Expression for orbital eccentricity

In summary, the task is to derive an expression for the eccentricity e in terms of the initial speed v, radius r, and flight path angle x using three given equations. The solution involves rearranging equations and substituting values, resulting in an unruly expression for e. The individual seeking help has confirmed that the expression cannot be simplified further.
  • #1

Homework Statement

From Prussing and Conway (Q1.11): derive an expression for the eccentricity e in terms of the initial speed v, radius r, and flight path angle x (they use gamma).

Homework Equations

(1) h^2 = mu*a*(1-e^2) [a is semimajor axis, mu is gravitational parameter]
(2) h = r*v*cos(x)
(3) v^2 = mu*((2/r)-(1/a))

The Attempt at a Solution

Rearrange (1): a = h^2/(mu*(1-e^2))

Sub in (2): a = (r^2*v^2*cos^2(x)) / (mu*(1-e^2))

Rearrange for e: e^2 = 1-[(r^2*v^2*cos^2(x)) / (mu*a)]

Rearrange (3) in terms of a and sub in: e^2 = 1-[(r^2*v^2*cos^2(x)) / mu]*[(2/r)-(v^2/mu)]

This seems far too unwieldy.. have I misunderstood the basic geometry or relationships behind the problem? I've been unable to find an expression for e = f(r,v,x) anywhere .

Thanks for your help.
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  • #2
I don't think it can be made significantly simpler if it has to be expressed as a function of r, v, and γ. At least one of my textbooks has a similar unruly expression for e (although it uses a instead of v).
  • #3
Ok, I'll leave it as it is. Thanks a lot.

FAQ: Expression for orbital eccentricity

1. What is the definition of orbital eccentricity?

The orbital eccentricity is a measure of the deviation of an orbit from a perfect circle. It describes the shape of an orbit and is represented by a decimal number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents a perfect circle and 1 represents a highly elongated orbit.

2. How is orbital eccentricity calculated?

The orbital eccentricity can be calculated using the formula e = (a - b) / (a + b), where a is the semi-major axis of the orbit and b is the semi-minor axis. Alternatively, it can also be calculated using the distance between the foci (f) and the major axis (a) with the formula e = f / a.

3. What is the significance of orbital eccentricity?

The orbital eccentricity is important in determining the behavior and characteristics of an orbit. It affects the speed of the orbiting object, the distance between the object and the center of mass, and the duration of the orbit. It also plays a crucial role in the orbital stability of a system.

4. How does orbital eccentricity affect the shape of an orbit?

The higher the eccentricity, the more elongated the orbit becomes. When the eccentricity is closer to 0, the orbit is nearly circular. As the eccentricity increases, the orbit becomes more elliptical and the distance between the object and the center of mass varies greatly throughout the orbit.

5. What are some examples of objects with high orbital eccentricity?

Comets are known for having highly eccentric orbits, as they travel very close to the Sun at their perihelion and then move far away at their aphelion. Other examples include Pluto, which has an eccentricity of 0.25, and Mercury, which has an eccentricity of 0.21.
