Faster than the speed of light

In summary, according to relativity, as an object gains kinetic energy, its mass also increases. This means that it requires more and more energy to accelerate the object, making it impossible to reach the speed of light. This is due to the relativistic mass of the object, which increases exponentially as it approaches the speed of light. The cause of this increase in mass is not fully understood, but it is a fundamental principle of relativity.
  • #1
I just read today in Stephen's Hawking book that the energy of an object is increased with its acceleration and that in turn increases the mass because enegry and mass are interchangeable because of E=mc2. Therefor it takes more energy to increase the acceleration of an object going fast because of that additional mass.

He writes that when an object comes closer to the speed of light it acquires infinite mass and therefor would take infininte energy to increase the acceleration to the speed of light.

This bothered me for three reasons.

1. I remember reading in a book called Relativity Visualized that why we nothing is able to go faster than the speed of light is not clear. The author of that book suggested his own "myth" as to why things cannot go faster than the speed of light. So who is right?

2. I might just be showing off by ignorance here, but intuitively I can't grasp why energy which is carrying an object in a certain direction should cause it to be harder to have the object accelerated in the same direction.

3. I also wonder why it is that it happens to be that at the speed of light the object acquires infinite mass?

I hope I made my questions clear.


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  • #2
1. Don't read pseudoscience, Einstein is right.

2-3. According to relativity, increased kinetic energy of an object is actually increased mass of an object. Here we talk about relative mass (which depends on the frame of reference), not the rest mass of an object. Anyway, since the object gains inertia when it speeds up, it is harder to accelerate. When the relative speed of two objects accelerates towards the speed of light, the relativistic mass of an object increases exponentially. This means that you need more and more energy to accelerate. This is why you can't go faster than the speed of light, or even as fast as the speed of light.
  • #3
Whether we say the relativistic mass goes to infinity or that the energy goes to infinity, it comes to the same thing; relativity says you can not accelerate up to the speed of light, and by accelerating you can't get to GREATER than the speed of light without crossing that speed. Also the speed of light is constant across intertial observation frames, so any relative motion you might have been observed to have to begin with won't affect the result either. So you can't get there from here.
  • #4
jonnyread said:
I just read today in Stephen's Hawking book that the energy of an object is increased with its acceleration and that in turn increases the mass because enegry and mass are interchangeable because of E=mc2. Therefor it takes more energy to increase the acceleration of an object going fast because of that additional mass.
He writes that when an object comes closer to the speed of light it acquires infinite mass and therefor would take infininte energy to increase the acceleration to the speed of light.
This bothered me for three reasons.
1. I remember reading in a book called Relativity Visualized that why we nothing is able to go faster than the speed of light is not clear. The author of that book suggested his own "myth" as to why things cannot go faster than the speed of light. So who is right?
2. I might just be showing off by ignorance here, but intuitively I can't grasp why energy which is carrying an object in a certain direction should cause it to be harder to have the object accelerated in the same direction.
3. I also wonder why it is that it happens to be that at the speed of light the object acquires infinite mass?
I hope I made my questions clear.

There are a couple of different ways of explaining why objects cannot exceed the speed of light by accelerating.

The key point to realize is that this is a true statement - you can't reach the speed of light with a massive object, no matter how long you accelerate.

Minor differences in terminology (such as the age-old argument of whether mass, unqualified, means _invariant mass_ or _relativistic mass_ should NOT confuse you on such a basic point.

for more on the definitions of different types of "mass" in relativity.

I tend to favor the explanation involving the velocity addition formula. If we have three obserers, A, B, and C

A stands still
B ----> goes .9c relative to A
C-----------> goes .9c relative to B

we can ask - how fast does C go relative to A?

The answer is that he goes at a speed of (.9+.9)*c / (1+.9*9) = 1.8 c / 1.81.
This result can be generalized, such that the addition of *any number* of velocities < c will always yield a resulting velocity < c.

There is more on how velocities add in SR at
  • #5

thanks for the replies. There is a lot here that I would need to spend a lot of time working on to understand. I hope I can spend that time.

  • #6
derz said:
1. Don't read pseudoscience, Einstein is right.

2-3. According to relativity, increased kinetic energy of an object is actually increased mass of an object. Here we talk about relative mass (which depends on the frame of reference), not the rest mass of an object. Anyway, since the object gains inertia when it speeds up, it is harder to accelerate. When the relative speed of two objects accelerates towards the speed of light, the relativistic mass of an object increases exponentially. This means that you need more and more energy to accelerate. This is why you can't go faster than the speed of light, or even as fast as the speed of light.

Ok, but what causes the increase in mass? To say that energy increases therefore you need more energy to accelerate isn't a proper explanation for the increase in mass. There must be a cause for this effect.
  • #7
Nobody said it was an explanation of the increase in mass. It was an explanation of your origina question, why nothing can be accelerated to light speed. And, in fact, as selfAdjoint suggested, it is better to ignore "relativistic mass" and just think in terms of energy. energy increases with speed goes back to classical physics- kinetic energy. The basic equations of relativity say that the energy of a body increase much faster with speed that classical kinetic energy would suggest. And since it requires more force to accelerate more energy, the force necessary to accelerate something to light speed becomes infinite.

FAQ: Faster than the speed of light

1. What does it mean to travel faster than the speed of light?

Traveling faster than the speed of light means moving at a speed greater than 299,792,458 meters per second, which is the speed of light in a vacuum. This is considered to be the maximum speed at which anything can travel in the universe.

2. Is it possible for anything to move faster than the speed of light?

According to the theory of relativity, it is not possible for any object with mass to reach or exceed the speed of light. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases and requires an infinite amount of energy to continue accelerating.

3. Can information or signals travel faster than the speed of light?

No, according to the theory of relativity, the speed of light is also the maximum speed at which information can be transmitted. This means that no signal or information can travel faster than the speed of light.

4. What would happen if an object could travel faster than the speed of light?

If an object were to somehow travel faster than the speed of light, it would violate the laws of physics as we know them. It would also lead to effects such as time dilation, where time would appear to slow down for the object traveling at such high speeds.

5. Are there any exceptions to the speed of light limit?

There are some theories that suggest the existence of particles called tachyons that can travel faster than the speed of light. However, these particles have not been observed and their existence remains a topic of debate among scientists.

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