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Homework Statement
A wave pulse on a string is given by D(x) = D[0][/SUB]/(x[2][/SUP]+a[2][/SUP]), where D0 is a constant with units of cm3 and a is a constant with units of meters.
a. If the wave moves along the string at a velocity of v in cm/s, what is the transverse velocity of particles on the string at x = a and t = 0?
b. At time t = 0, what is the maximum transverse speed of particles anywhere on the string?
Homework Equations
Displacement as a function of time is given by D(x,t) = D(x - vt).
The transverse velocity is given by v = ∂D/∂t.
The Attempt at a Solution
I have absolutely no idea how to approach this at all. I tried doing the derivative of D(x), but the answer is incorrect. My incorrect answer was v = -D[0][/SUB]/(2a[2][/SUP]*10000)