Variation of the kinetic term in scalar field theory

In summary, the variation of the kinetic term in scalar field theory involves analyzing how changes in the scalar field influence the action's kinetic component. This process typically entails calculating the functional derivatives of the kinetic term with respect to the field and its derivatives, leading to the equations of motion described by the Euler-Lagrange equations. The study of these variations reveals important physical implications, including the stability of the field configurations and the dynamics of scalar fields in different spacetime backgrounds. This analysis is crucial for understanding the behavior of scalar fields in various theoretical frameworks, including cosmology and particle physics.
  • #1
Varying ##\partial_\lambda\phi\,\partial^\lambda\phi## wrt the metric tensor ##g_{\mu\nu}## in two different ways gives me different results. Obviously I'm doing something wrong. Where am I going wrong?

Method 1: \begin{equation}
(\delta g_{\mu\nu})\,\partial^\mu\phi\,\partial^\nu\phi

Method 2: \begin{align}&\quad\,\, (\delta g^{\mu\nu})\,\partial_\mu\phi\,\partial_\nu\phi \nonumber \\
&=(-g^{\mu\rho}g^{\nu\sigma}\delta g_{\rho\sigma})\,\partial_\mu\phi\,\partial_\nu\phi \quad (\because \delta g^{\mu\nu}=-g^{\mu\rho}g^{\nu\sigma}\delta g_{\rho\sigma} \,\,\text{as can be checked by varying the identity}\,\, g^{\mu\lambda}g_{\lambda\nu}=\delta^\mu_\nu) \nonumber\\
&=-(\delta g_{\rho\sigma})\,\partial^\rho\phi\,\partial^\sigma\phi
The second result differs from the first one by a minus sign. What's going wrong?
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  • #2
In Method 1 you are missing the variations of the metric inside the definitions ##\partial^\mu \phi = g^{\mu\nu}\partial_\nu \phi##.

FAQ: Variation of the kinetic term in scalar field theory

What is the kinetic term in scalar field theory?

The kinetic term in scalar field theory refers to the part of the Lagrangian that describes the dynamics of the scalar field. It is typically expressed as a function of the field and its derivatives, commonly represented as \(\frac{1}{2} \partial_\mu \phi \partial^\mu \phi\), where \(\phi\) is the scalar field and \(\partial_\mu\) denotes the derivative with respect to spacetime coordinates. This term is crucial for determining how the field propagates and interacts with other fields.

Why would one vary the kinetic term in scalar field theory?

Varying the kinetic term allows physicists to explore different dynamics and properties of the scalar field. Modifications to the kinetic term can lead to new theoretical insights, such as non-standard kinetic terms that might arise in effective field theories, modified gravity theories, or in the context of inflationary models. These variations can also impact stability, causality, and the types of solutions that can be found in the theory.

What are some common forms of modified kinetic terms?

Common forms of modified kinetic terms include the non-linear kinetic terms like the K-inflation models, which introduce functions of the kinetic term, such as \(f(X)\) where \(X = \frac{1}{2} \partial_\mu \phi \partial^\mu \phi\). Other examples include the introduction of higher-order derivative terms or the inclusion of terms that depend on the field value itself, leading to interesting phenomena such as ghost instabilities or non-canonical kinetic behavior.

How does varying the kinetic term affect the equations of motion?

Varying the kinetic term modifies the equations of motion derived from the Lagrangian. The Euler-Lagrange equations, which yield the equations of motion for the field, will include additional contributions from the modified kinetic terms. This can lead to new types of field equations, potentially altering the solutions, stability properties, and the overall dynamics of the scalar field.

What are the implications of varying the kinetic term for cosmology?

In cosmology, varying the kinetic term can have significant implications for the evolution of the universe. For instance, non-standard kinetic terms can lead to different inflationary dynamics, influence the behavior of dark energy, or modify the growth of perturbations in the early universe. These modifications can help explain observational phenomena such as the accelerated expansion of the universe or the nature of cosmic microwave background fluctuations.
