FEA Analysis, verification of values

In summary, the user is seeking help with an exercise involving calculations for a wrench. They have provided information on the load, distances, and dimensions of the nut and are considering calculating either the max stress or deflection. They are unsure about the best method to use and whether to split the wrench into multiple elements for analysis. They are advised to formulate their question more clearly and consider using the finite element analysis method.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi there.
I have to do this excercise for my exam and I am kinda lost with the verification of data, more precisely calculations. Can you guys help me out?
I set 100N load right above the hole... the distance between centers of the hole and nut is 190mm. the max distance between the jaws is 55mm and the min distance is 30mm. The nut is a little bit smaller it is 29.5mm. I would like to calculate either the max stress or maybe easiest would be the deflection at the end? (from fem analysis it was ~0.25mm)

Homework Equations

Simple beam calculations (Mechanics of material, FEA)

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not sure about one thing. The wrench head. Use a single beam theory on entire wrench or split it to sections (if so how?) and calculate it with method of superposition.
fem excercise.jpg
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to the forum.

It is a little difficult to know how to help you when your question consists of "I am kinda lost."

Many times when people have a problem of this nature, if they sit down and try to formulate the question in clear terms, the answer will become clear also. That is, if you ask the question clearly you will see the answer yourself.

For example: I am guessing that FEA stands for "finite element analysis." Did you set up a mesh? Did you do the things your class taught you regarding this process?
  • #3
Ok I understand. I will reformulate my question. I have this excercise, above I've written the data about the case. I would like to ask what method would you use regarding calculating the deflection of the wrench at the end of the handle. Should I calculate it as simple cantilever beam or split it to multiple elements (for example 4: 2 elements would be the jaws, third element would connect these jaws and fourth element would be just the handle of wrench) and calculate it in all of them?

FAQ: FEA Analysis, verification of values

1. What is FEA analysis and why is it important?

FEA analysis, or finite element analysis, is a computerized method used to simulate and analyze the behavior of a complex system or structure under various conditions. It is important because it allows engineers and scientists to predict how a design will perform in the real world, and make necessary improvements before physically testing it.

2. How does FEA analysis work?

FEA analysis works by dividing a complex system or structure into smaller, simpler elements. These elements are then mathematically modeled using equations and algorithms that take into account the material properties, boundary conditions, and loads applied to the system. The equations are then solved using powerful computers to predict the behavior of the system.

3. What is the verification process in FEA analysis?

The verification process in FEA analysis involves comparing the results of the simulation with known analytical or experimental results. This is done to ensure that the FEA model is accurate and reliable. Verification is an important step in the FEA analysis process to ensure the validity of the results.

4. How are values verified in FEA analysis?

Values in FEA analysis are verified by comparing them with known analytical or experimental results. This can be done by performing the same analysis using different FEA software, using different mesh densities, or by comparing the results with hand calculations. Additionally, the results can also be verified by physically testing the system and comparing the results with the FEA analysis.

5. What are some common sources of error in FEA analysis?

Some common sources of error in FEA analysis include incorrect boundary conditions, inaccurate material properties, poorly defined geometry, and inadequate mesh density. It is important to carefully review and validate all inputs in the FEA model to minimize errors and ensure accurate results.

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