How Do Nonstandard Models of Arithmetic Impact Godel's Theorem Extensions?

  • Thread starter phoenixthoth
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In summary, Godel's incompleteness theorems involve coding wffs into numbers using a logical isomorphism between the set of wffs and N, leading to the incompleteness of any "adequate" theory. The use of a nonstandard model of arithmetic or poset to encode wffs could result in logical statements with infinitely many terms, but it would still adhere to a specific type of infinitary logic. This can be seen through examples such as the transfer principle and the limitations it presents, such as the inability to define certain infinite sums.
  • #1
From what I understand of one of Godel's incompleteness theorems, it involves coding wffs into numbers. Each wff corresponds to a Godel number and each Godel number gives rise to a wff. And then by using a kind of logical isomorphism between the set of wffs and N, incompleteness of any "adequate" theory is implied by the fact that computability implies definability.

Is that basically right?

Assuming it is... Here's my question. We use arithmetic to encode formulas. What if we used a nonstandard model of arithmetic or some other poset to encode wffs? What kind of results do we get, for instance, something about infinitary logic if our model of arithmetic has unlimited numbers that could correspond to an infinite string of OR or AND?

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  • #2
Eww, nonstandard formal logic?

Well, we still have the transfer principle. We can write down a first-order theory that includes formal logic and the integers. Presumably, Gödel's theorem couldn't even be stated within the theory, but can be proven about the theory.

Then, we could take a nonstandard model of this theory, and we will indeed have logical statements with infinitely many terms, and we will also have the hypernatural numbers, and I presume we would still be able to prove Gödel's theorem.

Now, we don't get just any old infinitary logic when we do this, we get a very specific one. I can demomstrate the limitations I would expect to see with an example from nonstandard analysis: the infinite sum.

In standard analysis, we look at a sequence of partial sums. For a given sequence f:NR, we can define a "finite sum function":

g : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} :
n \rightarrow \sum_{i = 0}^{n} f(i)

So, by the transfer principle, we have the function *g : *N → *R. Through this way, we are able to define, for a transfinite hypernatural number H, the infinite sum:

\sum_{i=^*0}^H {}^*f(i) := {}^*g(H)

The point is that we don't get just any infinite sum: we only get sums of internal functions indexed by intervals of hypernatural numbers.

For example, we don't get the sum 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... + 1/2^n + ... where n ranges over the ordinary naturals.

Though, we do know that, for any transfinite hypernatural H:

\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} 2^{-i} \approx \sum_{i=^*0}^H (^*2)^{-i}

in the sense that their difference is infinitessimal.
  • #3

Your understanding of Godel's incompleteness theorems is correct. The coding of wffs into numbers and the use of logical isomorphism between the set of wffs and N is a fundamental part of Godel's work. However, your question about using a nonstandard model of arithmetic to encode wffs is an interesting one.

There have been some extensions of Godel's theorem that explore the implications of using nonstandard models of arithmetic. One such extension is the "Godel's Second Incompleteness Theorem for Nonstandard Models", which states that if a nonstandard model of arithmetic satisfies certain properties, then it too will be incomplete. This result suggests that the incompleteness of adequate theories is not limited to standard models of arithmetic, but can also occur in nonstandard models.

Another interesting result is the "Godel's Completeness Theorem for Nonstandard Models", which shows that if a nonstandard model of arithmetic satisfies certain properties, then it will also be complete. This result suggests that the completeness of theories is not limited to standard models of arithmetic, but can also occur in nonstandard models.

In terms of your question about using nonstandard models to encode wffs, there have been some investigations into the implications for infinitary logic. For example, in nonstandard models with unlimited numbers, it has been shown that infinitary logic can be used to express certain statements that are not expressible in standard models. This suggests that nonstandard models can provide a richer framework for expressing logical concepts.

Overall, the extensions of Godel's theorem to nonstandard models of arithmetic have opened up new avenues for exploring the limits of logical systems and the implications for theories in mathematics and other fields. These extensions continue to be an active area of research and have led to many interesting results and insights.

FAQ: How Do Nonstandard Models of Arithmetic Impact Godel's Theorem Extensions?

1. What is Godel's Theorem and why is it important?

Godel's Theorem, also known as Godel's Incompleteness Theorems, states that in any consistent and powerful formal system, there will always be true statements that cannot be proven within that system. This theorem has significant implications for the foundations of mathematics and logic, and has influenced fields such as computer science and philosophy.

2. What are some extensions of Godel's Theorem?

There have been many extensions and variations of Godel's Theorem proposed by mathematicians and logicians over the years. Some of the most well-known include the Second Incompleteness Theorem, which applies Godel's ideas to the consistency of formal systems, and the Incompleteness Phenomenon, which explores the limitations of human knowledge and reasoning.

3. How do these extensions relate to Godel's original work?

While these extensions may explore different aspects of Godel's Theorem or apply it to different contexts, they are all based on the fundamental ideas proposed by Godel in his original work. They build upon his insights and further demonstrate the power and significance of his theorems.

4. What are some practical applications of Godel's Theorem and its extensions?

Godel's Theorem and its extensions have had significant impacts on various fields, including mathematics, computer science, and philosophy. For example, they have influenced the development of artificial intelligence and the study of computational complexity. In addition, they have provided insights into the foundations of mathematics and logic, and have led to new approaches and perspectives in these fields.

5. What are some criticisms of Godel's Theorem and its extensions?

While Godel's Theorem and its extensions have been highly influential, they have also faced criticism and debate. Some have argued that the theorems are too abstract and have little practical relevance, while others have questioned the assumptions and implications of the theorems. Additionally, there are ongoing discussions and debates about the limitations and potential shortcomings of Godel's Theorem and its extensions.
