Evolution on Jon Stewart Daily Show, starts Monday 12th

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, "The Daily Show" will be airing a special report called "Evolution Schmevolution" from September 12-15, which will focus on the debate between evolution and creationism. Despite the show's comedic nature, it has won awards and is considered a reputable news source. However, some argue that the show will focus more on politics than actual science.
  • #1
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---quote from the science blog Pharyngula---Evolution Schmevolution
PZ Myers • 21 Comments
This is going to be good:
Science vs. Religion. Evolution vs. Creation. It is an age-old battle whose time has come. "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" will gather together all the experts (or at least those who will talk to them), travel to the places that matter in the debate (basic cable budget permitting) and ultimately settle the controversy once and for all. "Evolution Schmevolution: A Daily Show Special Report" will premiere on Monday, September 12 and air nightly at 11:00 p.m. through September 15.
For one full week, "The Daily Show" goes in-depth, around, through and quite possibly under, one of the hottest hot-button issues facing our nation: evolution. It's the accepted theory on the origin of life by an overwhelming majority of the world's biologists, but maybe they're all wrong. What's so great about the scientific method anyway?
All I've got to say (besides mentioning that Stewart is one of the few journalists I'd trust to cover this story right) is that I am going to be in New York on September 15, and they could have me for free. As the top news program in the universe, though, they probably don't want anyone so cheap...oh, well.
---end quote---

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  • #2
Wow, this is surprising news; when exactly did Jon Stewart become a journalist?
  • #3
I really couldn't care less

The "creationists" don't have anything, and never did
  • #4
Renge Ishyo said:
Wow, this is surprising news; when exactly did Jon Stewart become a journalist?

He's been a journalist for some time. Yeah, it's funny. So are editorial comics.

That's why the Daily Show has won a Pulitzer(s?).
  • #5
The show will have more to do with politics than with science to be sure. The topic "Evolution vs. Creation" is really just a front for the same old "left vs. right" politics this show breeds on. Of course it wins awards, so does "West Wing." I'm sure so long as nobody is expecting an intelligent debate on the issue, it will probably be pretty funny at least.
  • #6
Gee wiz anyone who can speak and write eloquent english can win a Pulitzer
  • #7
cronxeh said:
Gee wiz anyone who can speak and write eloquent english can win a Pulitzer

How many Pulitzer's have you won?
  • #8
Renge Ishyo said:
The show will have more to do with politics than with science to be sure. The topic "Evolution vs. Creation" is really just a front for the same old "left vs. right" politics this show breeds on. Of course it wins awards, so does "West Wing." I'm sure so long as nobody is expecting an intelligent debate on the issue, it will probably be pretty funny at least.

There's nothing to debate about when it comes to Evolution and Creationism, so an intelligent debate is impossible. That said, it's certainly a ridiculous debate, and I'm sure The Daily Show is going to ream Creationism a new one.

As it should.
  • #9
Do you have a link to the Daily Show's Pulitzer? I attempted to look it up and couldn't find anything on it? I'm actually curious to see what they won it for.
  • #10
Renge Ishyo said:
Do you have a link to the Daily Show's Pulitzer? I attempted to look it up and couldn't find anything on it? I'm actually curious to see what they won it for.

My mistake. It was the Peabody award.


I must have been thinking of David Horsey, the editorial cartoonist who won the Pulitzer.
  • #11
I see, well that would explain why I couldn't find it. Thanks for clearing that up!

FAQ: Evolution on Jon Stewart Daily Show, starts Monday 12th

1. What is evolution?

Evolution is the scientific theory that explains how species change over time through the process of natural selection, genetic variation, and adaptation.

2. How does evolution work?

Evolution works through the process of natural selection, where individuals with favorable traits have a better chance of surviving and reproducing. Over time, these favorable traits become more common in a population, leading to the development of new species.

3. Is evolution just a theory?

Yes, evolution is a scientific theory, which means it is a well-supported and widely accepted explanation for a phenomenon. In science, a theory is the highest level of understanding and is supported by extensive evidence and research.

4. Does evolution only apply to humans?

No, evolution applies to all living organisms. It is a fundamental process that has shaped the diversity of life on Earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms.

5. Are there any controversies surrounding evolution?

While the scientific community widely accepts evolution as a valid theory, there are still some controversies and debates surrounding it, particularly in religious and political contexts. However, the vast majority of scientific evidence supports the theory of evolution.

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