies the weak nuclear force with the electromagnetic force. In this model, the SU2 field is combined with the U1 field (representing the electromagnetic force) to form the electroweak force, which is responsible for many fundamental processes in particle physics.

4. What is the significance of the equations of motion for the SU2 field?

The equations of motion for the SU2 field are significant because they help scientists understand and predict the behavior of particles that interact through the weak force. They also provide a mathematical framework for studying the properties of the weak force and its role in fundamental interactions.

5. How do the equations of motion for the SU2 field impact our understanding of the universe?

The equations of motion for the SU2 field are an essential part of the Standard Model of particle physics, which is currently the most comprehensive theory of the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. By using these equations, scientists can make predictions about the behavior of particles and their interactions, helping us understand the fundamental laws that govern the universe at the smallest scales.

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