Equations of motion Definition and 234 Threads

  1. Feynstein100

    B Maximum velocity for projectile motion?

    Hey so I encountered a problem recently, which while being simple, gave me another problem that I couldn't solve. The problem: An object is launched vertically upward with an initial velocity of 10 m/s from an elevation of 20m and allowed to hit the ground. Develop the equations of motion...
  2. G

    Deriving equations of motion of abelian gauge field coupled to scalar

    I want to compute the equations of motion for this theory in terms of the functions ##f## and ##a##. My plan was to apply the Euler-Lagrange equations, but it got confusing very quickly. Am I right that we'll have 3 sets of equations? One for each of the fields ##\phi,\phi^\dagger, A_\mu## ...
  3. P

    D'Alembert's principle on inclined plane problem

    The virtual displacement should be given by $$ \delta\vec{r} = \begin{pmatrix} \cos(\alpha) \\ \sin(\alpha) \\ \end{pmatrix} \delta s $$ where ##\delta s## is a displacement parallel to the plane. The relevant force should be the gravitational force, as given above. Thus, the equations of...
  4. Baela

    A Are equations of motion invariant under gauge transformations?

    We know that all actions are invariant under their gauge transformations. Are the equations of motion also invariant under the gauge transformations? If yes, can you show a mathematical proof (instead of just saying in words)?
  5. LCSphysicist

    Majorana Fermions: Lagrangean and equations of motion

    $$i \gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu} \psi = m \psi_c \\ i \gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu} \psi_c = m \psi $$ Where ##\psi_c = C \gamma^0 \psi^*## Show that the above equations can be obtained from the followong lagrangian $$ L = \overline{\psi} i \gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu} \psi - \frac{1}{2} m \left...
  6. Pironman

    I How to find the equation of motion using Lagrange's equation?

    Good morning, I'm not a student but I'm curious about physics. I would like to calculate the equation of motion of a system using the Lagrangian mechanics. Suppose a particle subjected to some external forces. From Wikipedia, I found two method: 1. using kinetic energy and generalized forces...
  7. tomdodd4598

    I Equations of Motion for Massless Particle in Potential

    The Lagrangian for a massless particle in a potential, using the ##(-,+,+,+)## metric signature, is $$L = \frac{\dot{x}_\mu \dot{x}^\mu}{2e} - V,$$ where ##\dot{x}^\mu := \frac{dx^\mu}{d\lambda}## is the velocity, ##\lambda## is some worldline parameter, ##e## is the auxiliary einbein and...
  8. A

    A Explicit non-holonomic equations of motion

    In the holonomic case, we can put the Lagrangian in the Lagrange equations to obtain the explicit form of the equations of motion. From Greenwood's classical dynamics book, the equations are Are there such general equations for the non-holonomic case?
  9. BiGyElLoWhAt

    I Equations of motion for the Schwarzschild metric (nonlinear PDE)

    I'm working through some things with general relativity, and am trying to solve for my equations of motion from the Schwarzschild Metric. I'm new to nonlinear pde, so am not really sure what things to try. I have 2 out of my 3 equations, for t and r (theta taken to be constant). At first glance...
  10. WhiteWolf98

    [Structural Dynamics] How to model a 3D wing as a 2D Wind Tunnel Model

    Greetings Good People, As the title suggests, I'm having some trouble getting to a 2D model. The process is to select an aircraft (or wing model), and model it as a 2D, 2DOF wing-tunnel model. The aircraft I selected was a Cessna 172. This had a tapered wing, which after some calculations and...
  11. P

    Equations of motion of damped oscillations due to kinetic friction

    Take rightwards as positive. There are 2 equations of motion, depending on whether ##\frac {dx} {dt} ## is positive or not. The 2 equations are: ##m\ddot x = -kx \pm \mu mg## My questions about this system: Is this SHM? Possible method to solve for equation of motion: - Solve the 2nd ODE...
  12. P

