Errors by great minds in theoretical physics

In summary, there have been several great minds in theoretical physics who have made mistakes in their pursuit of original thinking. Some famous examples include Newton's snooker-ball like explanation of Opticks and refusal to accept quantum nonlocality, Einstein's rejection of quantum mechanics and his cosmological constant, and Phlogiston and the Caloric Theory by Becher and Stahl. Other examples include Newton's experiments in alchemy and his belief in converting base metals into gold, Aristotle's geocentric universe, Copernicus' circular planetary orbits, and Bohr's planetary electron model. These mistakes are often forgotten as they are overshadowed by the notable achievements of these scientists.
  • #1

It is sometimes stated that the great minds of theoretical physics also made many mistakes, and were not afraid to do so, since you have to dare to make mistakes if you want to do some original thinking; but the errors are forgotten, and the good things are remembered. Now my question is: can someone give me examples of such errors? Or where I can find them?

Thank you!
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  • #2
Just two most obvious and famous:

Newton: snooker-ball like explanation of Opticks
Einstein: refusal to accept quantum nonlocality (EPR paradox, spooky actions)
  • #3
Phlogiston and the Caloric Theory by Becher and Stahl. Is this the reason Spanish, and I presume other romance languages, refer to something as having heat instead of being hot?
  • #4
How about Einstein's cosmological constant? That may count as a double blunder if it turns out to be necessary after all.
  • #6
It may not strictly count as a blunder, but Newton's "experiments" in alchemy were driven by a belief that he could convert base metals into gold. Of course, the essential facts underlying modern chemistry were completely unknown to him. This is known to be possible today though nuclear fusion although it's probably not technically feasible and in any case would far too expensive to make sense (even at $1800/ounce).
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  • #7
skeptic2 said:
Phlogiston and the Caloric Theory by Becher and Stahl. Is this the reason Spanish, and I presume other romance languages, refer to something as having heat instead of being hot?
Then why having cold instead of lacking heat?
  • #8
SW VandeCarr said:
It may not strictly count as a blunder, but Newton's "experiments" in alchemy were driven by a belief that he could convert base metals into gold. Of course, the facts of modern chemistry were completely unknown to him. This is known to be possible today though nuclear fusion although it's probably not technically feasible and in any case would far too expensive to make sense (even at $1800/ounce).

I read one speculation that the alchemists might have figured out how to turn microscopic quantities of radioactive mercury into radioactive gold. Although we think of quantum mechanics being discovered by Planck and radioactivity by Curie it makes you wonder just how many weird little discoveries people might have made over the eons that just never made it into the history books.

P.S.- I agree with xts, Newton's optics and Einstein's rejection of Indeterminacy. Einstein himself once complained that he should have figured out Indeterminacy from his own photo-electric experiment decades earlier.
  • #9
SW VandeCarr said:
It may not strictly count as a blunder, but Newton's "experiments" in alchemy were driven by a belief that he could convert base metals into gold. Of course, the facts of modern chemistry were completely unknown to him. This is known to be possible today though nuclear fusion although it's probably not technically feasible and in any case would far too expensive to make sense (even at $1800/ounce).
Slightly off topic, but I read it was actually done. This was reported in an old issue of Popular Mechanics from the late 40's (which I no longer have, unfortunately). As you say, it was astronomically expensive given the tiny amount they produced and represented no improvement on simply mining what there already is.
  • #10
So are Einstein's only blunders the static universe and QM (although I thought the jury was still out on the latter, at least partially)? (wuliheron can you give a reference for that quote?)
  • #11
mr. vodka said:

It is sometimes stated that the great minds of theoretical physics also made many mistakes, and were not afraid to do so, since you have to dare to make mistakes if you want to do some original thinking; but the errors are forgotten, and the good things are remembered. Now my question is: can someone give me examples of such errors? Or where I can find them?

Thank you!

I read a biography of Maxwell a few years back in which it was reported that his original approach to magnetic fields was to model them as physical mechanisms, and that he published one or two papers using this mechanistic model before he realized it was better to think of them more abstractly.

Edit: I also recall reading a quote from Lord Kelvin to the effect that man could not achieve flight (referring to the quest for airplanes), that the physics were stacked against it being possible.
  • #12
Aristotle and his geocentric universe, a concept which lasted for perhaps 20 centuries.
  • #13
skeptic2 said:
Aristotle and his geocentric universe, a concept which lasted for perhaps 20 centuries.
Copernicus and his heliocentric universe that lasted about 2 centuries depending on how you count. Astronomers came gradually to the idea that the sun is a star. Also, his circular planetary orbits which lasted about 40 years until Kepler found them to be ellipses. Bohr's atom with planetary electrons might be considered. Then there's Snyder's theory of inverse motion which didn't even get the mandatory 15 minutes.
  • #14
Jimmy Snyder said:
Then there's Snyder's theory of inverse motion which didn't even get the mandatory 15 minutes.
Eh? I still subscribe to this.
  • #15
The ultra-violet catastrophe and Rayleigh-Jeans law are obsolete intermediary physics in the same vein as the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom.""
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  • #16
mr. vodka said:
So are Einstein's only blunders the static universe and QM (although I thought the jury was still out on the latter, at least partially)? (wuliheron can you give a reference for that quote?)

Sorry, I can't remember where I heard that quote from Einstein. If I remember correctly it was just something he said casually to a reporter but, of course, by then people hung on his every word.
  • #17
mr. vodka said:
So are Einstein's only blunders the static universe and QM (although I thought the jury was still out on the latter, at least partially)? (wuliheron can you give a reference for that quote?)

Well define "blunders" and "mistakes". Most research time is devoted to spending time on the wrong answer. Not many people bother keeping track of mistakes and dead-end paths because the right answers are usually the most interesting!
  • #18
mr. vodka said:
So are Einstein's only blunders the static universe and QM

And promising his wife the money if he won a Nobel prize.
  • #19
Ivan Seeking said:
And promising his wife the money if he won a Nobel prize.
I believe Einstein considered the Nobel prize money as sort of unofficial alimony payment so he could be with his new girlfriend. I may be wrong, but I don't think so. He was certain the prize would eventually be his.


P.S. Her name was Milena Maric, see time line of his life".
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FAQ: Errors by great minds in theoretical physics

What are common errors made by great minds in theoretical physics?

Some common errors made by great minds in theoretical physics include overreliance on mathematical models, ignoring experimental evidence, and failing to consider alternative theories or perspectives.

Why do great minds make errors in theoretical physics?

Great minds may make errors in theoretical physics due to the complexity of the subject, the limitations of current technology, and the inherent uncertainty in scientific research.

How do errors made by great minds in theoretical physics impact the field?

Errors made by great minds in theoretical physics can lead to wasted time and resources, as well as hindering progress in the field. However, they can also spark new ideas and theories that ultimately contribute to scientific advancements.

What can be done to prevent errors in theoretical physics?

To prevent errors in theoretical physics, scientists must continuously evaluate and test their theories, remain open to criticism and alternative perspectives, and strive for accuracy and precision in their experiments and calculations.

Can errors by great minds in theoretical physics be beneficial?

Yes, errors made by great minds in theoretical physics can be beneficial in that they can lead to new discoveries and advancements in the field. They also serve as a reminder that even the most brilliant minds are fallible and that scientific progress is a continuous process of trial and error.

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