    Getting the equations of motion for this SHM problem

    Summary:: I have come across a situation where I seem to get different equations of motion for an oscillating system. Please do help me find out where I went wrong. *I am not asking how to solve the problem* I am going to consider 4 parts of the cylinder's motion, as listed below. (There is...
  13. M

    Equations of motion of a 2-DoF Free damped vibration system

    Summary:: What are the Equations of motion for a free damped 2-Dof systrem? Hello, I am required to calculate the equations of motion for a 2-dof system as shown in the attached file. The system is undergoing free damped vibrations. I have found the equations of motion for no damping but i...
  14. J

    Wave problem - when they meet given their equations of motion

    So what I did was made the two equations equal each other. A lot of stuff cancels out and I end up with x=-vt. My issue is that t isn't given and I am not entirely sure how to get it. I don't think taking the partitial derivative of time will be any help nor the partial derivative of...
  15. neilparker62

    Equations of Motion Revisited

    [url="https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/equations-of-motion-revisited/"]Continue reading...
  16. J

    Engineering Equations of Motion for Beginners: Simple Solutions

    I am beginner. Can anybody do that? I need solution. Thanks so much!
  17. L

    Question about Free-Body-Diagrams (MSc Thesis)

    Hello, I'm doing an FBD exercise and I'm hoping you guys and girls can give me some feedback. I've already done a lot, but I'm not completely sure about it and since it's part of my Msc Thesis, it's important that I get it right. After setting up the FBDs, I get 5 equations and 6 unknown...
  18. BayMax

    Double pendulum equations of motion using Newton's laws

    I need help to understand this problem taken from Mechanical Vibrations by S. Rao I know that the equations of motion could be obtained in various ways, for example using the Lagrangian, but, at the moment, I am interested in understanding the method he used. In particular, if I'm not...
  19. jk22

    I Why Geodetic Equation Doesn't Accept Schwarzschild Solutions

    In the Schwarzschild metric case why is : $$r=cste,$$ $$\theta(t)=\arccos(\sin\alpha\cos\omega t)),$$ $$\phi(t)=\arctan(\tan(\omega t)/\cos\alpha),$$ $$t=\tau$$ not solution to the geodetic equation ?
  20. D

    Equations of motion of a system with non holonomic constraints

    Hello, I have a system with 2 degrees of freedom with 2 non-holonomic constrains that can be expressed by:##A_1 dq_1 +Cdq_3 + Ddq_4 = 0## ##A_2 dq_1 + Bdq_2 = 0##Being ##q_1, q_2, q_3## and ##q_4## four generalized coordinates that can describe the movement of the system. And ##A_1, A_2, B...
  21. benorin

    2-d equations of motion for a Slinky going down stairs?

    This problem fascinated me in lower division physics. Find the 2-d equations of motion for a Slinky going down a flight of stairs (assuming the path of the slinky is planar; eg only going up and down and front and back, no side to side). I do confess that whilst I do love physics I’m not...
  22. Like Tony Stark

    Equations of motion of a block on a spinning wedge

    I think that the only force acting on the wall is the normal force caused by Coriolis force, so it can be calculated this way: ##N=m2\dot r \dot \theta## But ##\dot r## is not constant, so how can I calculate it? Then, I can't calculate the acceleration either since I don't have the value of...
  23. TammyTsang

    Engineering Scaling of units for equations of motions

    In the picture, there is a problem where the t is in units of square root(l/g), and V in square root(gl) I am wondering 1. What it means when time is in units other than time? Does it mean that when solving I have to take time/squareroot(l/g) 2. How did they get square root(l/g). Thank you...
  24. Athenian

    [SR] - Test Particle inside the Sun's Gravitational Field - Part 2

    To begin with, I posted this thread ahead of time simply because I thought it may provide me some insight on how to solve for another problem that I have previously posted here: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/special-relativity-test-particle-inside-suns-gravitational-field.983171/unread...
  25. M

    Derivation of the Equations of Motion for a System

    Summary:: This is a system and we want to find the equations of motion. After some force-based attempts, I think that it would be easier to use some energy methods. Hi, I wanted to ask about deriving equations of motion by using the Lagrangian. The question is in the picture below. We are...
  26. A

    Equations of motion of a point sliding on a line of arbitrary shape

    Hi! First of all, mention that this is not a "homework" problem in the sense that no teacher ever gave it to me or that I have the obligation to do it. It is a question that came to mind when repasing the theory done in class and though interesting. I still post it here because I suppose that...
  27. torito_verdejo

    Equations of motion in a free fall with friction

    I'm stack at the very beginning. If I use Newton's second law to find acceleration and integrate until I find the position, I must face $$v(t) = \int_0^t g-\frac{\lambda v}{m} dt'=gt-\frac{\lambda }{m} \int_0^t\frac{\partial z}{\partial t}dt$$ But this last term feels pretty weird. I don't...
  28. W

    Lagrange Equations of Motion for a particle in a vessel

    The final answer should have a negative b^2⋅r(dot)^2⋅r term but I have no idea how that term would become negative. Also I know for a fact that my Lagrangian is correct.
  29. W

    Lagrange Equations of Motion for a particle in a vessel

    I start out by substituting rcos(Θ) and rsin(Θ) for x and y respectively. This gives me z=(b/2)r^2. The Lagrangian of this system is (1/2)m(rdot^2+r^2⋅Θdot^2+zdot^2)-mgz. (rdot and such is the time derivative of said variable). I then find the time derivative of z, giving me zdot=br⋅rdot and...
  30. M

    Writing the Equations of motion

    I have attached the problem and I have also taken a photo of my working for it, it seems my answer is wrong. I would be grateful if you could please check where I have gone wrong. Thanks a lot.
  31. M

    The Lagrangian for a piece of toast falling over the edge of a table

    First of all, disclaimer: This isn't an official assignment or anything, so I'm not even sure if there is a resonably simple solution. Consider the following sketch. (Forgive me if it isn't completely clear, I didn't want to fiddle around for too long with tikz...) Let us assume that we can...
  32. Mason Smith

    Lagrangian and Equations of Motion for Conical Pendulum

    Here is a picture of the problem. I have chosen the origin to lie in the middle of the circle around which the mass moves. I have also chosen the z axis to pass through the origin and through the vertex of the right circular cone. The x-axis and y-axis are so that one when curls his or her...
  33. M

    How to Derive Equations of Motion from Lagrange Density?

    Homework Statement I'd like to derive the equations of motion for a system with Lagrange density $$\mathcal{L}= \frac{1}{2}\partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi,$$ for ##\phi:\mathcal{M}\to \mathbb{R}## a real scalar field. Homework Equations $$\frac{\partial...
  34. Abourque72

    Period of Motion from Equations of Motion

    I would like to preface this by saying that I solved the homework problem, but my professor gave me an added challenge of finding the period of the motion described in this problem. 1. Homework Statement The pendulum bob of mass m shown in the figure below is suspended by an in-extensible...
  35. MattIverson

    Finding the Lagrangian Matrix for Two-Spring Systems

    Homework Statement The problem is attached. I'm working on the second system with the masses on a linear spring (not the first system). I think I solved part (a), but I'm not sure if I did what it was asking for. I'm not sure exactly what the question means by the... L=.5Tnn-.5Vnn. Namely, I'm...
  36. I

    Equations of motion for a dual mass-spring-damper

    Homework Statement We have been given the following mass-spring-damper diagram, and are asked to derive the equations of motion. The positions of the two masses are given as q1 and q2. The Attempt at a Solution I began by drawing free-body diagrams for each mass. Then I set up the...
  37. Amitayas Banerjee

    What is the Lagrangian, equations of motion for this system?

    <<Moderator's note: Moved from a technical forum, no template.>> Description of the system: The masses m1 and m2 lie on a smooth surface. The masses are attached with a spring of non stretched length l0 and spring constant k. A constant force F is being applied to m2. My coordinates: Left of...
  38. Thejas15101998

    Equations of Motion: How Many Independent Equations?

    Say, I have a system at rest. I was wondering - how many equations of motion can the system have (without redundancy)? Well, I thought that equating the forces along 2 or 3 different axes would give 3 independent equations. Also equating torques would give some equations, but how many of them...
  39. A

    Finding the final speed of a Positive and Negative Charge

    Homework Statement This is an example problem I found on khan academy and it didn't have an official problem statement... So I am going to have to make up my own problem statement from what was given. I can link the video if any of you want to see it. A positive charge 4uC and a negative...
  40. J

    A Do the equations of motion simply tell us which degrees of freedom apply?

    A massless spin 1 particle has 2 degrees of freedom. However, we usually describe it using four-vectors, which have four components. Hence, somehow we must get rid of the superfluous degrees of freedom. This job is done by the Maxwell equations. To quote from Gilmore's "Lie Groups, Physics, and...
  41. bleist88

    A The Lagrangian Density and Equations of Motion

    Can Lagrangian densities be constructed from the physics and then derive equations of motion from them? As it seems now, from my reading and a course I took, that the equations of motion are known (i.e. the Klein-Gordon and Dirac Equation) and then from them the Lagrangian density can be...
  42. M

    A Deriving Equations of Motion in GR

    Question Background: I'm considering the Eddington-Robertson-Schiff line element which is given by (ds)^2 = \left( 1 - 2 \left(\frac{\mu}{r}\right) + 2 \left(\frac{\mu^2}{r^2}\right) \right) dt^2 - \left( 1 + 2 \left( \frac{\mu}{r} \right) \right) (dr^2 + r^2 d\theta^2 + r^2 \sin^2{\theta}...
  43. H

    Calculating the equations of motion for particle in parabola

    I made the problem up myself, so there might very well not be a rational answer that I like! Homework Statement A point-particle is released at height h0 is released into a parabola. The position of the particle is given by (x, y) and the acceleration due to gravity is g. All forms of friction...
  44. F

    I Equivalent Klein-Gordon Lagrangians and equations of motion

    Suppose one starts with the standard Klein-Gordon (KG) Lagrangian for a free scalar field: $$\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2}\partial_{\mu}\phi\partial^{\mu}\phi-\frac{1}{2}m^{2}\phi^{2}$$ Integrating by parts one can obtain an equivalent (i.e. gives the same equations of motion) Lagrangian...
  45. W

    Can somone explain this review solution (vibrations)?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The equations are all given The Attempt at a Solution This isn't really a homework question... it's solved, but I'm having a hard time following it. I don't understand where the first term: -a(kaθ) comes from. I can see it's the moment relation...
  46. M

    A How to Integrate the geodesic equations numerically?

    Hello there, I've been considering the geodesic equations of motion for a test particle in Schwarzschild geometry for some time now. Similar to what we can do with the Kepler problem I would like to be able to numerically integrate the equations of motion. I'm quite interested to see how...
  47. D

    Simplified: Equations of Motion of a Quadcopter

    Hello! I've been looking into the equations of motions of a quadcopter with an x-config. The only thing I've found was http://www.inase.org/library/2014/santorini/bypaper/SYSTEMS/SYSTEMS1-07.pdf, but it seems complicated. Could someone explain the equation of motions, and how they were arrived...
  48. N

    Equations of motion for disk and spring system

    Homework Statement Thin uniform disk with radius r, mass m, and moment of inertia 0.5mr2 is suspended from a cable line where one end is attached to a set point via a spring, and the other end is also attached to a spring but is moving in an upwards direction. Solve for the equations of motion...
  49. Adoniram

    Rocket equations of motion w/ drag and gravity

    I have seen many examples of the EOM for a rocket derived for the following cases: No gravity, No drag Gravity, No drag No gravity, linear drag (b*v where b is a constant) I have never seen Gravity, linear drag Gravity, quadratic drag I took John Taylor's two examples of linear drag and...